Trump Secret police

Calling people racist.....calling them Nazis.......doesn’t make anything anymore. The crying leftists have used the words incorrectly for so long they no longer mean anything
Obama was called the same and it wasn't from leftists. I look at the ridiculous labels thrown around on here that highlight a complete lack of education.
Ktown and Tyler offspring.

Your sources speak volumes. Try turning off CNN or MSNBC and taking some time to educate yourself regarding Hitler's rise to power after WWI and his transformation of Germany with the assistance of his inner circle. Then, after that lesson, please explain how exactly that will apply to current US policy, domestically and abroad.

And I'm not your homie. Not even close.

Edit: As for your Charlottesville references, there's a thread completely dedicated to it. It's been discussed repeatedly.

Actually it would seem you are the one needing the Hitler education. Either that or reading lessons if you’ve been down that trail. The likenesses are many

Can’t you picture spineless chinless McConnell saluting now?....Meadows, Lindsay, Gaetz, Trey swallowing?

Federal police deployed tear gas and crowd munitions during the protests in Oregon on Tuesday night (pictured, a US flag is waved in front of a fire during the demonstrations)

Portland PD was AWOL.

Portland police said they were not present during the protest and did not engage with demonstrators. They did not use CS gas and did not make arrests.

Despite tracking the protesters as they grouped and regrouped for the multiple assaults, according to the linked article.

At around 10:40 p.m., demonstrators began kicking the front doors of the central precinct, police said.

At around 1 a.m., police said some people opened a fire hydrant at Southwest 3rd Avenue and Southwest Taylor Street and added soap to the water. Other people set several small fires and others vandalized and spray painted city, federal, and private property, police said.

At this time, demonstrators started a large fire in the middle of Lownsdale Square Park.
Portland PD was AWOL.

Portland police said they were not present during the protest and did not engage with demonstrators. They did not use CS gas and did not make arrests.

Despite tracking the protesters as they grouped and regrouped for the multiple assaults, according to the linked article.

At around 10:40 p.m., demonstrators began kicking the front doors of the central precinct, police said.

At around 1 a.m., police said some people opened a fire hydrant at Southwest 3rd Avenue and Southwest Taylor Street and added soap to the water. Other people set several small fires and others vandalized and spray painted city, federal, and private property, police said.

At this time, demonstrators started a large fire in the middle of Lownsdale Square Park.

Why are they tracking these groups if they have no intent to engage? If federal officers need assistance against the mob, will PPD become involved or sit on the sidelines playing politics?
It'll be super meme worthy when Biden turns this task force loose on all the off-grid anti-gov right wingers that freak out the libs. You guys have no ability to look 1-4 years into the future
If they're in the streets inflicting harm on business and citizens it would be justified. If it's retaliation then it would just be a continuation of the current movement. The rioters are the brownshirts here, and many of them have dropped all pretense of being otherwise.

I think you and the left supporting this movement are having trouble seeing where this is going. I'm afraid many middle of the road Democrats are as caught up as the German citizenry was in the 30's.

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