Trump to sign national security funding bill, then declare State of Emergency

Government regulation adds unnecessary costs. Allow costumers to purchase directly from the pharmacy without jumping through the additional and unnecessary hoops. The doctors doesn’t know if you’re in pain. Only you do.
So we should just let and Tom Dick or Harry walk up to a pharmacy and write themselves a script for oh say...180-80 mg oxycontin?
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Government regulation adds unnecessary costs. Allow costumers to purchase directly from the pharmacy without jumping through the additional and unnecessary hoops. The doctors doesn’t know if you’re in pain. Only you do.

What about all the other medical drugs? Should patients be free to buy them on their own?
I’d go with 21, but even 18 would be better than our current laws.
Let's go with 18 then. What's the penalty for the 18 year old who gave 10 pills to his 13 year old brother who is caught selling them at school?
Government regulation adds unnecessary costs. Allow costumers to purchase directly from the pharmacy without jumping through the additional and unnecessary hoops. The doctors doesn’t know if you’re in pain. Only you do.

Along that line: People could probably do a quick Google search and decide if they need an antibiotic, plus a quick online microbiology lesson to decide which one.

Digital x-ray equipment is expensive, but we could maybe install them with a credit card reader at Walmart. In 30 seconds, you could read your own films and fashion a splint, if needed, from popsicle sticks and crazy glue.

With what would now be publicly-available anesthetics and narcotics, surgery would be a breeze at home via YouTube videos.

Phew! In one evening, we've fixed healthcare!

Along that line: People could probably do a quick Google search and decide if they need an antibiotic, plus a quick online microbiology lesson to decide which one.

Digital x-ray equipment is expensive, but we could maybe install them with a credit card reader at Walmart. In 30 seconds, you could read your own films and fashion a splint, if needed, from popsicle sticks and crazy glue.

With what would now be publicly-available anesthetics and narcotics, surgery would be a breeze at home via YouTube videos.

Phew! In one evening, we've fixed healthcare!
Gotta love Google docs. They are a joy to deal with.
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Let's go with 18 then. What's the penalty for the 18 year old who gave 10 pills to his 13 year old brother who is caught selling them at school?

Mirror alcohol laws. “Contributing to a minor” and man slaughter if it leads to a death
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Back to supply and demand. The pharmaceutical companies made bank before they got their hands slapped being a good supplier. After that the demand didn't change the supply just came from different sources.

Sounds like you’re making my argument for me. The demand will be filled. Why are we wasting money and forcing the Americans who can regulate themselves to pay more for healthcare?

It seems like a lose-lose situation. What good comes from the system you advocate?

Along that line: People could probably do a quick Google search and decide if they need an antibiotic, plus a quick online microbiology lesson to decide which one.

Digital x-ray equipment is expensive, but we could maybe install them with a credit card reader at Walmart. In 30 seconds, you could read your own films and fashion a splint, if needed, from popsicle sticks and crazy glue.

With what would now be publicly-available anesthetics and narcotics, surgery would be a breeze at home via YouTube videos.

Phew! In one evening, we've fixed healthcare!

Sounds like you’re just advocating for your own job. And in a few years reading xrays will all be done by machines.

Why should I have to come through you to get medication? To line your pockets?
I think it's more that his reality is just very dark and ugly.

Well, that's a possibility. But, anyone with any sense can probably accurately predict what the news would look like in the days after we allow the general public to walk into Walgreen's and get their opioids of choice to take to the frat party, lake, or road trip for the weekend.
I'm thinking a number of people I've seen in waiting rooms are not good candidates for DIY medication.

You mean the people who are going to get the drugs any way and who are simply making the wait times for actual sick people longer?

Tell me again, why shouldn’t we stream line the process?
Well, that's a possibility. But, anyone with any sense can probably accurately predict what the news would look like in the days after we allow the general public to walk into Walgreen's and get their opioids of choice to take to the frat party, lake, or road trip for the weekend.

That’s what many want. Then they want to complain why the gov didn’t do more to stop it.
Sounds like you’re just advocating for your own job. And in a few years reading xrays will all be done by machines.

Why should I have to come through you to get medication? To line your pockets?

Because you are foolish, and I've spent my life studying how to save idiots like you, even it's from yourselves?
Well, that's a possibility. But, anyone with any sense can probably accurately predict what the news would look like in the days after we allow the general public to walk into Walgreen's and get their opioids of choice to take to the frat party, lake, or road trip for the weekend.

I think you overall yourself. The general public already gets opioids when they want them. So let’s not be dishonest
Because you are foolish, and I've spent my life studying how to save idiots like you, even it's from yourselves?

Lol is that what you’ve been studying? Seems odd for a pediatrician. But tell me more. What would this distopia of mine cause?

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