Trump Secret police

Had Obama done this to quell white supremacists you and your friends here would be apoplectic with outrage, and you know it.

That would depend on your definition of white supremacists. If the klan was causing mayhem like all these leftist terrorist groups then nobody would care what happened to them. If it had been people simply standing to preserve statues or in favor of the confederate flag then no. I know you view them all one and the same.
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That would depend on your definition of white supremacists. If the klan was causing mayhem like all these leftist terrorist groups then nobody would care what happened to them. If it had been people simply standing to preserve statues or in favor of the confederate flag then no. I know you view them all one and the same.

Because several of the people who were arrested have been interviewed and they were never charged.
(They claim it, but as with hate crime hoaxes, several people claim a lot of things for 15 minutes of social media fame)
Because there’s no evidence that any charging documents have been filed in the Oregon District Court.
(Law enforcement paperwork is not all filed as public record, especially in on-going investigations involving gangs, terrorists, etc)
Because the US Attorney for the District of Oregon called for an investigation into what these agencies were doing.
(Ok, there are several "investigations" that have been called for recently, from everything concerning tweets to statues to Russian Collusion, that doesn't mean anything without proof of wrongdoing)
That is certainly how it started out. But indifference from people like you tend to ratchet up the frustration as the racist white Americans continue to a turn a deaf ear And DENY DENY DENY

Try to hold an actual protest for change without burning down structures, assaulting innocent bystanders and LEOs. Stop masking this as a movement for equality when its a platform for anarchy and other BS.

Until then, gonna have to turn up the volume since I can't hear you.

It wasn’t BLM at Stone Mountain. It was NFAK. They will straight tell you they aren’t BLM and don’t agree with BLM.

Thanks for the clarification. I was responding to someone else who said it was BLM.

That was me. Thanks for the clarification Slice. I do not believe either group posed a threat regardless of venue. We will just have to disagree, PT.
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(Ok, there are several "investigations" that have been called for recently, from everything concerning tweets to statues to Russian Collusion, that doesn't mean anything without proof of wrongdoing)

So they filed charges so secret that even the US Attorney who would be in charge of prosecuting them doesn't know about them?

I mean I get maybe he doesn’t come out and say “ah yeah, they charged these guys with conspiracy” but he didn’t have to refer them to the inspector general, either.
So they filed charges so secret that even the US Attorney who would be in charge of prosecuting them doesn't know about them?
i didnt say that, i said if someone is detained or interviewed as part of a federal investigation, do you believe it's always published in public record?
Try to hold an actual protest for change without burning down structures, assaulting innocent bystanders and LEOs. Stop masking this as a movement for equality when its a platform for anarchy and other BS.

Until then, gonna have to turn up the volume since I can't hear you.
How would you categorize NFL players kneeling in protest? I don't remember any assaults or fires on the sidelines
i didnt say that, i said if someone is detained or interviewed as part of a federal investigation, do you believe it's always published in public record?

If they had probable cause to arrest them for questioning about an assault, vandalism, or fire bombing, then they would be charging them and seeking to hold them away from the public. They would not be cutting them loose to resume those crimes that present an immediate threat of loss of life.

Your response to that is essentially “well maybe it wasn’t a public charge.” But if they were charging anyone, even secretly, then the USA would be aware of it, even if the public wasn’t, and he would not be acting confused and referring the situation to the DHS IG.
That is certainly how it started out. But indifference from people like you tend to ratchet up the frustration as the racist white Americans continue to a turn a deaf ear And DENY DENY DENY
What have you done to make a difference?
Peaceful. They've made a choice for what they believe and that's their choice. Not everyone agrees with them either.
But can you hear them? Seems even their peaceful protests were demonized

When peaceful is ignored for far too long it will eventually change to something else. It's inevitable
Which is why the constant cries of "do it peacefully and maybe we'll listen" is complete trash. You won't listen no matter what
What exactly do they want? Their message got lost in the midst of graffiti, looting, rioting and general mayhem.
What exactly do they want? Their message got lost in the midst of graffiti, looting, rioting and general mayhem.
None of that happened in the ones I mentioned. Appears you don't pay attention to peaceful demonstrations

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