Trump has the virus

Thank you, My wife donated plasma afterwards. Definitely a bigger ordeal than just donating blood. That may have slowed her recovery a bit, too.

My anonymous thanks goes to her. My brother and his wife did the same. They and their kids had it a few months ago after having a friend over for dinner. The kids were largely asymptomatic. His wife was sick for a few days, but my brother had a pretty difficult time for about a week and a half. Their friend was intubated, and unfortunately passed away.
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25 year old female, got it from the gym after it was deemed OK to open back up. She was fairly healthy otherwise, I'm guessing. It was about 45 days ago, she's still hacking.
Oh wow I would have figured she would have plowed right back. Interesting thanks for the data point.
This is exactly the sort of thing which Donald Trump and Fox News would have criticized Barack Obama for five years ago. Trump was once critical of Obama on Twitter for taking a vacation to Hawaii during Christmas because it took Secret Service Agents away from their families. Trump just placed their health at risk.
That’s interesting that he used to be capable of that level of empathy.

I guess it’s not that surprising when you think of other cult figures and how the fawning devotion of their followers exacerbated their personality disorder.
I’d guess kiddiedoc knows a helluva lot more about it than you school girls.
You like the hydroxychloroquine he's giving you.

Go back and search his posts on herd immunity. He said, and I quote, NYC "most likely" has herd immunity. You know what, the HARDEST hit communities in nyc during the first wave, some of which are over 50% positive on the antibody tests (like the Hasidic neighborhoods), are seeing a surge that threatens to close NYC down again. Citywide the antibody percentage is below 30%. So if the Hasidic community doesn't have herd immunity yet, the city as a whole sure as hell doesn't have it. And do you know why a lot of the hasidic community had lapsed on mask wearing and social distancing? They said they had been told they acquired herd immunity in the spring.
You like the hydroxychloroquine he's giving you.

Go back and search his posts on herd immunity. He said, and I quote, NYC "most likely" has herd immunity. You know what, the HARDEST hit communities in nyc during the first wave, some of which are over 50% positive on the antibody tests (like the Hasidic neighborhoods), are seeing a surge that threatens to close NYC down again. Citywide the antibody percentage is below 30%. So if the Hasidic community doesn't have herd immunity yet, the city as a whole sure as hell doesn't have it. And do you know why a lot of the hasidic community had lapsed on mask wearing and social distancing? They said they had been told they acquired herd immunity in the spring.
Apparently in addition to being an MD he also gets free section 8 housing in your thick skull sister 😂
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Fortunately I haven't had it, but I've had three employees who have. Two of the three were moderately ill, about like a bad flu. The third was in the hospital for three days without any other co-morbidities. By all means though, use your anecdotal evidence of a childs experience to dive head long into a blanket statement.
I know several practicing physicians, socially and professionally. They all generally say the statistics generally play out, but every now and then they’ll have a 30 year old with no comorbidities that just gets unpredictably wrecked by it. None have had anybody that young die, knock on wood, but they’re all generally peeved at the reliance on the death statistics, like that’s the only negative experience you could have from it.
He has done plenty, most notably the debate performance for 90 minutes. The worries about earpieces and pee breaks were all the usual GOP misdirection and lying.

Biden has run a stand up campaign. Straightforward, no lying, no BS. A pragmatic campaign he can be proud of. But as to be expected, Trump has been in the muck and mire, inventing BS reasons to ignore his own ineptitude, chaos, and lying. Trotting out the standard boogeymen and frabrications.

And now, with 30 days to go, Trump is afflicted with a disease that squarely RAISES the very same concerns he raised about Biden. And he's hiding and lying some more.
Did you really just type that Biden has not lied? Come on LG. There’s tons of proof that you are either lying or willfully ignorant. Which is it?
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I know several practicing physicians, socially and professionally. They all generally say the statistics generally play out, but every now and then they’ll have a 30 year old with no comorbidities that just gets unpredictably wrecked by it. None have had anybody that young die, knock on wood, but they’re all generally peeved at the reliance on the death statistics, like that’s the only negative experience you could have from it.
From what I've read, a lot has to do with the viral load you get infected with. This may explain why a lot of young doctors and nurses get wrecked by it when they get it, even though they're otherwise healthy. The whistleblower doctor in China that raised a stink about it died of it and he was in his thirties.

Coronavirus kills Chinese whistleblower doctor
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If he said it now, he could probably get away with it. What he said in February was based on nonsense because he didn't know - none of us did.

Again, it was February when he made his call, you can keep trying but you simply can't spin that fact. What he said was stupid and you're trying to employ the luxury of hindsight to justify his words.
Funny you say that when the Dems and MSM try to use hindsight to say he should’ve done this or that so good try yourself.
So "itZ teH DeMs aNd Th3 Msm FaLt"?

They made him call something he had no idea the scope of "a hoax."


Or the more plausible scenario is that he was talking off the cuff and thought he'd convince his Simple Jack followers that everything was fine...? Just before he took pride in closing the borders.

Have a pleasant evening.
Or he knows how dumb the Dems and MSM are because they literally do the same stupid thing over and over and over to no avail. So YOU have a great night!
I know several practicing physicians, socially and professionally. They all generally say the statistics generally play out, but every now and then they’ll have a 30 year old with no comorbidities that just gets unpredictably wrecked by it. None have had anybody that young die, knock on wood, but they’re all generally peeved at the reliance on the death statistics, like that’s the only negative experience you could have from it.

I have some friends too that are MD's, the one thing they said was a constant across the super bad outcome/hospitalization was obesity (BMI over 30). Unfortunately, there's a lot of that around.
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My anonymous thanks goes to her. My brother and his wife did the same. They and their kids had it a few months ago after having a friend over for dinner. The kids were largely asymptomatic. His wife was sick for a few days, but my brother had a pretty difficult time for about a week and a half. Their friend was intubated, and unfortunately passed away.

Sorry to hear that; it's so easy for people who are exposed and asymptomatic to unknowingly infect others. I was really concerned that I night have exposed people in the doctor's office, so I called him as soon as I knew she was sick. That's why I'm really big on mask use - the right kind of mask. When I worked did some work in Japan years ago, I'd see people in public with masks. The company we worked with assigned a guy to help me and he explained people with colds or similar wore masks to protect others, so the thought of masks as a preventive tool even for people who weren't known to be sick didn't seen that unreasonable. I think the most scary part about covid is how one person can have virtually no symptoms but the next guy becomes deathly ill.
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I have some friends too that are MD's, the one thing they said was a constant across the super bad outcome/hospitalization was obesity (BMI over 30). Unfortunately, there's a lot of that around.
I heard that exact thing today from a Dr/client of mine.

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