Trump has the virus

Tweets in one hour. There are more than this.


Looks like the dexamethasone has kicked in.

What did he mean by stand back and stand by? Was that clear to you? You are living in la la land if you think it was clear. I watched the debate with both my brothers. Both Trump fans. Both shook their head and said that wasn’t good. Hogs wife called him a dumb ass who is also a Trump fan. How do you think non trump fans received it?
I interpreted it as "okay Chris, I'll say whatever you want....stand down, stand up, stand by your man,,......whatever. Why are you asking me this bullsh!t question again?"
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What did he mean by stand back and stand by? Was that clear to you? You are living in la la land if you think it was clear. I watched the debate with both my brothers. Both Trump fans. Both shook their head and said that wasn’t good. Hogs wife called him a dumb ass who is also a Trump fan. How do you think non trump fans received it?
Who knows what he meant. I'm pretty sure he doesn't even know. He seemed to be fumbling around for words that sounded like condemnation but actually weren't. But it was the most discussed single moment of the debate and It didn't come out well for Trump.
I am. Tickles me the whole media cycle for 2 days was that he didn't, when he clearly did.
Lies upon lies.

The only thing he’s ever said definitively is that they “should be condemned.” Have you actually heard him say something along the lines of “what they stand for is un-American” or “I do not condone white supremacy.” No, nobody has... even though the law enforcement branch of his administration is obviously concerned about them as a domestic problem. He can’t even acknowledge that. Infer what you will from these facts.
The only thing he’s ever said definitively is that they “should be condemned.” Have you actually heard him say something along the lines of “what they stand for is un-American” or “I do not condone white supremacy.” No, nobody has... even though the law enforcement branch of his administration is obviously concerned about them as a domestic problem. He can’t even acknowledge that. Infer what you will from these facts.

Trump condemns white supremacist groups two days after debate.

Trump and white supremacy: he did condemn it and has repeatedly

Trump Has Condemned White Supremacists -

.. is that going to be enough examples to put this lie to bed or do we need more , because there’s more .

So he walked back what he originally said in the first piece and said they “should be condemned” in the second one. Ok, so, do it you pansy. Oh wait, you choose not to because they vote for you and think you’re their subliminal leader.
No that's what I was talking about all along. You can't change the subject and demand jack crap. You can stay on topic and not create an counter argument unrelated to the original.
You do realize there are countless doctors across the US that are stating the exact same sentiments as @kiddiedoc? Countless ICU rns have also caught onto the complete overreaction of the CDC concerning this virus.
The only problem is their message is not getting out. Anyone who says something different or contradictory than the so called "experts" is being talked down to (you do this) on a consistent basis without ever having stepped on a covid unit. Guess what, neither have the " experts ".
There are logical truths to viruses. This one and the reaction to it by the CDC contradict out natural God given defenses against viruses. We have in the past exposed children to certain viruses to give them lifelong natural immunity.
This virus will kill the weak and the infirmed. That's a proven fact. It is a smart thing to do to isolate the weak and infirmed.
We have never isolated the healthy, until now.
There is no reason to isolate the healthy.
Slowing the curve just prolonged the inevitable. If this virus is going to kill you then it's going to kill you.
You know why I don't trust the CDC and find their guidance lacking? I asked a np to look into the blood dyscrasias I was finding with pts because it seemed to be a huge problem with my pts in March. CDC guidelines were not to anticoagulant. Alternate clotting and then bleeding. They clotted everywhere, even around the lines we put in to treat them. CDC guidance came out probably about 45 days later concerning anticoagulation of pts and how it was necessary. We on the ground treat immediately, not 45 days later. Their initial guidance on vent management straight up treated this as if it was ARDS when in reality the pathophysiology was different. Their stance on steroid usage was about 45 days late.
Doctors and nurses on the ground treat, evaluate, test and give the experts the information they make their guidelines on. They don't always put out timely or correct guidance. I see a pt having a problem, we look to solve the problem, right then.
So you might want to back off trying to condemn those who are in the know and are actually hands on with this since the beginning. We don't really need to read cdc guidelines to care for pts, we have the education and the knowledge and experience to do it without the nanny gov guidance.
Now, about my question, quid pro quo Clarice.

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