Trump Secret police

"We cannot give up liberty for security," Sen. Rand Paul (R–Ky.) warned on Monday. "Local law enforcement can and should be handling these situations in our cities, but there is no place for federal troops or unidentified federal agents rounding people up at will."

In a federal lawsuit filed on Friday, Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum, citing the accounts of protesters who said they had been subjected to such treatment, argues that the Marshals Service and several Homeland Security agencies thereby violated their First, Fourth, and Fifth Amendment rights. "Every American should be repulsed when they see this happening," she said. "If this can happen here in Portland, it can happen anywhere."

In addition to illegally detaining Americans who were exercising their First Amendment rights, federal agents in Portland—who according to an internal memo were not trained in controlling riots or mass demonstrations—have been accused of firing tear gas at peaceful protesters and shooting journalists with rubber bullets.

The officers who work for Trump have the authority to guard federal property and enforce federal law. But they do not have an open-ended license to "quell" protests, fight crime, or impose Trump's idea of "order" while flouting the wishes of local officials and treating the Constitution as an optional obstacle to the re-election of an increasingly desperate president.
Why are they tracking these groups if they have no intent to engage? If federal officers need assistance against the mob, will PPD become involved or sit on the sidelines playing politics?
They watched as the "demonstrators" tried to break into a PPD precinct, they watched as the "demonstrators" vandalized their building and private businesses, they watched as the "demonstrators" set fires, including a large fire in a city park.

And did nothing.
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Apparently the protestors in Portland are now using leaf blowers to disperse tear gas.

I doubt that’s effective, but it’s hilarious.

Oh, and for those keeping score at home: DHS held a press conference today where they not only acknowledged the validity of the rental van arrest video, but admitted they didn’t have probable cause to arrest the person.
Business Insider is pretty bad too. Also it sounds like it started out as some sort of scam.
That one always confused me. You would think something called Business Insider would be more centrist or center-right. Maybe they just wanted to troll folks.
Why are they tracking these groups if they have no intent to engage? If federal officers need assistance against the mob, will PPD become involved or sit on the sidelines playing politics?
They’ve been ordered down all over large liberal cities and that’s why police officers are leaving those areas in droves. Most liberal politicians there are either too scared to confront the criminals or even worse support their actions. I heard that smaller police Agencies in the south and Midwest and federal agencies are cleaning up with hundreds of these officers applying for jobs
Federal law enforcement has no business policing the streets of American cities. If the local officials refuse to act then it's up to the citizenry to remove them.

Not even to protect Federal Buildings?
I'm torn on that one but I'd say it's within the boundaries for them to police on federal ground.

I could give a rip about state property and I agree the citizens of each state should step up. My point is that the Feds presence has to give the criminals pause.

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