Trump to sign national security funding bill, then declare State of Emergency

If he hadn’t said he didn’t need to do it, the issue might fade.

He doesn’t want that because he doesn’t have a better issue to drive campaign donations that can be spent at his properties.
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Yeah, we are obliged to do that, actually. So, pull out of the UN?

Trump's answer, is to not do it efficiently, which further creates the appearance of mobs at the border.

Lol. We haven’t been doing it efficiently EVER. As the greatest contributor to the UN we should dictate more of what we will and will not do.
Listen to yourself. The only solutions are a wall + political measures or murdering illegal immigrants???

We are better than this. We are smarter than this. We are capable of more than this.

The way we’ve been doing it hasn’t worked. Part of it has to do with lib idiot politicians and their illegal ability to ignore federal laws with no consequences. Obviously I was joking about shooting people. At this point point a wall is our best deterrent and best way of enforcement.
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Listen to yourself. The only solutions are a wall + political measures or murdering illegal immigrants???

We are better than this. We are smarter than this. We are capable of more than this.
Sad thing is, that kind of comment can garner about 3 likes.. totally worth it, though, when you accrue enough to unlock the VN gear shop. Or so I've heard.
If you remove the reason they come, they won't come.

We could also legalize drugs and really remove the incentive.

The legalization of all drugs will never happen. If you make it illegal to employee illegals what makes you think it will be enforced when our laws aren’t enforced now?
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Nope, illegal immigration could be solved with the stroke of a pen. Make hiring an illegal alien a felony punishable by 5 years in prison.

I'd love to love this idea (my uncle pays to hire itinerant workers the right way), the only catch is that the big money makers who do this will have the lawyers to get them out of the penalities. Having lots of money sure has its perks.
The legalization of all drugs will never happen. If you make it illegal to employee illegals what makes you think it will be enforced when our laws aren’t enforced now?

That argument is a dog chasing it's tail.
He is backed into a corner and has no idea how to get out of it.

The interesting thing about this is it forces Republicans to vote whether or not they approve of it.

No way McConnell would allow it, but in this case he doesn't have a choice.
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It’s going to be fun to watch the dems fighting this during the 2020 election. It’s exactly what he ran and won on during 2016.

Like him or not, he’s 2-3 steps ahead of the anti-border security party.
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