Trump to be indicted in GA?

Cruz already said he'd rally the troops for impeachment (over the border?) of Biden if the pendulum swings.

The cat's already out of the bag.
I agree. This is just taking it the next step. Into the criminal/post career territory.
The reaction to Trump by you and the people like you is what has and is damaging this country. If you would have ignored him and not acted like petulant children he wouldn't have done anything to "damage the country".
lol.......he was damaging the country before he ever even got the nomination.
The fault is on his supporters, not his detractors.
lol.......he was damaging the country before he ever even got the nomination.
The fault is on his supporters, not his detractors.

You constantly live in a Trump fantasy land of made up lies from Democrats to wallow in.
You are very delusional with this Trump Derangement Syndrome you live in.
So what happened to healing the country? Because this just nuked any chance of unifying.

What have they been doing for a year plus? They should have had all the evidence they needed when he was still president. There is a reason they didnt prosecute Nixon.

They waited until the midterms on purpose. This is just cheap political points because everything that Biden has touched has died. And the Dems now need some talking points, so they just revived their go to, after that they had to change tune on Covid, their other bellcow.

The opposite is equally plausible: That GA has dragged its heels on indicting the President for what seems to be a pretty clear violation of election law because it really would prefer NOT to go down that path. But, given that Trump is actively preparing to run again in 24, it is Trump who has forced the issue with GA, NY and everywhere else.

In sum, those who love our country and our democratic system can't sit idly by and watch Trump's insurrection part 2 happen without advancing consequences for part 1.
It's been out for ages.

Trump is an expert (decades of practice) at slowing down the judicial process.
He can slow them down even doing the unofficial step of talking to his lawyers before indicting him or whatever filing?

The recording has been out for a while. If it's a slam dunk Trump broke the law, why did it take two years to get to the point of considering an action? The elected officials here in GA havent changed.

I would accept your argument if they were in court, but they arent. This is all internal, for two years, with a hostile fed government and a not Trump friendly local government.
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The opposite is equally plausible: That GA has dragged its heels on indicting the President for what seems to be a pretty clear violation of election law because it really would prefer NOT to go down that path. But, given that Trump is actively preparing to run again in 24, it is Trump who has forced the issue with GA, NY and everywhere else.

In sum, those who love our country and our democratic system can't sit idly by and watch Trump's insurrection part 2 happen without advancing consequences for part 1.
You havent been paying attention if you think GA, is Trumo friendly. Kemp has been fighting Trump since day 1, and it's the whole reason this came out.

Now I guess they could drag their feet for the larger unity issue, but I have not seen anything to indicate it.

Is the NY thing about the election too? I know he has a bunch going on so I was thinking that was tax fraud or something.

Because when it comes to money Uncle Sam will ALWAYS get its guy.
The opposite is equally plausible: That GA has dragged its heels on indicting the President for what seems to be a pretty clear violation of election law because it really would prefer NOT to go down that path. But, given that Trump is actively preparing to run again in 24, it is Trump who has forced the issue with GA, NY and everywhere else.

In sum, those who love our country and our democratic system can't sit idly by and watch Trump's insurrection part 2 happen without advancing consequences for part 1.

Did you read your own post?
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He can slow them down even doing the unofficial step of talking to his lawyers before indicting him or whatever filing?

The recording has been out for a while. If it's a slam dunk Trump broke the law, why did it take two years to get to the point of considering an action? The elected officials here in GA havent changed.

I would accept your argument if they were in court, but they arent. This is all internal, for two years, with a hostile fed government and a not Trump friendly local government.
The call wasn't made until after the election - a little over a year ago.
I'm guessing that if you're going to bring charges against an ex-POTUS, you want to make sure you have all of your ducks in a row.
You havent been paying attention if you think GA, is Trumo friendly. Kemp has been fighting Trump since day 1, and it's the whole reason this came out.

Now I guess they could drag their feet for the larger unity issue, but I have not seen anything to indicate it.

Is the NY thing about the election too? I know he has a bunch going on so I was thinking that was tax fraud or something.

Because when it comes to money Uncle Sam will ALWAYS get its guy.
Nonsense. Kemp did not have any desire whatsoever to fight Trump. He knew it would likely be his political suicide (we'll find out soon). Kemp, to his credit, is one of the few repubs who when faced with the unavoidable choice of continuing to support Trump or support the rule of law, made the correct choice.

That was actually Kemp's high point as a politician, the irony is it will cost him any chance at reelection.
Raffensperger was another republican who did the right thing - he was rewarded with death threats and the ending of his career.
The call wasn't made until after the election - a little over a year ago.
I'm guessing that if you're going to bring charges against an ex-POTUS, you want to make sure you have all of your ducks in a row.
So what other ducks kept them from even reaching out to the lawyers? The step being discussed.

If it's taken this long they better be ready and willing to whip them out and measure what they got.
lol.......he was damaging the country before he ever even got the nomination.
The fault is on his supporters, not his detractors.
So when Biden’s failures add up to another wasted four years, will you be to blame, or will someone else be at fault?
Nonsense. Kemp did not have any desire whatsoever to fight Trump. He knew it would likely be his political suicide (we'll find out soon). Kemp, to his credit, is one of the few repubs who when faced with the unavoidable choice of continuing to support Trump or support the rule of law, made the correct choice.

That was actually Kemp's high point as a politician, the irony is it will cost him any chance at reelection.
Raffensperger was another republican who did the right thing - he was rewarded with death threats and the ending of his career.
Kemp fought Trump on the lock downs, rounding up illegals, and guns, plus this biggest one on the elections.

Kemp was constantly getting ripped by the board here for all his anti-Trumpiness.

This is exactly what I predicted early on. The Dems would attack him as a Trumper even though he wasnt, and the Rs wont forgive how anti Trump he was.

Kemp is what both sides said they want, but when it comes down to it you fall right back into the party line bs.
So when Biden’s failures add up to another wasted four years, will you be to blame, or will someone else be at fault?
Someone else.
I didn't support Biden in the primaries.
I do not support him running in 24.
I said invoke the 25th.
All I'm "guilty" of is choosing Biden over Trump in the general. I'll gladly take the "blame" for that decision all day every day.
Kemp fought Trump on the lock downs, rounding up illegals, and guns, plus this biggest one on the elections.

Kemp was constantly getting ripped by the board here for all his anti-Trumpiness.

This is exactly what I predicted early on. The Dems would attack him as a Trumper even though he wasnt, and the Rs wont forgive how anti Trump he was.

Kemp is what both sides said they want, but when it comes down to it you fall right back into the party line bs.
I'll vocally be supporting Kemp over Purdue.
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I'll vocally be supporting Kemp over Purdue.
I dont vote. But what I have seen of Kemp has me actually considering it if he runs.

The difference between what Kemp has done and the narrative against him is as wide as i have seen.
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A sitting President pressuring a Secretary of State to overturn the election results of their State is now perfectly acceptable behavior to the the radical Trump supporters. The GOP no longer has a moral or ethical compass.
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A sitting President pressuring a Secretary of State to overturn the election results of their State is now perfectly acceptable behavior to the the radical Trump supporters. The GOP no longer has a moral or ethical compass.
A sitting President executing an American citizen without due process is perfectly acceptable behavior to Obama supporters. The democrat party no longer has a moral or ethical compass.

Sorry, I know it’s a whataboutism, but you morons looked the other way on a number of Obama’s crimes.
A sitting President executing an American citizen without due process is perfectly acceptable behavior to Obama supporters. The democrat party no longer has a moral or ethical compass.

Sorry, I know it’s a whataboutism, but you morons looked the other way on a number of Obama’s crimes.

Dementia Joe killed Americans just a few months ago.
A sitting President pressuring a Secretary of State to overturn the election results of their State is now perfectly acceptable behavior to the the radical Trump supporters. The GOP no longer has a moral or ethical compass.
Except it was that same GOP being pressured, refused, fought it, and made it public. That same GoP member(s) is actively being called a Trump lapdog ITT.

Also considering the dichtomy between the vaccine mandates, and potentially firing people from their jobs, is not "forcing". But a phone call telling them to find all the votes is forcing, y'all have a pretty big swing on the term, with no middle ground.
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A sitting President pressuring a Secretary of State to overturn the election results of their State is now perfectly acceptable behavior to the the radical Trump supporters. The GOP no longer has a moral or ethical compass.

That's complete BS and you know it.

The GOP didn't lose its moral compass. It never had one.

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