Trump to sign national security funding bill, then declare State of Emergency

The sad part is, I almost believe some of you psychos would enjoy mowing down some brown women and kids at the border. I hope y'all don't post from your work computers lol
Only after they make it thru the mine field
Has nothing to do with someone’s skin color but I understand that’s all you guys have to try and use.

Right, you're an equal opportunity supporter of shooting all women and kids at the border regardless of skin color. My bad
Right, you're an equal opportunity supporter of shooting all women and kids at the border regardless of skin color. My bad

Lol. Na just sending them back where they come from. Better yet giving them a reason to turn around.
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Death penalty for drug dealers, woohoo! I wonder if that includes big pharma lobbyists?

The deep end has opened up and a brand new bottom has been discovered.

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You just gave a bunch of libs on here a headache, they thought that stuff just appeared out of no where
Seemed kind of ambiguous, but the main point I agree with.. Better to keep your job.

Liking for participation
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