Trump Secret police

They are protest magnets, but that was the plan.
Whose plan? It's the Right's plan to allow civil disorder to fester for 50odd days and then send the Feds in to escalate more disorder?
The states should maybe start playing ball, start enacting law and order, or they might start experiencing some hard times.
My whole point is if the Blue states would handle their responsibilities then it wouldn't reach this point.

I actually hate that it's come to this point. I don't like the Feds having to police civil unrest. The Left doesn't get to have their police stand down and then blame the Right.

This is the same pattern that got Nixon re-elected.
Whose plan? It's the Right's plan to allow civil disorder to fester for 50odd days and then send the Feds in to escalate more disorder?

My whole point is if the Blue states would handle their responsibilities then it wouldn't reach this point.

I actually hate that it's come to this point. I don't like the Feds having to police civil unrest. The Left doesn't get to have their police stand down and then blame the Right.

This is the same pattern that got Nixon re-elected.

I think it'd go away, if the Feds just left. It'd be a perceived win for whatever grudge those set on a clash have.
They know. I mention it every time they scream Chicago. Its just a racist talking point. It isn't a top ten dangerous city or murder rate.

Don't backtrack now. You LOVE per capita. You love it when I point out that white people commit 70% of the crime in the US.
Its because the FBI determined that Chicago grossly underreported their crime statistics so they were excluded from the data this analysis was based on! Hahaha! Nice try!
Maybe, but people claiming Portland would be post civil war Atlanta if DHS hadn't showed up are doing some serious sensationalizing.
Who said that?

Doesn't matter, they are FOS.

It's going to look like post Civil War Atlanta anyway with who they've got running that city.
It’s pretty simple. These aren’t military personnel. These are federal agents. And had no federal buildings been harmed, then there would be zero reasons for them being there. However that’s not the case. The moment federal buildings came under attack, the DHS agents were cleared and justified. Why is this so difficult?
Maybe, but people claiming Portland would be post civil war Atlanta if DHS hadn't showed up are doing some serious sensationalizing.

It’s not out of the realm of possibility. It seems there is a large portion of people who want to destroy Portland and some want cops killed.
Not sure the feds have any jurisdiction in that matter. Protection of private and public property is entrusted to the local police.
And if they do nothing and let it be destroyed do you believe the rest of the country should be the ones to pay for that destruction.
It’s not out of the realm of possibility. It seems there is a large portion of people who want to destroy Portland and some want cops killed.

Sure, but the DHS boys aren't protecting the whole city, and it's not a bunch of burned out buildings.. remnants of looting and graffiti, sure. But unless the distraction of their presence is saving it from nightly widespread mayhem, which it isn't, how would things be different if they never showed up.
After the Feds declare a p̶r̶o̶t̶e̶s̶t̶ riot to be an unlawful assembly and issue an evacuation order, how does that apply to journalists and legal observers?
To answer my own question from earlier, it doesn't apply to journalists and legal observers. That's a good thing.

My new question is what distinguishes someone as a Legal Observer.

Portland Feds: Judge Won’t Force Officers Identify When Making Arrests

Simon entered a temporary restraining order on Thursday that bars federal officers from arresting or using force specifically against journalists and legal observers at demonstrations unless there is probable cause that they committed a crime. Simon also ruled that clearly marked journalists and legal observers did not have to follow dispersal orders, writing that journalists are present to report on whether authorities are acting within the law.
To answer my own question from earlier, it doesn't apply to journalists and legal observers. That's a good thing.

My new question is what distinguishes someone as a Legal Observer.

Portland Feds: Judge Won’t Force Officers Identify When Making Arrests

That's what I meant by effectively putting the brakes on indiscriminate force. Trying to not engage both journalists amd legal observers, it'd be like trying to cross.the lawn without bothering the grass.

But as to the question of legal observer, I think that's nearly the equivalent of journalist for a lawyer, often volunteering with ACLU or some other rights advocate.
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That's what I meant by effectively putting the brakes on indiscriminate force. Trying to not engage both journalists amd legal observers, it'd be like trying to cross.the lawn without bothering the grass.

But as to the question of legal observer, I think that's nearly the equivalent of journalist for a lawyer, often volunteering with ACLU or some other rights advocate.
How do they clearly mark themselves as journalists or legal observers?

Doesn't this also place responsibility on journalists and legal observers not to present themselves as an indiscriminate observer?

Portland Feds: Judge Won’t Force Officers Identify When Making Arrests
Simon also ruled that clearly marked journalists and legal observers did not have to follow dispersal orders,

I don't think it was Portland and it was city/state police, but I saw a video about a month ago with a guy dressed in plainclothes arguing "I'm a journalist" while trying to defy a dispersal order.
How do they clearly mark themselves as journalists or legal observers?

Doesn't this also place responsibility on journalists and legal observers not to present themselves as an indiscriminate observer?

I don't think it was Portland and it was city/state police, but I saw a video about a month ago with a guy dressed in plainclothes arguing "I'm a journalist" trying to defy a dispersal order.

Not sure there is any official requirement, but I have seen some wearing badges or clothes indicating "press" or their organization. Sort of the same with the Legal folk.

Not sure if what rises to the level of journalist, officially, in this age. Somebody here probably knows.
Not sure there is any official requirement, but I have seen some wearing badges or clothes indicating "press" or their organization. Sort of the same with the Legal folk.

Not sure if what rises to the level of journalist, officially, in this age. Somebody here probably knows.
The reason I'm asking for clarity is I can easily see a journalist on either side (Right or Left) inconspicuously placing themselves in a position to be arrested or met with force. Either as a false flag or for personal profit, plenty of journalists would be willing to take one for the idealogue or willing to take a beating and be the next Andy Ngo.

I don't trust journalists (Right or Left) any more than I trust a crackhead to house sit while I'm on vacation.
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Speaking of that. I just saw somebody live streaming from Portland appear to get physically threatened and harassed by Antifa for recording.

Starts at about 3:05:30 in the video stream below.

The guy that runs the youtube video channel said he'll tweet the clip of that out tomorrow.

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