Trump Secret police

Your sources speak volumes. Try turning off CNN or MSNBC and taking some time to educate yourself regarding Hitler's rise to power after WWI and his transformation of Germany with the assistance of his inner circle. Then, after that lesson, please explain how exactly that will apply to current US policy, domestically and abroad.

And I'm not your homie. Not even close.

Edit: As for your Charlottesville references, there's a thread completely dedicated to it. It's been discussed repeatedly.

It’s the same BS they use for an AR “ ( Assault Rifle ) and the same BS they use when they want to protect graffiti / message on a public street ( Mural ) . <— This one is beyond absurd because it literally goes against the definition of what a Mural specifically is . “ A painting or work of art excited directly on a WALL” . So they don’t care about what the meaning of something is , only that you accept their definition of it and either be offended by it or praise it . Depending on what their agenda is . Control the language and you control the masses . 2+2=5
Your sources speak volumes. Try turning off CNN or MSNBC and taking some time to educate yourself regarding Hitler's rise to power after WWI and his transformation of Germany with the assistance of his inner circle. Then, after that lesson, please explain how exactly that will apply to current US policy, domestically and abroad.

And I'm not your homie. Not even close.
Come on bro, let's make the world a better place.

Your sources speak volumes. Try turning off CNN or MSNBC and taking some time to educate yourself regarding Hitler's rise to power after WWI and his transformation of Germany with the assistance of his inner circle. Then, after that lesson, please explain how exactly that will apply to current US policy, domestically and abroad.

And I'm not your homie. Not even close.

Edit: As for your Charlottesville references, there's a thread completely dedicated to it. It's been discussed repeatedly.
Vox is is biggest liberal rag there is
What promises were acted upon and what changes were made? It needs more than individual cities making incremental changes

Department reform
Hiring of new officers and reviewing those that have multiple complaints of misconduct
New methods, training and tactics.

That's a start.
We're living in pre-war Nazi Germany. The only question that remains is how the good guys divy up our lands once they deafeat us./QUOTE]

If you know somebody in the Movement, I will pay hefty sums to insure the safety of my ex-wife, my three daughters and my 9 grandchildren.

VN Store
