Trump to sign national security funding bill, then declare State of Emergency

I'm to the point that I wish we could divide this country in thirds, and give the libs a third, the conservatives a third, and the conflicted middle of the roaders a third. The conservatives could wall off their part, and if they felt a need to visit the other 2/3, the gates would be wide open.
So many, who are ok with this, routinely complain about past Presidents executive over reach and how important our constitution is. Yet they are cool with this. Way too many people are ok with bs like this as long as they support the person doing this. It’s shameful on both sides. And it’s like they don’t even understand the giant turd sandwhich the next Dem President is going to try to make us eat in response.

The problem is with politics today and our two party system. We used to have a two party system where there were moderates on each side essentially creating three parties that forced the two sides to work together. Now we have partisan politics where were have extremists and no moderates and they can't work together.
I'm to the point that I wish we could divide this country in thirds, and give the libs a third, the conservatives a third, and the conflicted middle of the roaders a third. The conservatives could wall off their part, and if they felt a need to visit the other 2/3, the gates would be wide open.
I'm on that but I say halves, make the mushy middle pick a side. I doubt we would want to visit the lib side
So many, who are ok with this, routinely complain about past Presidents executive over reach and how important our constitution is. Yet they are cool with this. Way too many people are ok with bs like this as long as they support the person doing this. It’s shameful on both sides. And it’s like they don’t even understand the giant turd sandwhich the next Dem President is going to try to make us eat in response.

I’m curious , does one turd sandwich taste different than another just because it’s a different sandwich from a different President ? I don’t think any of them should do it , that never has stopped them before tho . Like i said before we have a program in place for dreamers right now that a president created even though he didn’t have the ability or power to do so everybody just closed their eyes and said .. awwww it will be ok .
Trump actually said this during his rambling mess of a speech today:

"I could do the wall over a longer period of time. I didn't need to do this. But I'd rather do it much faster." - Donald Trump

So, how is this an emergency? This admission, says it all.
Trump actually said this during his rambling mess of a speech today:

"I could do the wall over a longer period of time. I didn't need to do this. But I'd rather do it much faster." - Donald Trump

So, how is this an emergency? This admission, says it all.

Lets just direct all of the border crossers to your house then since you're okay with it.
I'm to the point that I wish we could divide this country in thirds, and give the libs a third, the conservatives a third, and the conflicted middle of the roaders a third. The conservatives could wall off their part, and if they felt a need to visit the other 2/3, the gates would be wide open.

Where would you put the trumpers?
I'm to the point that I wish we could divide this country in thirds, and give the libs a third, the conservatives a third, and the conflicted middle of the roaders a third. The conservatives could wall off their part, and if they felt a need to visit the other 2/3, the gates would be wide open.
I believe you'd need to adjust the divisions to 1/7 liberal, 1/7 conservative, and 5/7 people who just want to live their lives. Or the mushy middle, as you call them.

This forum isn't very representative of a majority of the country. We're here discussing because we are part of the far ends of the normal distributive curve.
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Since this is an emergency, we should blame Trump for all the murders and rapes comittied by illegals since he took office, because he waited so long to address it. I mean it’s an EMERGENCY.
Yeap let's blame him for 2 years of it but we also have to blame barry for 8 years. Good with you?
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I believe you'd need to adjust the divisions to 1/7 liberal, 1/7 conservative, and 5/7 people who just want to live their lives. Or the mushy middle, as you call them.

This forum isn't very representative of a majority of the country. We're here discussing because we are part of the far ends of the normal distributive curve.

Most of the country isn’t libertarian

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