Trump has the virus

My daughter has covid right now and we were just outside playing basketball. It isn't that bad stop falling for the BS.

Fortunately I haven't had it, but I've had three employees who have. Two of the three were moderately ill, about like a bad flu. The third was in the hospital for three days without any other co-morbidities. By all means though, use your anecdotal evidence of a childs experience to dive head long into a blanket statement.
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Are you kidding? He wasn't even going home?


I mean, they could have just dressed up a mannequin and shoved it in the back of the beast and every trumper across the 50 would have bought that he was just fine.

Where are this guys babysitters? Seriously, where are the adults that tell him to stop doing sht like this?
Giving anonymous statements to NYT and WaPo about all the ****** things he does.
I don't think it is "wishful thinking" to want to know if the illness has compromised him so much that he is unfit to serve. You all have been saying this about Biden for months -- close to a year or more really.

Time to man up and apply the standard you have been screeching about for so long to your own guy.
"Blow it out of proportion?" He said that in February and had no idea how big or far reaching it'd be. Before he shut down the borders and shut down the economy.

This was him downplaying it all, minimizing it in a futile attempt to shore up the only thing he touched that wasn't shtting the bed. He implied, it, the virus wasn't to be taken seriously - and now a revisionist history about the words he used is being trotted out to play down, yet again, something so stupid - it needs to be walked back by "clarifying" it.

Have a great evening to you too, Hutch.
Is it serious? Yes. Is it a serious threat for everyone? No. The Dems and MSM decided to take it and run with it to make it sound like anyone that gets it has a good chance to die and that it’s Trump fault. That’s the hoax. Thanks Sep!
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This is some comedy TV

Trump is doing well, after parsing his drug cocktail he clearly is doing worse than they say.

Trump does videos and a quick jaunt out clearly to show he’s doing well and to allay fears.

What an ass how dare he!

I’m guessing tomorrow’s will be back to “I bet the bastard had two scoops of that really expensive ice cream that Nancy buys and made them go out and buy it for him!”

You school girls literally find fault with the color of suit and tie he chooses for the day. Oh but wait “nuh uh he wasn’t even wearing a tie the last two days you’re wrong you Trump fan boy!”

Fortunately I haven't had it, but I've had three employees who have. Two of the three were moderately ill, about like a bad flu. The third was in the hospital for three days without any other co-morbidities. By all means though, use your anecdotal evidence of a childs experience to dive head long into a blanket statement.

If you are young and healthy live your life. If you are old or have pre existing conditions maybe take some caution. It isn't that hard.
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Fortunately I haven't had it, but I've had three employees who have. Two of the three were moderately ill, about like a bad flu. The third was in the hospital for three days without any other co-morbidities. By all means though, use your anecdotal evidence of a childs experience to dive head long into a blanket statement.
How healthy was the one that wound up in the hospital? If they were quite healthy did they perhaps just let themselves get run down?

I don’t know anybody first hand that had it but I know of a handful of second hand cases of mostly healthy people and nobody would up until the hospital. I do know of a nurse who died from it who was a friend of a cousin but they were treating COVID and very high risk. This was probably 3 months back.
What we did in response to coronavirus is a fact. You may think it was overkill, but that's not what it means to be a hoax. A hoax involves a misrepresentation. So what was the "hoax" Trump was referring to?

Further, at the time of this speech (late February) there was no lockdown anywhere in the US, so your explanation holds no water. So nice try. Please play again.

Definition of HOAX
The hoax was how the Dems and MSM made it seem like if you got the virus you had a good chance of dying even though they knew that for the overwhelming majority the virus would be little to no symptoms and the other part is that this is somehow Trump’s fault. There’s your hoax.
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Read the Dr. James Phillips tweet after this one, where he talks about how the Presidential SUV is hermetically sealed against chemical attack, which makes the risk of transmission of COVID-19 inside the vehicle as high as it gets outside of medical procedures. Dr. Phillips really tears Trump a new one over this "drive by" stunt. Dr. Phillips also adds that, "The irresponsibility is astounding," and then he expresses concern for the Secret Service agents who were unnecessarily placed at risk.

There is really nothing else to conclude from this unnecessary political stunt, but that Donald Trump only cares about himself.

In before, "but it's their job."
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Is it serious? Yes. Is it a serious threat for everyone? No. The Dems and MSM decided to take it and run with it to make it sound like anyone that gets it has a good chance to die and that it’s Trump fault. That’s the hoax. Thanks Sep!

If he said it now, he could probably get away with it. What he said in February was based on nonsense because he didn't know - none of us did.

Again, it was February when he made his call, you can keep trying but you simply can't spin that fact. What he said was stupid and you're trying to employ the luxury of hindsight to justify his words.
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This is some comedy TV

Trump is doing well, after parsing his drug cocktail he clearly is doing worse than they say.

Trump does videos and a quick jaunt out clearly to show he’s doing well and to allay fears.

What an ass how dare he!

I’m guessing tomorrow’s will be back to “I bet the bastard had two scoops of that really expensive ice cream that Nancy buys and made them go out and buy it for him!”

You school girls literally find fault with the color of suit and tie he chooses for the day. Oh but wait “nuh uh he wasn’t even wearing a tie the last two days you’re wrong you Trump fan boy!”

Are we just supposed to ignore the comments on Twitter of an attending physician from Walter Reed Hospital? I'm sorry, but the opinions of Dr. James Phillips are noteworthy and they will make the rounds and be discussed. What Trump did was a completely selfish and unnecessary political stunt which will place others at risk of becoming ill. It was reckless and stupid, while also being 100% consistent with his character and previous conduct.
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Read the Dr. James Phillips tweet after this one, where he talks about how the Presidential SUV is hermetically sealed against chemical attack, which makes the risk of transmission of COVID-19 inside the vehicle as high as it gets outside of medical procedures. Dr. Phillips really tears Trump a new one over this "drive by" stunt. Dr. Phillips also adds that, "The irresponsibility is astounding," and then he expresses concern for the Secret Service agents who were unnecessarily placed at risk.

There is really nothing else to conclude from this unnecessary political stunt, but that Donald Trump only cares about himself.
Oh FFS all vehicle NBC systems are by passable and don’t have to always run in 100% recirc. By design they are capable of 100% recirc or even much better than normal fresh air ventilation.
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Are we just supposed to ignore the comments on Twitter of an attending physician from Walter Reed Hospital? I'm sorry, but the opinions of Dr. James Phillips are noteworthy and they will make the rounds and be discussed. What Trump did was a completely selfish and unnecessary political stunt which will place others at risk of becoming ill. It was reckless and stupid, while also being 100% consistent with his character and previous conduct.
ND40 thinks kiddiedoc is the leading authority on all things covid.
The hoax was how the Dems and MSM made it seem like if you got the virus you had a good chance of dying even though they knew that for the overwhelming majority the virus would be little to no symptoms and the other part is that this is somehow Trump’s fault. There’s your hoax.

Okay, Rover go fetch me a few elected Dem politicians saying this.
In case you didn't see my edit:
Glad your wife is okay!

I did, and I don't smell up the place I'll have you know. We do have a couple of cats who can make some pretty horrendous smells from time to time, though. Thanks again for the best wishes - and you keep safe, too.
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Are we just supposed to ignore the comments on Twitter of an attending physician from Walter Reed Hospital? I'm sorry, but the opinions of Dr. James Phillips are noteworthy and they will make the rounds and be discussed. What Trump did was a completely selfish and unnecessary political stunt which will place others at risk of becoming ill. It was reckless and stupid, while also being 100% consistent with his character and previous conduct.
Yes see the comment I just gave you on vehicle NBC.

The doctor needs to worry about patients. It’s up to POTUS and his staff to determine if and when a reassuring appearance is warranted. Based on the fear mongering of you school girls hell yes it was warranted.
Yes see the comment I just gave you on vehicle NBC.

The doctor needs to worry about patients. It’s up to POTUS and his staff to determine if an when a reassuring appearance is warranted. Based on the fear mongering of you school girls hell yes it was warranted.
That is not what one of the doctors at Walter Reed obviously thinks.
In before, "but it's their job."
This is exactly the sort of thing which Donald Trump and Fox News would have criticized Barack Obama for five years ago. Trump was once critical of Obama on Twitter for taking a vacation to Hawaii during Christmas because it took Secret Service Agents away from their families. Trump just willfully placed their health at risk.
Is it serious? Yes. Is it a serious threat for everyone? No. The Dems and MSM decided to take it and run with it to make it sound like anyone that gets it has a good chance to die and that it’s Trump fault. That’s the hoax. Thanks Sep!

So "itZ teH DeMs aNd Th3 Msm FaLt"?

They made him call something he had no idea the scope of "a hoax."


Or the more plausible scenario is that he was talking off the cuff and thought he'd convince his Simple Jack followers that everything was fine...? Just before he took pride in closing the borders.

Have a pleasant evening.
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How healthy was the one that wound up in the hospital? If they were quite healthy did they perhaps just let themselves get run down?

I don’t know anybody first hand that had it but I know of a handful of second hand cases of mostly healthy people and nobody would up until the hospital. I do know of a nurse who died from it who was a friend of a cousin but they were treating COVID and very high risk. This was probably 3 months back.

25 year old female, got it from the gym after it was deemed OK to open back up. She was fairly healthy otherwise, I'm guessing. It was about 45 days ago, she's still hacking.
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