Trump has the virus

I was reading that if the Notre Dame person that ended up testing positive (I think he was the dean of the law school) had been a Notre Dame student his attendance at a gathering like this would have violated the requirements that Notre Dame students have to agree to observe. Do as I say, not as I do.
He’s doing some dancing now.
No, kiddiedoc was arguing that I was looking at admission guidelines, while the webpage clearly said treatment guidelines.
You did understand anyone who needs supplemental O2 or ventilation will already be admitted.. Right? That's why they are speaking about treatment guidelines.
Those are treatment guidelines for physicians who have admitted pts and they can give them steroids is their chest CT looks patchy. If you aren't hospitalized your doctor may give you steroids if you are short of breath. Doctors, because they are doctors may feel a situation calls for steroids outside of a clinical setting to ease the shortness of breath or keep you out of the hospital. What do you think inhalers are EL? Some of them contain steroids. We have these discussions about pts all the time.
If trump is being observed and dropped below 94% Saturation, they would have taken into consideration his chest x-ray, how much O2 he was requiring before adding the steroids.
You were looking at admission guidelines guidance. Those already in the hospital.
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Now I know I'm on target.
Yes because you making statements without walking the walk means you are right on target. Tell me wise one why we are using RT-PCR that was meant for research to diagnose a virus we haven't isolated a pure virus strain for?
9 months into this you should be able to give me an educated response without articles.
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That helps. Are they keeping this a secret, how to beat it?
I’ve been screaming about therapeutics since the beginning. Even Evillawyer pointed out the obvious. I asked a local doctor (huge liberal) on a forum about what is the protocol for a mildly symptomatic patient.

Go home. Yup that’s it’s. Trump gets two drugs that seemingly reversed symptoms within hours. Meanwhile people are dying. I think the long term look back on this will be embarrassing for the health community. Remember the UT super computer that was going to suggest therapies? That was almost 6 months ago. Have you heard another word? Why?

I also believe that there are different strains of the virus, some more deadly than others. The US was hit on both coasts. If you look at the death toll in NYC, it’s higher than the entire state of Florida.
Florida has recorded almost 300k more cases yet than NY, yet NY has more than twice the deaths. Meanwhile Cuomo is applauded while Desantis is vilified. These stats are there for anyone to see and yet the media is strangely silent.
Yes because you making statements without walking the walk means you are right on target. Tell me wise one why we are using RT-PCR that was meant for research to diagnose a virus we haven't isolated a pure virus strain for?
9 months into this you should be able to give me an educated response without articles.
I know that's the burning question on everyone's mind. How about this, how can you make inferences about herd immunity not knowing about the known variable reinfection?
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I’ve been screaming about therapeutics since the beginning. Even Evillawyer pointed out the obvious. I asked a local doctor (huge liberal) on a forum about what is the protocol for a mildly symptomatic patient.

Go home. Yup that’s it’s. Trump gets two drugs that seemingly reversed symptoms within hours. Meanwhile people are dying. I think the long term look back on this will be embarrassing for the health community. Remember the UT super computer that was going to suggest therapies? That was almost 6 months ago. Have you heard another word? Why?

I also believe that there are different strains of the virus, some more deadly than others. The US was hit on both coasts. If you look at the death toll in NYC, it’s higher than the entire state of Florida.
Florida has recorded almost 300k more cases yet than NY, yet NY has more than twice the deaths. Meanwhile Cuomo is applauded while Desantis is vilified. These stats are there for anyone to see and yet the media is strangely silent.
They aren't strangely silent. They are purposely silent. They aren't going to stop with the worst case scenario reporting up front. While smaller independents are reporting the truth, the msm is going to continue to push fear to those that are suseptable to it. Wah rinse repeat.
I know that the burning question on everyone's mind. How about this, how can you make inferences about herd immunity not knowing about the known variable reinfection?
Answer the question. Then we'll talk about natural immunity.
I am. Tickles me the whole media cycle for 2 days was that he didn't, when he clearly did.
Lies upon lies.
Trump wasn't clear at all. He took what should have been an easy question and he made it more complicated than it needed to be. Trump has done this before. He is reluctant to disavow support of any kind. Whenever the subject of white nationalists is brought up, Trump will usually become defensive and try to change the subject to Antifa or Black Lives Matter. All he had to say, was "I disavow all hate groups including white nationalists,". That should have taken 5 seconds.
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Trump wasn't clear at all. He took what should have been an easy question and he made it more complicated than it needed to be. Trump has done this before. He is reluctant to disavow support of any kind. Whenever the subject of white nationalists is brought up, Trump will usually become defensive and try to change the subject to Antifa or Black Lives Matter. All he had to say, was "I disavow all hate groups including white nationalists,". That should have taken 5 seconds.
So trump spoke like trump and not how you wanted him to. I see the problem.
You did understand anyone who needs supplemental O2 or ventilation will already be admitted.. Right? That's why they are speaking about treatment guidelines.
Those are treatment guidelines for physicians who have admitted pts and they can give them steroids is their chest CT looks patchy. If you aren't hospitalized your doctor may give you steroids if you are short of breath. Doctors, because they are doctors may feel a situation calls for steroids outside of a clinical setting to ease the shortness of breath or keep you out of the hospital. What do you think inhalers are EL? Some of them contain steroids. We have these discussions about pts all the time.
If trump is being observed and dropped below 94% Saturation, they would have taken into consideration his chest x-ray, how much O2 he was requiring before adding the steroids.
You were looking at admission guidelines guidance. Those already in the hospital.
No no no. Sister evil has already parsed the web information and determined that an MD and now you are incorrect! Sorry she said so 🤷‍♂️

AAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! She needs to stick to paralegal work and stay out of medicine 😂
Yes... Trump equivocated when he was asked a very simple question. It is not unreasonable to expect something better from the President of the United States.
You don't have the silver tongued devil Obama speaking. You've expected trump to change to meet your expectations for 4 years now. He's not going to change BB. He's is who he is. Get over it.
You don't have the silver tongued devil Obama speaking. You've expected trump to change to meet your expectations for 4 years now. He's not going to change BB. He's is who he is. Get over it.
You need to get over people calling Trump out for being himself, nurseredhat. But Obama is the "devil" will surely play out well with Trump's base of degenerates.
You don't have the silver tongued devil Obama speaking. You've expected trump to change to meet your expectations for 4 years now. He's not going to change BB. He's is who he is. Get over it.
You said that he had clearly answered the question, when he had once again equivocated and deflected. At this point, I don't care what he does. He only has 108 days left in office. He came in a jackass... it's fine with me if he goes out as one.
Trump wasn't clear at all. He took what should have been an easy question and he made it more complicated than it needed to be. Trump has done this before. He is reluctant to disavow support of any kind. Whenever the subject of white nationalists is brought up, Trump will usually become defensive and try to change the subject to Antifa or Black Lives Matter. All he had to say, was "I disavow all hate groups including white nationalists,". That should have taken 5 seconds.
I don’t need him to disavow anything..... I also don’t require him to soothe me with pretty words.... is his policies racist? If the answer is yes then I have problem.... if not then I don’t care.
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