Trump to sign national security funding bill, then declare State of Emergency

I was expecting more fireworks. I'm glad to see that it was a calm, mature exchange.

My heart goes out to those families for the tragedies they have suffered.
Probably should have been some fireworks, most people wouldn't blame them
The dem stooges think that it's a good strategy to let them cross then return them. What is never reported is when they step one foot on US soil and are immediately housed, clothed, fed, provided healthcare and their children are educated, sometimes for years at the taxpayers expense. Many of the rank and file democrats that I've discussed this with think they are just loaded up on big yellow school buses and and dropped off at some cul de sac on the Mexican side and released.

Another argument I heard is the bigger problem is immigrants that have over stayed their visas but what they can't answer is how many of those came from visas that were issued after they crossed illegally.
Right, you're an equal opportunity supporter of shooting all women and kids at the border regardless of skin color. My bad
I can't be racist, I hate everyone equally. I am the Peter Gibbons of race.
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I wonder when that was? When Obama did it for less important stuff than our Nation's sovereignty and safety from foreigners breaking into our country?

Go easy on old Dan. He probably suffers from dementia and doesn't remember what he had for breakfast.
I wonder when that was? When Obama did it for less important stuff than our Nation's sovereignty and safety from foreigners breaking into our country?

You conveniently dodge the point.

How many times did any of the other presidents, including Obama declare an "emergency" because the house and senate refused to fund a pet project to his desires?

Also, "less important stuff" is subjective to the person you're speaking with, avoid that tack in an argument.
You conveniently dodge the point.

How many times did any of the other presidents, including Obama declare an "emergency" because the house and senate refused to fund a pet project to his desires?

Also, "less important stuff" is subjective to the person you're speaking with, avoid that tack in an argument.
So many, who are ok with this, routinely complain about past Presidents executive over reach and how important our constitution is. Yet they are cool with this. Way too many people are ok with bs like this as long as they support the person doing this. It’s shameful on both sides. And it’s like they don’t even understand the giant turd sandwhich the next Dem President is going to try to make us eat in response.

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