Trump Secret police

Although you did not mean to do it, you just described Donald Trump to a T (20,000 lies and counting).
Trump is a liar and certainly creates his own misleading narratives, but most people easily see through it. The media is far more dangerous because most people do not see their narratives for what they are. They want to believe their fictions created through political bias. And quite frankly, they'll still be there long after Trump is out of office. People need to stop burying their heads when it comes to politically biased media reporting.
That creates a new problem. If the man was actually detained, and it wasn't by the Marshals, then who was it by?
colonel Isaac Johnson. He hasn't been seen since 2007
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This is ridiculous

You do understand it is not unlawful for the government to use unmarked vehicles? He is probably having to do it for fear of looting and rioting at the mere sight of a police presence in certain areas and many local authorities unwillingness to enforce the law
You do understand it is not unlawful for the government to use unmarked vehicles? He is probably having to do it for fear of looting and rioting at the mere sight of a police presence in certain areas and many local authorities unwillingness to enforce the law
I guess all arrests are "basically kidnapping" if you have a narrative to push.
So just sit in your home and take whatever injustice is dished out to you? Instead of doing one of the things that made America what it is. Consider this: without protests, there would be no united States. No shot hears round the world. No voting rights for women. No voting rights for black people. No regulated employment environments. I can go on and on, but you're only going to hear what you want. And that's sad.
What in justices are we fighting for now? Seriously, the protest are no longer about George Floyd. What are we offended and fighting about today? You think the "protest" that have been going on in Seattle and Portland are OK? You think the CHAZ or whatever it was called that was set up for in protest for BLM was a good thing when they shot 2 unarmed black teens? You accuse me of only hearing what I want to hear when the majority of these protesters are limited in their causes. So don't sit there and give me some moral, humanitarian speech when these protesters are only out to divide and destroy.

Given how you throw around the label "racist" on here, I'd love to here your views on Louis Farrakhan. The man spews hate almost every time he opens his mouth, yet several black celebrities seem to think highly of him, and do not see the hypocrisy involved.
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Given how you throw around the label "racist" on here, I'd love to here your views on Louis Farrakhan. The man spews hate almost every time he opens his mouth, yet several black celebrities seem to think highly of him, and do not see the hypocrisy involved.
Love to hear what he thinks about these woke bros, this is racist in itself to think that Black people are incapable of having the same qualities
To all the dummies who don't know the difference, domestic terrorism and violent crimes are separate issues.

White nationalist are the overwhelming majority of domestic terrorists in the US. That is a fact. Nothing to argue.

If you support this kidnapping program you are Un-American. Nothing to argue.
Love to hear what he thinks about these woke bros, this is racist in itself to think that Black people are incapable of having the same qualities
Don't think they're talking about capability. I think they're talking about culture. Personally, I'm not ashamed to represent a culture of self-reliant, hard work and personal accountability. And I say that anyone else, regardless of race, has the right to defend their decisions and culture of laziness, dependence and lack of personal or family responsibility.

They just shouldn't get to force me to give them the product of my labor.

It's one thing to broadcast the beauty of your culture unless it produces generational poverty and demand the enforcement of theft and slavery to support.

And yes. I equated the black-power socialism culture that that author is apparently pushing to slavery.
To all the dummies who don't know the difference, domestic terrorism and violent crimes are separate issues.

White nationalist are the overwhelming majority of domestic terrorists in the US. That is a fact. Nothing to argue.

If you support this kidnapping program you are Un-American. Nothing to argue.

What if a white nationalist is kidnapped by Russians spies and shot? Can we get on board with that?
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And what news organizations are we to believe?
Read them all and shovel through all the sh!t.

For me HLN seems pretty straight forward but thats mostly house wife news material. News is driven by money which is why I'd always be suspect of any organization that inserts its opinions into the news instead of just reporting it. The CNN Malaysia flight in a black hole really sealed the deal for me lol.
To all the dummies who don't know the difference, domestic terrorism and violent crimes are separate issues.

White nationalist are the overwhelming majority of domestic terrorists in the US. That is a fact. Nothing to argue.

If you support this kidnapping program you are Un-American. Nothing to argue.
Domestic terrorism is like racism. We need to stamp all of it out.

And kidnapping is to illegally take someone away by force. Is it illegal for the police to arrest someone?

Will you be complaining about false imprisonment next?
To all the dummies who don't know the difference, domestic terrorism and violent crimes are separate issues.

White nationalist are the overwhelming majority of domestic terrorists in the US. That is a fact. Nothing to argue.

If you support this kidnapping program you are Un-American. Nothing to argue.
A person who hates America calling other people un-American. This is hilarious. You remind me of VolProf when he was having his mental breakdown.
A person who hates America calling other people un-American. This is hilarious. You remind me of VolProf when he was having his mental breakdown.
I love America. i hate ignorance and racism. Too bad there is so much in American and on VN.

You are a great example.
This sort of "abduction" is wholly legal. Likely the execution of arrest warrants approved by judges.

Don't get yer britches all wadded up here folks.
Another terrible analogy from Luther. You should write a book that people can read while taking a sh!t.
How so. Two examples of when people said 100% when in reality it was only about 99%.
I'm not saying it's something to go crazy over, but the right certainly seemed to think so.
To all the dummies who don't know the difference, domestic terrorism and violent crimes are separate issues.

White nationalist are the overwhelming majority of domestic terrorists in the US. That is a fact. Nothing to argue.

If you support this kidnapping program you are Un-American. Nothing to argue.

If they aren’t committing violent crimes boy wonder, are you suggesting that these “terrorists” are committing white collar crimes like mail fraud and identity theft? Keep fighting the good fight!
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