Trump to sign national security funding bill, then declare State of Emergency

Well shoot, underage vaping should be illegal. Oh wait........
Missing the point? ........once again.
Legal at 18 = increased underage usage.
Legal at 18 = limited consequences for underage usage.
Legal at 18 = underage perception that it's not "wrong."
Well shoot, underage vaping should be illegal. Oh wait........

All the cool kids are doing it... Although I'll say some of these companies like Juul have really screwed over most of the others, who have been adhering to a self-imposed nicotine percentage limit. Juul decided to say screw it and doubled that limit. What did that get them? Just a $38 billion valuation.
Sure, 18yo is considered an adult responsible for their own decisions.

From what I've been seeing adulthood seems to be creeping up ... especially once a lot of farm kids are out of the equation. It looks like 30 is the new 18 or 21 (depending on what the particular age of majority used to be). Without real responsibilities and consequences, kids don't have a clue until they are out on their own in a make or break environment and responsible for all the good crap (like taxes) that go with it. It's unfortunate that they don't get guidance during the years they probably need it the most with regard to a lot of things including drugs.
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77 percent of “nearly 900 troops” hardly qualifies as a representative of troops lol.

Sure it does, with 1.3mm active duty troop sample size a 95% confidence level on a margin of error of 3.3% is about 900.
Sure it does, with 1.3mm active duty troop sample size a 95% confidence level on a margin of error of 3.3% is about 900.

It's also likely that most troops would prefer to be able to shoot at an enemy and draw combat pay if they have to be there ... neither of which would happen on our southern border. Soldiers aren't cops and they aren't border patrol and they aren't fence posts who verbally state a command, and there's a lot of frustration in trying to be something that you aren't. It's not just about the statistics; there's a lot more that is about the question, how it's framed, and personal implications rather than matters of state.

It still goes back to figures may not lie, but liars sure can figure.
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DoD project: that will lose funding to build the wall

Vehicle maintenance shop at Camp Arifjan, in Kuwait, drydock repairs at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, F-35 hangar Luke AFB, Arizona, hospital construction,Landstuhl Medical Center ,Germany, and family housing in Korea, Italy & Wisconsin.
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It's also likely that most troops would prefer to be able to shoot at an enemy and draw combat pay if they have to be there ... neither of which would happen on our southern border. Soldiers aren't cops and they aren't border patrol and they aren't fence posts who verbally state a command, and there's a lot of frustration in trying to be something that you aren't. It's not just about the statistics; there's a lot more that is about the question, how it's framed, and personal implications rather than matters of state.

It still goes back to figures may not lie, but liars sure can figure.

Can I also add that the soldiers that went to the border were made to put the Concertina wire on the wrong side of the border. Thus it’s not an obstacle to anyone trying to cross the border.
DoD project that will lose funding to build the wall

Vehicle maintenance shop at Camp Arifjan, in Kuwait, drydock repairs at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, F-35 hangar Luke AFB, Arizona, hospital construction,Landstuhl Medical Center ,Germany, and family housing in Korea, Italy & Wisconsin.

So they are saying none of that will happen now ?
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DoD project: that will lose funding to build the wall

Vehicle maintenance shop at Camp Arifjan, in Kuwait, drydock repairs at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, F-35 hangar Luke AFB, Arizona, hospital construction,Landstuhl Medical Center ,Germany, and family housing in Korea, Italy & Wisconsin.

These Military Construction Projects Could Be Cut to Fund a Border Wall These Military Construction Projects Could Be Cut to Fund a Border Wall

There's a big difference in the words "will" and "could". Bureaucracies pretty much always go for the doom and gloom part when they think their funds will be targeted, so the examples will be the ones that seem most significant. However, there are other projects like this one:

MARINES, SEABEES REPAIR CATALINA ISLAND RUNWAY Marines, Seabees repair Catalina Island runway - AOPA

The military took on the repair project, intended to improve on continuing runway patch jobs, in a partnership with the nonprofit Catalina Island Conservancy, an arrangement AOPA encouraged. The repairs will proceed on a six-days-a-week schedule with forces rotating on and off the island.

There's probably a lot of fat before anything significant is nicked. I know of a multi year road construction project on a non military Alaskan island ... perhaps complete by now.
DoD project: that will lose funding to build the wall

Vehicle maintenance shop at Camp Arifjan, in Kuwait, drydock repairs at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, F-35 hangar Luke AFB, Arizona, hospital construction,Landstuhl Medical Center ,Germany, and family housing in Korea, Italy & Wisconsin.

Lol the last thing anyone will be sympathetic to is defunding the inflated DOD budget. Nice try though
Lol the last thing anyone will be sympathetic to is defunding the inflated DOD budget. Nice try though

One story references "$9 million for a Working Dog Treatment Facility at Guantanamo Bay" ... that must be one heck of a facility.

I am sympathetic to the military housing issues. When looking at satellite pictures after the Tyndall AFB hurricane, I noticed the house we lived in from sometime in 1952 (possibly 51) is still standing and in use as base housing.
I almost passed over this wall of text but am so happy I went back and read it. I encourage everyone to go back and bask in the glory of this gem.
I'm sorry but even as a staunch conservative, that post had me sitting here with my bottom jaw about to hit the keyboard. Both parties have these, I just hope they are a small minority of each.
It's also likely that most troops would prefer to be able to shoot at an enemy and draw combat pay if they have to be there ... neither of which would happen on our southern border. Soldiers aren't cops and they aren't border patrol and they aren't fence posts who verbally state a command, and there's a lot of frustration in trying to be something that you aren't. It's not just about the statistics; there's a lot more that is about the question, how it's framed, and personal implications rather than matters of state.

It still goes back to figures may not lie, but liars sure can figure.

So we agree that my math is correct?
If you say so. But the whole thing doesn't pass the smell test to me; such a small sample size doesn't necessarily imply a lot of randomness.

I do say so.

Source: math
If the money is gone, the contractors that do this sht sure as hell don't work for free. Budgets are made for a reason.

That’s not the question I asked and I never said anybody should work for free , I’ve yet to see a contractor work for free .
No. Just closely regulated.

Why not? Surely they have proven to be immensely harmful. Surely we could save millions of lives by reducing lung/mouth cancer, liver disease, drunk driving accidents, etc.

At some point you have to start thinking for yourself about what makes sense, Luth, and not become a slave to established societal norms. We can't save everyone from themselves, and we have drawn this imaginary line in the sand with substances that are no more harmful than ones currently legal.

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