Trump has the virus

Unless clairvoyance or time travel is real in your reality, when he said those words - it was relevant. You can be mad about the one size fits all lockdown, but that decision was made in consultation with the governors after hospitals were starting to fill up. That the pandemic didn't take more lives or wasn't worse has no bearing on trumps statements back in February as he desperately tried to allay fears.
You're mad Trump was right, because there was no way for Trump to know he was right at the time? Interesting 😂
The fact that he could be discharged tomorrow is what makes this even more unnecessary. Yes, that drive by could have waited. This is so stupid.
Pace yourself. You need to find at least one more thing to get pissed off about before bedtime tonight and then theres a full week ahead after he is on the mend that will send you even more batshitcrazy than you already are.
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Apparently not!
Apparently, there was a driver plus someone up front in the passenger seat. Everybody wearing masks. So, Trump was the only person in the back seat . Do we know for a fact that there isn't a glass partition separating the front from the back compartment, like in a limousine?
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Who are we kidding, it wouldn't even be human blood.
I don't know, Trump seems like the kind of guy who would appreciate human blood being sacrificed in his name. He could maybe enlist the Proud Boys for donations.
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He left the hospital, didn't even go to McDonald's, and you think he is fine?
There was one picture where it looked like he was holding a fry. Maybe they had it waiting on him, the whole thing being just a cover so he could get his grease fix.
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Liberals Outraged After Trump Makes Surprise Visit To Supporters Outside Walter Reed Hospital

Ironically, Trump appears to have made more media appearances - despite being sick with covid - on Sunday, than Joe Biden:
Wait was there a Biden lid today??
Did Trump
Do more events than Biden
While in the hospital with covid??
— Comfortably Smug (@ComfortablySmug) October 4, 2020

And in case that's not enough, some on the left were also infuriated that the White House is already selling memorial coins commemorating Trump "defeating" Covid. The price: $100.

This is real.
— Spencer Jakab (@Spencerjakab) October 4, 2020
All the more reason not to risk anyone else's health like he did.
Not your call. Just because they are talking tomorrow it doesn’t mean it will happen. Plus he’s feeling better and wanted to show he’s still capable of leading so he did.

So that turd didn’t stick go ahead and pitch another keep trying.
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