Trump Secret police

I showed you.

If Biden wins and they are kidnapping conservatives or arresting people legally carrying and take their guns then tell me how funny it is.

White nationalism is by far the largest domestic terror problem in the US. Even they have a right to free speech as exercise it.
There’s a vocal minority in this country that I’m struggling not to hate, and you seem to be part of the group.

I don’t support white nationalists (if you’re referring to KKK and the like) but at least they aren’t out here destroying property and ruining cities. More white people are targeted for violent crimes because of their skin color than black people nowadays and it’s been like that for several years.

Now do I think white privilege exists? Yes. And I speak and act against it regularly in professional circles. I actually thought we were moving the right direction as a country until the George Floyd protest began. Antifa is a terrorist group and deserves to be treated as such. They make modern day KKK look like Boy Scouts. BLM isn’t far behind them.
There’s a vocal minority in this country that I’m struggling not to hate, and you seem to be part of the group.

I don’t support white nationalists (if you’re referring to KKK and the like) but at least they aren’t out here destroying property and ruining cities. More white people are targeted for violent crimes because of their skin color than black people nowadays and it’s been like that for several years.

Now do I think white privilege exists? Yes. And I speak and act against it regularly in professional circles. I actually thought we were moving the right direction as a country until the George Floyd protest began. Antifa is a terrorist group and deserves to be treated as such. They make modern day KKK look like Boy Scouts. BLM isn’t far behind them.
There have been more deaths attributed to the White Nationalist than Antifa by far. What in the Hell made you think we were going in the right direction for race relations?
There’s a vocal minority in this country that I’m struggling not to hate, and you seem to be part of the group.

I don’t support white nationalists (if you’re referring to KKK and the like) but at least they aren’t out here destroying property and ruining cities. More white people are targeted for violent crimes because of their skin color than black people nowadays and it’s been like that for several years.

Now do I think white privilege exists? Yes. And I speak and act against it regularly in professional circles. I actually thought we were moving the right direction as a country until the George Floyd protest began. Antifa is a terrorist group and deserves to be treated as such. They make modern day KKK look like Boy Scouts. BLM isn’t far behind them.
Sorry your "feelings" are wrong.

All they have done is kill and rape people and blow up churches and Federal buildings.

No, white people aren't getting attacked for being white and pretty much all hate crimes are done by white people. We have actual facts to go off of and not feelings.

You are sadly and thoroughly misinformed.
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Sorry your "feelings" are wrong.

All they have done is kill and rape people and blow up churches and Federal buildings.

No, white people aren't getting attacked for being white and pretty much all hate crimes are done by white people. We have actual facts to go off of and not feelings.

You are sadly and thoroughly misinformed.

Lol at “Hate “ crime . I don’t have to hate somebody to punch them in the side or back of the head . On the other hand if that is every considered a “ Hate crime “ theres one group that’s going to blow the charts up . Hate crime , Murals on streets , and Assault weapons are all made up power words for the media and politicians to use to push an agenda .
Lol at “Hate “ crime . I don’t have to hate somebody to punch them in the side or back of the head . On the other hand if that is every considered a “ Hate crime “ theres one group that’s going to blow the charts up . Hate crime , Murals on streets , and Assault weapons are all made up power words for the media and politicians to use to push an agenda .
Most assaults are committed by white people.

Dang, there go those pesky facts again.
Sorry your "feelings" are wrong.

All they have done is kill and rape people and blow up churches and Federal buildings.

No, white people aren't getting attacked for being white and pretty much all hate crimes are done by white people. We have actual facts to go off of and not feelings.

You are sadly and thoroughly misinformed.
What's your operating definition of "hate crime"? The discussion will be a dead end if that's not established up front, and you can make any claim you want without an operating definion.
Most assaults are committed by white people.

Dang, there go those pesky facts again.
Are you using raw numbers of percentages of population? Was it you that was making a big deal about that when it came to police brutality? Again, we'll need your definition of "most" for the conversation to have much meaning.
There is only one definition of hate crime. So that.
Google is your friend.
hate crime - Google Search
So, are you using prosecution as the basis of your stats?

If so, the next step would be to see if prosecutors equally apply that definition between races. Are you saying that prosecutors are as prone to prosecute black-on-white assaults as hate crimes as they are white-on-black?

The problem with designations of "hate crime" is that we're stacking charges for what we think they were thinking.
So, are you using prosecution as the basis of your stats?

If so, the next step would be to see if prosecutors equally apply that definition between races. Are you saying that prosecutors are as prone to prosecute black-on-white assaults as hate crimes as they are white-on-black?

The problem with designations of "hate crime" is that we're stacking charges for what we think they were thinking.

Just stop while you are behind.

Lets not get into woulda could shoulda when we discuss the judicial system. Then we would have to talk about all the forced confessions, false accusations, evidence suppression, evidence tampering, lying police reports and bias that black people face in court and arrests.

Just stop while you are behind.

Lets not get into woulda could shoulda when we discuss the judicial system. Then we would have to talk about all the forced confessions, false accusations, evidence suppression, evidence tampering, lying police reports and bias that black people face in court and arrests.

Quit dropping your kids off at putt putt unsupervised.
Have any of you asked yourself who keeps instigating these “protests” during a pandemic and why?

I keep asking myself why the city of Portland continues to allow crimes by the “Protestors” and does not enforce the law.
Most assaults are committed by white people.

Dang, there go those pesky facts again.

LOL Repeating yourself doesn’t help your case . It will be that way until you get the abortion clinics out of minority neighborhoods. Statistics are always fun to play with . You know the next statistic I’m going to throw at you next right ?
Quit dropping your kids off at putt putt unsupervised.

What does that mean. You are so unintelligible. What point are you trying to make? Its definitely not landing.

I keep asking myself why the city of Portland continues to allow crimes by the “Protestors” and does not enforce the law.
State/city rights. Why do you care?

Just stop while you are behind.

Lets not get into woulda could shoulda when we discuss the judicial system. Then we would have to talk about all the forced confessions, false accusations, evidence suppression, evidence tampering, lying police reports and bias that black people face in court and arrests.
Funny you should mention that. It's exactly where I was about to take you on our little discussion of hate crime statistics.

So, are you arguing that raw stats prove points per racial crimes? If you're arguing that those raw stats prove something about white hate crimes, you are also arguing that raw arrest/conviction stats indicate that black men are violent animals?

Personally, I don't believe the raw stats prove either. I just need to know how consistent you want to be with your arguments. Apparently, you saw the inconsistency but were ill-advised enough to try to use YOUR inconsistency against ME in the discussion.
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What does that mean. You are so unintelligible. What point are you trying to make? Its definitely not landing.

State/city rights. Why do you care?

Well if I lived in Portland it would suck to witness all of the mayhem and be so close to it. It appears many of the so called “protestors” don’t really give a damn about BLM or moving forward in any positive direction and would rather destroy the city. If that is what Portland wants, then that is what they will get.
Well if I lived in Portland it would suck to witness all of the mayhem and be so close to it. It appears many of the so called “protestors” don’t really give a damn about BLM or moving forward in any positive direction and would rather destroy the city. If that is what Portland wants, then that is what they will get.
Well if you lived in Portland you would know the city is fine. The protest during the day are peaceful. Out of the whole city only a couple of block have any action happening. Its all around the courthouse. Everywhere else is fine and you don't even know there are protest unless you purposely go to the three or so blocks they are happening at.

Portlanders don't feel like that. Respect their rights.
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Well if you lived in Portland you would know the city is fine. The protest during the day are peaceful. Out of the whole city only a couple of block have any action happening. Its all around the courthouse. Everywhere else is fine and you don't even know there are protest unless you purposely go to the three or so blocks they are happening at.

Portlanders don't feel like that. Respect their rights.

So you live in Portland?
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Well if you lived in Portland you would know the city is fine. The protest during the day are peaceful. Out of the whole city only a couple of block have any action happening. Its all around the courthouse. Everywhere else is fine and you don't even know there are protest unless you purposely go to the three or so blocks they are happening at.

Portlanders don't feel like that. Respect their rights.

Portland protests: After a Portland Police Association office is set on fire, Trump and the mayor blame each other for more unrest - CNN

I realize the FEDs being in Portland are not welcomed by the city, but residents are ready for this to come to and end.

"Some reform needs to happen, but a protest in a neighborhood is not the place to do it. Lighting fires in a neighborhood where kids and people live is not the way to do it," he said. "You're losing the message by using violence and fear."
Well you see some of us do this thing called reading. Which leads you to be more informed. You should give it a try one day. I can help you with the big words. Try sounding them out if you have trouble.

Did you seriously just chastise someone for having an opinion while not living in Portland and then in the next sentence tell everyone how Portlanders "feel". Wow.

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