Trump has the virus

So he walked back what he originally said in the first piece and said they “should be condemned” in the second one. Ok, so, do it you pansy. Oh wait, you choose not to because they vote for you and think you’re their subliminal leader.

Has Trump denounced white supremacy or are you still sticking with the lie ? You didn’t address the last one . Lol
You said that he had clearly answered the question, when he had once again equivocated and deflected. At this point, I don't care what he does. He only has 108 days left in office. He came in a jackass... it's fine with me if he goes out as one.
He said sure right off the bat twice. I'm glad you finally realized the Jack ass isn't changing. Not for you, me or anyone.

The problem isn't that you can't find an occasional comment or two where he says the right thing about this. Its that, invariably, within a short time, he says something to equivocate on it. To mitigate it. To leave room for them to think he is still in their corner. Taken on the whole, he is non-committal and any comment by him that seems on the surface to say he condemns white supremacy is always accompanied at the time, or very soon thereafter, by something far weaker, arguably contradictory to the prior comment, or at the very least intentionally leaving it open to interpretation.
The only thing he’s ever said definitively is that they “should be condemned.” Have you actually heard him say something along the lines of “what they stand for is un-American” or “I do not condone white supremacy.” No, nobody has... even though the law enforcement branch of his administration is obviously concerned about them as a domestic problem. He can’t even acknowledge that. Infer what you will from these facts.
Do I need to hear it? No, I don't. What does condemn mean?
Does he need to use another verb stronger than this one? The question asked if he disavowed them. He said sure. Twice.
So he disavowed them then condemned them.
Are the panties untwisted yet?
The problem isn't that you can't find an occasional comment or two where he says the right thing about this. Its that, invariably, within a short time, he says something to equivocate on it. To mitigate it. To leave room for them to think he is still in their corner. Taken on the whole, he is non-committal and any comment by him that seems on the surface to say he condemns white supremacy is always accompanied at the time, or very soon thereafter, by something far weaker, arguably contradictory to the prior comment, or at the very least intentionally leaving it open to interpretation.
He waffles, on purpose. Once again, he's been doing this for years and you all expected him to change as to not offend the delicate sensibilities we seem to have here.
Nothing defeats the spread like a bunch of maskless people standing and breathing over pizza boxes laying on the ground. MAGA!

What do you mean? I did

Did .. has Trump denounced white supremacy? It’s a very simple question , you are digging a hole for yourself that you really don’t have to , I will keep handing you a bigger shovel to help you though if that’s what you want .
The problem isn't that you can't find an occasional comment or two where he says the right thing about this. Its that, invariably, within a short time, he says something to equivocate on it. To mitigate it. To leave room for them to think he is still in their corner. Taken on the whole, he is non-committal and any comment by him that seems on the surface to say he condemns white supremacy is always accompanied at the time, or very soon thereafter, by something far weaker, arguably contradictory to the prior comment, or at the very least intentionally leaving it open to interpretation.

That’s isn’t what he said in his post and it keeps coming up that he hasn’t . We can be honest or we can keep pushing a lie .
Did .. has Trump denounced white supremacy? It’s a very simple question , you are digging a hole for yourself that you really don’t have to , I will keep handing you a bigger shovel to help you though if that’s what you want .

Burying myself? You think you’ve got something defending a potus who has to walk back his comments about white supremacy during a presidential debate? You’re right, you got me... dead to rights lol
All part of God's plan though I'm sure.

Trump-loving megachurch pastor tests positive for COVID-19 | Raw Story

Some of Mr. Hagee's very Christian thoughts:

Previously, he said God wants welfare recipients to go hungry, and demanded that God either punish America for LGBTQ acceptance or “apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah.” He has also claimed that Hitler was a “hunter” sent by God to drive the Jews back to Israel.
I want to see a link for that quote, because from what I remember, Hagee is the biggest Israeli apologist in the Gentile world.

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