Trump Secret police

I don’t know. I wasn’t there and neither were you. If due process isn’t being followed, then it’s a problem. But you also can’t have a US city crippled by a group of people whose sole intent is chaos and destruction. Add to that an unwillingness of local authorities to do their job and you have a recipe for federal intervention.

I’d be willing to bet that, if asked off the record, the average Portland resident is glad to see this happening.
Portland wasn't crippled by a crime spree nor was it crippled by protesters.
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Doesn't matter how many times we repeat the obvious, they will continue with the narrative
Pro tip: If they’re destroying private property, they’re not protesters
There is literally nobody saying they are once that line is crossed. There is nobody defending the rioting or looting. But keep up the narrative it is. You all lose you mind when someone takes a knee during the national anthem and if someone pissed on the street during a protest, you would want to call in the Fed's.
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All protest is stupid, doesn't matter if you're white, black, brown, purple, blue, yellow, red or green. Doesn't matter if your republican, democrat or whatever crazy party you identify with. All protest is dumb because a few bad apples always take away from the message.
There is literally nobody saying they are once that line is crossed. There is nobody defending the rioting or looting. But keep up the narrative it is. You all lose you mind when someone takes a knee during the national anthem and if someone pissed on the street during a protest, you would want to call in the Fed's.
That’s what freedom is.... he is free to kneel..... people are free to be pissed about it..... he wouldn’t kneel during the anthem unless he thought it would get the reaction that it did.
Why do you keep saying you're on the sideline. You're here everyday going after anyone that speaks out against Trump, and blame Democrats for everything. You're the starting right guard for team Trump.

I never said one word about Trump ( let it go the TDS is eating your brain ) You actually bring up Trump more than anyone that defends him . I was talking about the people that’s throwing their tantrums, looting , destroying their own cities , how dumb they are for doing that , and the leaders of those cities for letting it get to this point . Me being on the sidelines was talking about my care O meter being broken of them burning their cities down or not . Don’t confuse me saying that piss poor leadership is somehow connected to me caring one way or another as far as them destroying their own nests. I am able to point out the leadership failure without caring what the mob does .
The thing is, you have no proof that anyone detained committed a crime. Protesting is protected under the first Amendment of the United States Constitution.

You are correct wrt protesting. Protesting, however, does not include destruction of property and assault, both of which are criminal. Are you assuming the feds did NOT have warrants for a handful of individuals they had been able to identify that were guilty of those things? I’m not.
All protest is stupid, doesn't matter if you're white, black, brown, purple, blue, yellow, red or green. Doesn't matter if your republican, democrat or whatever crazy party you identify with. All protest is dumb because a few bad apples always take away from the message.
I think friends that actively protested Jim Crow policies would beg to differ.
So it's all black people that riot, destroy property, and assault people? I guess they're just getting what they deserve then, huh? Good to know where you stand.

No, I didn’t say all. Was referencing Antifa. Swing and a miss. Again, complete disconnect on your part and inability to exercise critical thought understanding my point. You too may try again.
None. They threatened a state legislature with guns.

Yet the BLM folks that staged a rally at Stone Mountain that were armed were exercising their 2A rights? I agree, they were. And they did not threaten anyone simply by having the weapons on them. Same as the Michigan state legislature situation. I have no problem with either.
Portland wasn't crippled by a crime spree nor was it crippled by protesters.
Portions of it absolutely have been. Literally millions of dollars in damage. Insurance claims claims we're all on the hook for. If the local failures do nothing then someone has to step in.
None. They threatened a state legislature with guns.

Wrong and stupid . They used their 2a right ( legal ) and went to the capital for a peaceful protest ( also legal in that state ) . Nobody was threatened with a weapon or they would have went to jail .
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