And again... You are admitting to being a party hack, and apparently are OK with it as long as your enemies are just as hacky as you are. You don't seem to understand that every time you defend the thought with a whatabout answer, you're just admitting to being as bad as them. Just the other side of the same currency.
Admit it. It was hilarious that you tried to hold Trump accountable for things that you, yourself defined as Trump's "hyperbole". Again, that word means "not to be taken literally". So, either you are enough of a party hack to try to hold him responsible for things that you believe he never intended as literal, or you are stupid enough to not know the definitions of words you use.
But that's OK, because if Biden had used hyperbole, Republicans would have tried to hold him accountable for it.
OK. You're as manipulative as your enemies. Congrats, I guess? You really won that one.