All because he is a liar, you take lying pretty seriously. What lie has affected you personally, or do you just not like liars? I mean, seriously, the last group in power broke the mold on lying. The group before that did a pretty good job as well with that invasion of Iraq looking for those WMD's. You have been lied to for a long time but this time have you drawn a line in the sand? Why now?
It's not just the lying.
It's screwing a porn star while your THIRD wife is home with a newborn.
It's naming your 5th child by your third wife BARRON.
It's bragging that you can just grab women by the pu$$y,
It's stating that you could shoot someone in Times Square and your minions would still worship you.
He's an elitist like none we've seen before.
He's clinically narcissistic.
He uses childish nicknames like a moronic teen.
The maniacal chants of "lock her up".
The idiotic "Build that wall" and "Mexico will pay" appeal.
Selecting Bannon and Stone as advisers. (that says it all)
Appealing to white nationalists.
It's being divisive as a chosen strategy.
It's the blatant hypocrisy.....Obama and his golfing for example.
It's appealing to the worst aspects of human nature.
It's the strategy of gaslighting. The "fake news" cop out.
It's calling the press "the enemy of the people".
It's admiring dictatorial enemies more than your allies.
Trump is the embodiment of all that is wrong in the universe.