Trump Secret police

Apparently the protestors in Portland are now using leaf blowers to disperse tear gas.

I doubt that’s effective, but it’s hilarious.

Oh, and for those keeping score at home: DHS held a press conference today where they not only acknowledged the validity of the rental van arrest video, but admitted they didn’t have probable cause to arrest the person.

But VolNation told me this was just a smokescreen to exfiltrate an undercover agent!
That one always confused me. You would think something called Business Insider would be more centrist or center-right. Maybe they just wanted to troll folks.

I would say they are center right, but maybe I haven't paid close enough attention the last couple years. I thought RT was being sarcastic
I would say they are center right, but maybe I haven't paid close enough attention the last couple years. I thought RT was being sarcastic
It is their editorial stuff that pushes them center left imo. I see them as the opposite of the WSJ. Very factual reporting on events, with a pretty seriously biased editorial staff.
I'm in agreement with Hog on this. I don't like it at all, but I think defending federal property would fall under their jurisdiction.

That’s good that means the left hasn’t completely brain washed you . Federal property should only be protected by feds , just the same as city property should only be protected by city cops . National guard covers both if the governor decides its was out of control . If we stop the feds from protecting fed or national property nothing in DC would be safe except the White House . No national park would be safe etc .
It is their editorial stuff that pushes them center left imo. I see them as the opposite of the WSJ. Very factual reporting on events, with a pretty seriously biased editorial staff.
I would say they are center right, but maybe I haven't paid close enough attention the last couple years. I thought RT was being sarcastic
All I know is what I see from their headlines on my Reddit newsfeed and the articles I read before realizing it was junk.

It was a lot of like “Trump could face charges” stuff that’s designed to generate clicks and tends to live down to the caricature of liberal media. It might all be opinion stuff or it might be the way r/politics self-selects for that kind of article.
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Not even to protect Federal Buildings?

Yes they can protect Federal Property. But they are moving outside the boundaries of Federal Properties, acting as they are local law enforcement. That is illegal as a court decision will affirm.

The most interesting thing to me is that each of the 3 or so Federal groups involved. (U. s. Marshall’s, HDC) have their name tags removed and have no personal identity. Clearly an advance decision by Barr knowing the public would react badly to this Nazi act and make an effort to conceal the identity of these rogue actors.
They watched as the "demonstrators" tried to break into a PPD precinct, they watched as the "demonstrators" vandalized their building and private businesses, they watched as the "demonstrators" set fires, including a large fire in a city park.

And did nothing.
As is their right. Aren't you a state/local rights guy?
All I know is what I see from their headlines on my Reddit newsfeed and the articles I read before realizing it was junk.

It was a lot of like “Trump could face charges” stuff that’s designed to generate clicks and tends to live down to the caricature of liberal media. It might all be opinion stuff or it might be the way r/politics self-selects for that kind of article.
r/politics is a dangerous place for any sane person to hang out in. That sub is full of socialists. I've been temp banned a couple times for daring to disparage the one true savior of our times, Saint Bernie.
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r/politics is a dangerous place for any sane person to hang out in. That sub is full of socialists. I've been temp banned a couple times for daring to disparage the one true savior of our times, Saint Bernie.

I don’t read the comments. It just shows up on my news page and it aggregates stories about major issues so it’s a decent jumping off point.
Federal law enforcement has no business policing the streets of American cities. If the local officials refuse to act then it's up to the citizenry to remove them.

When it's the unruly citizens that are refusing to be removed, then we've got problems.

Trump sending in unwanted federal aid wasn't the best move he had in the deck. Considering the possible outcomes, he's in a tight spot regardless. If they leave now and just let Portland burn, the politicians of that area will blame his administration for failing to protect and aid the area. If they don't leave, tensions increase and his administration is blamed for being responsible for this entire mess. Either way, the left will possibly come out on top of this unless one of the mob goes Gump and does the unthinkable.

Not the best position to be in.

Just my .02.
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I've said this before and I'm starting to hear other people mumble this, but Trump had better be careful with this. With all of these agent provocateurs and Antifa/Soros guys running around, this is setting up really nicely for a Kent State/false flag event... the media would love nothing more than to spin a story with "Federal" agents shooting "peaceful" protesters.
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As is their right. Aren't you a state/local rights guy?
As is whose right? The PPD has a responsibility to stop crime, not sit by and witness it. That's called "their job". Citizens have a right to protest but protest does not entail destruction of property, that's still a crime. So I'm confused when you say "as is their right".

Totally agree, though, that feds should not be involved in policing cities.
I've said this before and I'm starting to hear other people mumble this, but Trump had better be careful with this. With all of these agent provocateurs and Antifa/Soros guys running around, this is setting up really nicely for a Kent State/false flag event... the media would love nothing more than to spin a story with "Federal" agents shooting "peaceful" protesters.

Spin? Fact! The Feds shot rubber bullets and tear gas at peaceful protestors at Lafayette Square after Barr came out and pointing around assessed they situation

The “shooting” was intended to move the protestors. Why? So Trump could walk to the church for his photo up

If you learned the difference between “spin” and “live TV right in front of your eyes” News being made then and there you might seem more informed

Of course you’re not the only person to confuse Trumps live acts recorded as they are happening as “spin” or worse “fake news” instead of what they are. Trump making a fool of himself proving he earned the title of Dotard
Do you also believe they have a right to defend federal property ?
Absolutely just like an Embassy in a foreign country. If local law enforcement doesn’t protect the perimeter then the feds protect the inside.
If “Americans” were at risk any where in the world we’d expect the US to provide protection and when the local government doesn’t support us that doesn’t stop us

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