Trump has the virus

Yes see the comment I just gave you on vehicle NBC.

The doctor needs to worry about patients. It’s up to POTUS and his staff to determine if and when a reassuring appearance is warranted. Based on the fear mongering of you school girls hell yes it was warranted.

Wave from the window, like Reagan did.
How many people do you believe will perceive covid differently if Trump recovers quickly with no complications as opposed to him worsening and having to remain hospitalized?
Don't think it will change my mind at all. From my personal experience, I know people who have had it and recovered just fine, and a couple who are dead. The dead ones were in the nursing home, eaten up with cancer, and almost 90, but they gave them a test, and declared them covid victims.
No, he would sell vials of blood to his worshipers and tell them it's his.
I actually reached the same conclusion. At first I thought he might add one drop of his blood to every gallon of peasant blood just to be kind of honest, and then I realized how foolish I was being.
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From what I've read, a lot has to do with the viral load you get infected with. This may explain why a lot of young doctors and nurses get wrecked by it when they get it, even though they're otherwise healthy. The whistleblower doctor in China that raised a stink about it died of it and he was in his thirties.
Yeah. There’s some thought now that masks may actually be inoculating people by limiting their initial viral load. It seemed wishful and based on some limited, dated research, but it’s out there for that reason.

Consistency re: efficacy of masks is another area where you can judge VN doctors etc. Sometimes it’s fun to read the main Covid thread back when it was only in China and Europe and not in America. Everybody was *****ing their britches, back then. Somehow, crossing the ocean made it less serious.
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Good point my family is in much more danger from getting in a car accident than they are from Covid.
I would advise them to take every reasonable precaution while driving in order to reduce their risks of being in an accident.
But that's just me. Some are happy to drive drunk on bald tires with bad brakes while not wearing a seat belt. It's like they are stupid or something.
I would advise them to take every reasonable precaution while driving in order to reduce their risks of being in an accident.
But that's just me. Some are happy to drive drunk on bald tires with bad brakes while not wearing a seat belt. It's like they are stupid or something.
Maybe the stupidity is the actual risk factor.
I would advise them to take every reasonable precaution while driving in order to reduce their risks of being in an accident.
But that's just me. Some are happy to drive drunk on bald tires with bad brakes while not wearing a seat belt. It's like they are stupid or something.

Like ur kid swapping sweat on the field?
I would advise them to take every reasonable precaution while driving in order to reduce their risks of being in an accident.
But that's just me. Some are happy to drive drunk on bald tires with bad brakes while not wearing a seat belt. It's like they are stupid or something.

It seems more likely you would tell them to never leave the house because something bad could happen.
Don't think it will change my mind at all. From my personal experience, I know people who have had it and recovered just fine, and a couple who are dead. The dead ones were in the nursing home, eaten up with cancer, and almost 90, but they gave them a test, and declared them covid victims.
I don't view you as the average're welcome.
I actually reached the same conclusion. At first I thought he might add one drop of his blood to every gallon of peasant blood just to be kind of honest, and then I realized how foolish I was being.
Who are we kidding, it wouldn't even be human blood.
Maybe he suffers from TDS, not unlike yourself.
Right. Everyone critical of Trump, even when it's an MD expressing a health concern for others, has to be guilty of a politically motivated bias. That can be the only rational explanation for the criticism, right?
Who are the Dems who "made it seem" that if you got covid "you had a good chance of dying"?

I'll wait Rover.
The ones that kept their states shut down and implemented some really stupid rules around masks. Thanks for the softball. No fetching needed. You can look the names up yourself.

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