Trump to sign national security funding bill, then declare State of Emergency

You conveniently dodge the point.

How many times did any of the other presidents, including Obama declare an "emergency" because the house and senate refused to fund a pet project to his desires?

Also, "less important stuff" is subjective to the person you're speaking with, avoid that tack in an argument.
never as an emergency, but Syria and Libya, Sudan, were all unfunded actions by Obama. at least to start.

again this isn't about the money. this is all political theater.
Would you invite 10 illegals, unvetted to come stay in your house in the next room to your daughter?

I wouldn't invite any 10 random men I've never met into my home next to my daughter, American, Mexican, Botswani or even Canadian, the polite bastards.

You really are touched.
How is this for a compromise.

1. No expansion of a wall, what's there stays.
2. Reinstate DACA with a provision for the possibility for citizenship but it takes a clean criminal record and extend the legal resident time from 3-5 years to 5-8 years.
3. Offer a path to legal residency for those illegals already here working and can prove they have been here 4-5 years but absolutely no path to citizenship. They broke the law living here so we cannot reward that with citizenship.
4. After a period of 12-24 months no more applications for DACA or legal residency. Hard cut off!
5. Make hiring an illegal alien a federal crime punishable up to 5 years in prison. Same for renting.
6. Every person on a student visa must check in every six months and show proof of progress towards their degree. No check in or progress - immediate deportation.
7. Make the application and process for legal immigration to the US easier and cheaper but with more stringent criteria.
8. Do away with dual citizenship.
9. Change birthright citizenship to require that at least 1 parent has to be a US citizen.
Would you invite 10 illegals, unvetted to come stay in your house in the next room to your daughter?
I wouldn't invite 10 unknown ministers.
I wouldn't invite 10 unknown grandmothers.
I wouldn't invite 10 unknown Vol fans.
I wouldn't invite 10 unknown policemen.
Would you invite 10 illegals, unvetted to come stay in your house in the next room to your daughter?

Never bring up reason to the liberal left. It's okay to allow the "undocumented" to pour across the border as long as they don't breech the leftist back yard wall or fence. If you've ever been to southern California, every F'n house has a damn wall or fence around it. It blows me away that they are so against a border fence?
I wouldn't invite any 10 random men I've never met into my home next to my daughter, American, Mexican, Botswani or even Canadian, the polite bastards.

You really are touched.

Canadian? Come on what are they going to do nice her to death?
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Never bring up reason to the liberal left. It's okay to allow the "undocumented" to pour across the border as long as they don't breech the leftist back yard wall or fence. If you've ever been to southern California, every F'n house has a damn wall or fence around it. It blows me away that they are so against a border fence?
I know but I thought I would give it a shot. Been there many times, you are right, I wonder if next time I jump one of the fences if I would be allowed to go in their house, eat their food and they pay for me to go to college?
It’s going to be fun to watch the dems fighting this during the 2020 election. It’s exactly what he ran and won on during 2016.

Like him or not, he’s 2-3 steps ahead of the anti-border security party.

2-3 steps ahead? You mean like he was when he accepted blame for the shutdown? That right there took real thinking.
I think this is the problem right here. people care too much on who they vote for. they are afraid any wrong by the person they voted for reflects back on them. so best way to make themselves feel good is deny any wrong doing of theirs.
I could make a laundry list of crap that people I voted for did that was bs.
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I believe you'd need to adjust the divisions to 1/7 liberal, 1/7 conservative, and 5/7 people who just want to live their lives. Or the mushy middle, as you call them.

This forum isn't very representative of a majority of the country. We're here discussing because we are part of the far ends of the normal distributive curve.
I think that this forum is fairly representative of the country. Of course, it has more conservatives present, because it is located in East Tennessee.

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