Trump to be indicted in GA?

JC didn't have a clue on foreign policy.

I think this might've been a good thing. We still had better foreign policy results with him than JFK, LBJ, Nixon, W, Obama, and Trump. Sucks that we had a hostage crisis, but at least we didn't lose thousands of American boys and trillions of dollars.
No one said that. At least not in the four articles I read that were provided.
If you have a link where they said that, please provide it.
What I saw was that race/ethnicity could be considered as one minor factor among many.
I guess getting points for being black isn't the same thing then? Maybe, just maybe if we treated everyone by the degree of sickness things would be different?
I guess getting points for being black isn't the same thing then? Maybe, just maybe if we treated everyone by the degree of sickness things would be different?
They are trying to provide a limited medication to those at highest risk. I have no problem with that.
If they said we are providing a limited medication based on race, I would have a big problem with that.
What they said was, race/ethnicity can be considered as one minor factor among many, when determining risk.

Where have you heard this being reported? And how was it being reported?
That may be the bigger story as it relates to racism and divisiveness.
I think this might've been a good thing. We still had better foreign policy results with him than JFK, LBJ, Nixon, W, Obama, and Trump. Sucks that we had a hostage crisis, but at least we didn't lose thousands of American boys and trillions of dollars.
Damn, you must be old to remember that.
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Despicable people can sometimes do good things. Trump nominatied and saw confirmed three solid constitutionally aware justices to the Supreme Court. These three individuals may save our entire nation for a generation. For that cause alone, I am darn glad that we had Trump as our President. Would you rather have a despicable person as President who makes good decisions or an honourable person who makes lousy decisions?
Luther has admitted his man crush for Jimmy Carter.
Do you really not know that Trump phoned the Georgia Secretary of State and told him to find the exact number of votes that he needed to win the state of Georgia? Seriously, do you not know that, or do you not know that's a straight up felony? The DA has to go forward with it. Everybody knows, except some of the pathetically ignorant, low characters on this board.
The ignorance of the low characters on this board is amazing.
They are trying to provide a limited medication to those at highest risk. I have no problem with that.
If they said we are providing a limited medication based on race, I would have a big problem with that.
What they said was, race/ethnicity can be considered as one minor factor among many, when determining risk.

Where have you heard this being reported? And how was it being reported?
That may be the bigger story as it relates to racism and divisiveness.
I read the points assigned to each person and it assigns 2 points for being black right off the block. Hypertension and obesity for a white man gets 2 points. Do you seriously think that a healthy 18 year old black male is at equal risk as a 60 year old white male with high blood pressure and 100 pounds over weight? I'm sick of the woke crap and there is going to be a wave of push back come November.
I read the points assigned to each person and it assigns 2 points for being black right off the block. Hypertension and obesity for a white man gets 2 points. Do you seriously think that a healthy 18 year old black male is at equal risk as a 60 year old white male with high blood pressure and 100 pounds over weight? I'm sick of the woke crap and there is going to be a wave of push back come November.
I don't, and I do not believe that the medicine would ever be given to the healthy 18 year old black male over the 60 year old white male with high blood pressure and 100 pounds over weight.

Everyone knows people are sick of woke crap and ready to push back. That's exactly why you guys are being fed so much misinformation about "woke crap". The right is trying to play on those understandable feelings in every way they can. Mainly with misinformation, exaggeration, propaganda, and outright lies. It's the Bannon/Stone way. And it's divisive, non-productive, dangerous, and unfortunately very successful.
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I think this might've been a good thing. We still had better foreign policy results with him than JFK, LBJ, Nixon, W, Obama, and Trump. Sucks that we had a hostage crisis, but at least we didn't lose thousands of American boys and trillions of dollars.

No, he was just as big of a FP failure as those guys. The **** in the ME we’ve been dealing with lays at the feet of JC. His weakness gave resolve to the militant Muslims.

Plus he signed the agreement to give back the Panama Canal.
He can slow them down even doing the unofficial step of talking to his lawyers before indicting him or whatever filing?

The recording has been out for a while. If it's a slam dunk Trump broke the law, why did it take two years to get to the point of considering an action? The elected officials here in GA havent changed.

I would accept your argument if they were in court, but they arent. This is all internal, for two years, with a hostile fed government and a not Trump friendly local government.
You sure 'bout that? Election was 14 months ago.
It's been out for ages.

Trump is an expert (decades of practice) at slowing down the judicial process.

I was going to ignore another failed thread by EL, but I just couldn't.

Trump as an expert at slowing the judicial process? Ok, are we talking about the same guy who had never been in this government swamp fest before 2017?

You have to run one of the most delusional households in your town.

Abrams is probably behind this but she didn't join the idiot on stage. Either she thinks he's a loser or she's hoping she's not attached to this circus. Like people won't know this is another slick attempt to stir people up.

It's people like you that are a danger to the country because you believe government has to get the populous under control only if the democrats are the ones writing the rules.
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Do you really not know that Trump phoned the Georgia Secretary of State and told him to find the exact number of votes that he needed to win the state of Georgia? Seriously, do you not know that, or do you not know that's a straight up felony? The DA has to go forward with it. Everybody knows, except some of the pathetically ignorant, low characters on this board.

Lying to the FBI is a felony too. But you don’t care about that right?
I was going to ignore another failed thread by EL, but I just couldn't.

Trump as an expert at slowing the judicial process? Ok, are we talking about the same guy who had never been in this government swamp fest before 2017?

You have to run one of the most delusional households in your town.

Abrams is probably behind this but she didn't join the idiot on stage. Either she thinks he's a loser or she's hoping she's not attached to this circus. Like people won't know this is another slick attempt to stir people up.

It's people like you that are a danger to the country because you believe government has to get the populous under control only if the democrats are the ones writing the rules.
Do you think his first dance with the judicial process was when he was POTUS? You didn't think that out. He's had a a whole team of lawyers for decades dealing with this
I don't, and I do not believe that the medicine would ever be given to the healthy 18 year old black male over the 60 year old white male with high blood pressure and 100 pounds over weight.

Everyone knows people are sick of woke crap and ready to push back. That's exactly why you guys are being fed so much misinformation about "woke crap". The right is trying to play on those understandable feelings in every way they can. Mainly with misinformation, exaggeration, propaganda, and outright lies. It's the Bannon/Stone way. And it's divisive, non-productive, dangerous, and unfortunately very successful.

I laughed hysterically, Luther talking about people being fed misinformation. That's just funny.

Despicable people can sometimes do good things. Trump nominatied and saw confirmed three solid constitutionally aware justices to the Supreme Court. These three individuals may save our entire nation for a generation. For that cause alone, I am darn glad that we had Trump as our President. Would you rather have a despicable person as President who makes good decisions or an honourable person who makes lousy decisions?
With any other Republican President from 2017-2021, you would still have had those same 3 Supreme Court confirmations. It's not like Trump hand-picked them all by himself. Mitch McConnell and the Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee had just as much to do with those specific nominations as Trump .... probably more.
That was known immediately after the election. I think it was "wrong" but we don't yet know if it was actually "illegal". Depends on what he said and what the implied threats were.
The exact number wasn't known immediately... but Trump sure knew the exact number when he made that call to Brad Raffensperger, didn't he? Joe Biden won Georgia by 11,779 votes.

"What I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have, because we won the state."

- President Donald Trump, speaking to Georgia Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, on January 2nd, 2021.

During that same phone call, President Trump falsely suggested that Brad Raffensperger could be committing a criminal offense, if he didn't "help" Trump with these self-serving efforts of his to overturn the outcome of Trump's own personal electoral defeat.

Trump's obvious attempt to coerce and intimidate Raffensperger was disgraceful. Trump was clearly abusing the power of influence that the office of the Presidency holds, to overturn his own adverse, re-election outcome, to his favor. That Trump's corrupt efforts failed, should not matter. This marked a colossal conflict of interest from our government leadership. It can't be allowed to stand as established, acceptable conduct from a sitting president, or it will be repeated (but successfully, next time) in the near future.

This type of corruption, if unchecked, is exactly how the democratic system of elections in the United States of America can be destroyed from within.

There is simply no way that Republicans in Congress would approve of this exact same conduct from a sitting President from the Democratic Party.
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I was going to ignore another failed thread by EL, but I just couldn't.

Trump as an expert at slowing the judicial process? Ok, are we talking about the same guy who had never been in this government swamp fest before 2017?

You have to run one of the most delusional households in your town.

Abrams is probably behind this but she didn't join the idiot on stage. Either she thinks he's a loser or she's hoping she's not attached to this circus. Like people won't know this is another slick attempt to stir people up.

It's people like you that are a danger to the country because you believe government has to get the populous under control only if the democrats are the ones writing the rules.
He's spent his life in court suing and being sued.
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With any other Republican President from 2017-2021, you would still have had those same 3 Supreme Court confirmations. It's not like Trump hand-picked them all by himself. Mitch McConnell and the Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee had just as much to do with those specific nominations as Trump .... probably more.
But I am not sure any other Republican President would have followed through and fought for confirmation against the inevitable Democrat hysteria. Trump sticking with Kavenaugh during the disgusting lies and slander thrown at him in ever increasing absurdity was Trump‘s finest hour. Any other Republican in my lifetime would have caved and pulled the nomination.
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