Trump to be indicted in GA?

If the Rs take back congress and impeach Biden I will never vote for another R.

You are absolutely correct about indicting a former POTUS on Trumped up charges, that will open a pandoras box that can't be closed.
The election of Trump was the opening of Pandora's box. That was the point all along. Had repubs realized the mistake and closed it themselves, the damage would have been greatly minimized.
Why that was not evident to all will always be beyond me.
The election of Trump was the opening of Pandora's box. That was the point all along. Had repubs realized the mistake and closed it themselves, the damage would have been greatly minimized.
Why that was not evident to all will always be beyond me.
Trump got elected because the morons in DC forgot about 90% of the country between the coast lines. They seem to be well on the way to repeating that mistake from my view.
The Democrats need to think VERY carefully before setting a precedent of indicting former Presidents from the other party. They are about to learn this lesson regarding impeachment come January 2023. Do they REALLY want to start a process where State AGs indict former Presidents? There are a LOT more Red States than there are Blue.
The lesson to be learned is to never nominate and elect the most horrendously despicable human among the choices and one you know to be rightfully despised by the other side.

I said from the beginning that Trump should never be normalized. He should be viewed for what he is, a catastrophic anomaly.
If the right continues to insist on normalizing Trump, then there is no possible acceptable outcome.
The whole "we will do to your guy whatever you do to Trump" is lunacy.
Trump is not and never was anything like the other guy.......anomaly.
Trump got elected because the morons in DC forgot about 90% of the country between the coast lines. They seem to be well on the way to repeating that mistake from my view.
Nobody has ever loved the coastlines and hated what was is in between more than of the many great ironies.
The lesson to be learned is to never nominate and elect the most horrendously despicable human among the choices and one you know to be rightfully despised by the other side.

I said from the beginning that Trump should never be normalized. He should be viewed for what he is, a catastrophic anomaly.
If the right continues to insist on normalizing Trump, then there is no possible acceptable outcome.
The whole "we will do to your guy whatever you do to Trump" is lunacy.
Trump is not and never was anything like the other guy.......anomaly.
Politics ain't in the cards for ya?
I don't recall Trump's administration directing the CDC to issue guidance favoring treatment based on skin color.
What does skin color have to do with the coastlines and what's in between.

Have I been missing that all along? Is that another way of talking about race?
What does skin color have to do with the coastlines and what's in between.

Have I been missing that all along? Is that another way of talking about race?
You seriously have not seen that liberals in various places as well as the WH are proposing to distribute Covid treatments and vaccines according to race?
But if I choose to not vote for the least turdy of two turds, I’m somehow to blame for the **** sandwich sitting behind the Resolute Desk.
You can vote for whoever you want, so long as you're intellectually honest about it and can admit it was a ****** choice, just less ****** then the other in your opinion.

My issue is with those who can't call a turd a turd
You are the 3rd poster to take the poop is poop angle. It's a stupid angle.
Some poops are much better than others; are at least less bad.
No it isn't. A turd is a turd, always. You just pretend one is any better than the next.
@luthervol, ignores anything negative about Democrat and believes a Democrat can do not wrrong and do anything better than any Republican!
Maybe it's that I've seen so many unreferenced lies and conspiracies in the PF that it makes me skeptical.
How about you provide a reference.
The lesson to be learned is to never nominate and elect the most horrendously despicable human among the choices and one you know to be rightfully despised by the other side.

I said from the beginning that Trump should never be normalized. He should be viewed for what he is, a catastrophic anomaly.
If the right continues to insist on normalizing Trump, then there is no possible acceptable outcome.
The whole "we will do to your guy whatever you do to Trump" is lunacy.
Trump is not and never was anything like the other guy.......anomaly.
Despicable people can sometimes do good things. Trump nominatied and saw confirmed three solid constitutionally aware justices to the Supreme Court. These three individuals may save our entire nation for a generation. For that cause alone, I am darn glad that we had Trump as our President. Would you rather have a despicable person as President who makes good decisions or an honourable person who makes lousy decisions?
Despicable people can sometimes do good things. Trump nominatied and saw confirmed three solid constitutionally aware justices to the Supreme Court. These three individuals may save our entire nation for a generation. For that cause alone, I am darn glad that we had Trump as our President. Would you rather have a despicable person as President who makes good decisions or an honourable person who makes lousy decisions?

Can you give an example of such a person? Isn't the very choice of someone as ignorant and evil as Sotomayor or Kagan an indictment of the character of Obama?

I will go one further for luthervol's sake. David Souter was appointed by Geo HW Bush. I am not sure either man has a soul much less core convictions. Breyer isn't a good judge but at least he's qualified.
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Can you give an example of such a person? Isn't the very choice of someone as ignorant and evil as Sotomayor or Kagan an indictment of the character of Obama?

I will go one further for luthervol's sake. David Souter was appointed by Geo HW Bush. I am not sure either man has a soul much less core convictions. Breyer isn't a good judge but at least he's qualified.
Sure. I think Jimmy Carter was a fine person possessing great character. He was also one of the worst and most ineffective Presidents of my life time. Thankfully Joe Biden has now deprived him of the „absolute worst“ title 😉
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Sure. I think Jimmy Carter was a fine person possessing great character. He was also one of the worst and most ineffective Presidents of my life time. Thankfully Joe Biden has now deprived him of the „absolute worst“ title 😉
Jimmy Carter was elected partly because southerners thought he would work to overturn Roe. He chose political convenience instead.

I would also argue that a "moral man" would not say or believe the things he does about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. I don't think a good man would have abandoned the good people of Iran like he did. They were essentially a success story for increasing freedom and rights (including women's rights) in the Middle East. He had the power to stop the mullahs... and didn't. Generations have now suffered because of it.
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...everything that Biden has touched has died. .

Are you really this ignorant? It seems impossible. You must know that you are nothing more than another nobody, telling spoon fed lies from the right wing lie factories. Have you no pride? No shame?
Do you really not know that Trump phoned the Georgia Secretary of State and told him to find the exact number of votes that he needed to win the state of Georgia? Seriously, do you not know that, or do you not know that's a straight up felony? The DA has to go forward with it. Everybody knows, except some of the pathetically ignorant, low characters on this board.
That was known immediately after the election. I think it was "wrong" but we don't yet know if it was actually "illegal". Depends on what he said and what the implied threats were.

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