Trump has the virus

It was a misrepresentation of the effect it would have across all health levels and age groups. The one size fits all lockdown was a hoax and caused major issues as well

Whether I agree with Trump and when/where he stated it is irrelevant. It was a hoax

Unless clairvoyance or time travel is real in your reality, when he said those words - it was relevant. You can be mad about the one size fits all lockdown, but that decision was made in consultation with the governors after hospitals were starting to fill up. That the pandemic didn't take more lives or wasn't worse has no bearing on trumps statements back in February as he desperately tried to allay fears.
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Do you think how quickly and completely Trump recovers will impact some people's perception of Covid?

Sure, and that may be a problem. My wife was over the worst part within three days without hospitalization or the kind of treatment Trump got (she'll be 70 this month). Part of my reaction is "hey, this is survivable. The other part is I know how bad she felt, and I want no part of it. Like when I had to help her out of bed and later pick her up off the bathroom floor - which she can't even remember. I can taste food and smell things that aren't right, and she can't. She was still cognitively and physically impaired for two to three weeks after - not severe but definitely off her normal game. So I know the other part of the story that will keep me doing protective measures whereas many will look at a quick Trump recovery and go with "well, that's nothing." Part of me says Trump would recover almost as quickly without the treatment - but why take the risk.
If Trump survives it, then it must be ready.

That's not accurate. The reason broad trials are performed through the drug approval process with diverse enrollment is to prove efficacy across as many risk profiles as can be enrolled. It could be catastrophic to approve a treatment for a mass population because one 70 year old caucasian with a certain blood type and medical history had success. If the treatment is harmful to another group of individuals based on other comorbidoties or risk profiles, you can't release it to them. He is simply a data point to the study.

The REGN study is widely viewed with optimism, but they have a lot of data to compile (as do the vaccine makers) before they can release for public use. I'm not arguing if Trump should or should not have taken the REGN treatment. Clearly they had enough data available to make a decision about its use for his treatment, and I hope he recovers fully.
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Sure, and that may be a problem. My wife was over the worst part within three days without hospitalization or the kind of treatment Trump got (she'll be 70 this month). Part of my reaction is "hey, this is survivable. The other part is I know how bad she felt, and I want no part of it. Like when I had to help her out of bed and later pick her up off the bathroom floor - which she can't even remember. I can taste food and smell things that aren't right, and she can't. She was still cognitively and physically impaired for two to three weeks after - not severe but definitely off her normal game. So I know the other part of the story that will keep me doing protective measures whereas many will look at a quick Trump recovery and go with "well, that's nothing." Part of me says Trump would recover almost as quickly without the treatment - but why take the risk.
That's my fear of a what a quick and full recovery will bring about. If the result of Trump having Covid is some people who previously didn't take it seriously now take it more seriously, it will be a positive. If the result is fewer people taking it seriously, it will be a negative.
Glad your wife is doing well and hope she completely recovers. But maybe not being able to smell everything isn't the worst when you're living with a 70 year old man.
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Good god what an ass
Just to wave. Then right back into the hospital.

Are you kidding? He wasn't even going home?


I mean, they could have just dressed up a mannequin and shoved it in the back of the beast and every trumper across the 50 would have bought that he was just fine.

Where are this guys babysitters? Seriously, where are the adults that tell him to stop doing sht like this?
Should have just waved from a window or something. Going out there in a car for a quick run around the block just shows either how dumb his team or how massive his ego is that he has to get the applause.
Just saw this on the news Trump is a freaking moron who has zero concern for others. Can’t believe I voted for this POS

Thank you for admitting making an error brother. Be great if we could get a few others on here to admit maybe voting Trump wasn't a stroke of genius
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Sure, and that may be a problem. My wife was over the worst part within three days without hospitalization or the kind of treatment Trump got (she'll be 70 this month). Part of my reaction is "hey, this is survivable. The other part is I know how bad she felt, and I want no part of it. Like when I had to help her out of bed and later pick her up off the bathroom floor - which she can't even remember. I can taste food and smell things that aren't right, and she can't. She was still cognitively and physically impaired for two to three weeks after - not severe but definitely off her normal game. So I know the other part of the story that will keep me doing protective measures whereas many will look at a quick Trump recovery and go with "well, that's nothing." Part of me says Trump would recover almost as quickly without the treatment - but why take the risk.
In case you didn't see my edit:
Glad your wife is okay!
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So you guys can't claim he's dead or so incapacitated the 25th amendment needs to be invoked. Bummer. You might still try the "Weekend at Bernie's" approach.

The decision to ride around and wave is so bad that I think it's pretty reasonable to question his mental fitness.
Are you kidding? He wasn't even going home?


I mean, they could have just dressed up a mannequin and shoved it in the back of the beast and every trumper across the 50 would have bought that he was just fine.

Where are this guys babysitters? Seriously, where are the adults that tell him to stop doing sht like this?

I think he ran most of the off, if you don’t agree with him you end up on the **** list. Nothing new.
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Photos show the Secret Service agents had on lots of PPE. Still, just completely unnecessary. The risk it creates completely outweighs the infinitesimal benefit.

Read the Dr. James Phillips tweet after this one, where he talks about how the Presidential SUV is hermetically sealed against chemical attack, which makes the risk of transmission of COVID-19 inside the vehicle as high as it gets outside of medical procedures. Dr. Phillips really tears Trump a new one over this "drive by" stunt. Dr. Phillips also adds that, "The irresponsibility is astounding," and then he expresses concern for the Secret Service agents who were unnecessarily placed at risk.

There is really nothing else to conclude from this unnecessary political stunt, but that Donald Trump only cares about himself.
That's my fear of a what a quick and full recovery will bring about. If the result of Trump having Covid is some people who previously didn't take it seriously now take it more seriously, it will be a positive. If the result is fewer people taking it seriously, it will be a negative.
Glad your wife is doing well and hope she completely recovers. But maybe not being able to smell everything isn't the worst when you're living with a 70 year old man.

Thank you. My doctor had covid, too. His experience was pretty similar but more difficult than my wife's - even though he is perhaps 20 years younger than us. He was not back in the office for over three weeks and lost a lot of weight - and he didn't have weight to lose and was very fit before covid. I'll tell anybody "it may not kill you, but you still don't want it." Since I had been for my normal checkup immediately before my wife started showing symptoms, I called and talked to him about my exposure. When I said I assumed it was a just matter of time for me, he said not necessarily to keep up the protective measures.
Sure, and that may be a problem. My wife was over the worst part within three days without hospitalization or the kind of treatment Trump got (she'll be 70 this month). Part of my reaction is "hey, this is survivable. The other part is I know how bad she felt, and I want no part of it. Like when I had to help her out of bed and later pick her up off the bathroom floor - which she can't even remember. I can taste food and smell things that aren't right, and she can't. She was still cognitively and physically impaired for two to three weeks after - not severe but definitely off her normal game. So I know the other part of the story that will keep me doing protective measures whereas many will look at a quick Trump recovery and go with "well, that's nothing." Part of me says Trump would recover almost as quickly without the treatment - but why take the risk.

Best wishes to you and your wife.
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