Trump to sign national security funding bill, then declare State of Emergency

This study does a good job of explaining the issues with how most people believe addiction works. I was personally on opiates for several months after a surgery and had no issues. Addiction doesn’t work how most people think it does.

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The oxycodone made me sick but I decided the sickness was better than the pain. Also stopped me up like concrete.

I could never figure out how one gets addicted to those pills, but I guess it does different things for different people.

After service when I went to college I messed around with drugs a little. I always got sick of them before I could become addicted. Just lucky I guess. Pot was OK. I smoked it on and off for a few years. I finally quit for good because it was illegal and I didn't want to risk getting busted.
He said he only goes to the Dr when it's absolutely necessary, that he doesn't trust them. If he waits until he thinks its absolutely necessary he may be too late.
While the medical profession will add some more trusting souls to their body count, which is rather high.
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While the medical profession will add some more trusting souls to their body count, which is rather high.

This extreme doctor worship weirds me out. The idea that you should never question your doctor or that all doctors are equally competent.
This extreme doctor worship weirds me out. The idea that you should never question your doctor or that all doctors are equally competent.
The 3 leading causes of death in the U.S. are:

1) Heart disease
2) Cancer
3) Preventable medical mistakes

Number 3 kills 400,000 per year. You pays your money, and you takes your chances with the medical profession.
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This extreme doctor worship weirds me out. The idea that you should never question your doctor or that all doctors are equally competent.

It’s all medical related fields. Not all finish at the top of their class. It’s to the point where if you go to school you’re virtually guaranteed to get a degree.
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The next one you see may be the last. At least your next of kin can say "he didn't trust that guy".

You might be right. But we’re all going to die from something. I’m actually not discouraging people from going to get checkups, visit a doctor, etc.

But there is a problem with our doctors in this country. Otherwise, we wouldn’t have an opioid crisis. We wouldn’t have a chronic issue with seniors who are overprescribed medication. And we wouldn’t have a pharmaceutical industry that spends a fortune wining and dining doctors to push their goods.

I’m not anti doctor. I’m not even anti pharmaceutical. I just don’t take a doctor’s word as gospel.

I know it’s hard to fathom for the CNN and MSNBC crowds, but there is nothing wrong with thinking things through for yourself and making an independent decision.
The oxycodone made me sick but I decided the sickness was better than the pain. Also stopped me up like concrete.

I could never figure out how one gets addicted to those pills, but I guess it does different things for different people.

Oxycodone does the same to me; had that after shoulder surgery. After weeks of an immobilized shoulder, PT was pure torture, and I took the doc up on his offer of pain pills ... hydrocodone. I took a half, and it eased things enough that I didn't tighten up every time the therapist really cranked the shoulder around. After weeks of using the stuff a couple of times a week, there was still absolutely no interest in taking them for the fun of it. It's hard for me to understand addiction, too.
This extreme doctor worship weirds me out. The idea that you should never question your doctor or that all doctors are equally competent.

I'm lucky. My wife is a nurse and word gets around about doctors in that circle. She even tells our friends not to pick a doc - especially a surgeon without consulting her. I've had open heart surgery to replace a defective aortic valve (the one I was born with), had both rotator cuffs repaired, and all went great. For the record the shoulder surgeries were a lot tougher than open heart surgery ... just not as life threatening.
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I’ve written countless papers where I snickered and thought- I can’t believe I’m typing this.

They have though. They got into the secondary education big time and strongly influence the impressionable.
Yes i think i was flipping them off after i got my degree.
This extreme doctor worship weirds me out. The idea that you should never question your doctor or that all doctors are equally competent.
It weirds me out too, 90% have a God complex. Question them and make them explain why they are doing what they are doing. If there's no clinical justification i always say, so you'll be canceling that... Right? Then again i deal with residents... Baby docs are a challenge.
It weirds me out too, 90% have a God complex. Question them and make them explain why they are doing what they are doing. If there's no clinical justification i always say, so you'll be canceling that... Right? Then again i deal with residents... Baby docs are a challenge.
I agree about the God complex. I used to have several doctors' wives for customers in my business. I would tell people that I would have been a doctor, but I would have had to marry a doctor's wife.
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It weirds me out too, 90% have a God complex. Question them and make them explain why they are doing what they are doing. If there's no clinical justification i always say, so you'll be canceling that... Right? Then again i deal with residents... Baby docs are a challenge.

Earlier you seemed to be promoting the “blindly trust your doctor” doctrine.
The oxycodone made me sick but I decided the sickness was better than the pain. Also stopped me up like concrete.

I could never figure out how one gets addicted to those pills, but I guess it does different things for different people.

It jacks some people up.
It weirds me out too, 90% have a God complex. Question them and make them explain why they are doing what they are doing. If there's no clinical justification i always say, so you'll be canceling that... Right? Then again i deal with residents... Baby docs are a challenge.
I have a dr I like. She’s the only one I will go to. She sits me down and actually talks to me about whatever maybe going on with me
I believe she actually cares about me as a person as opposed to being another number.

Now, when my son had appendicitis and it had to be removed, the surgeon was giving us the rundown on the procedure. I’ll be honest, as a father I was very nervous and concerned.
(It was my sons first and only surgery)

When I asked him how safe the procedure was, he got smart with me. I stood up, and was easing toward him. I showed my ass (in short) my wife grabbed me and the surgeon steered clear of me the rest of our encounters.
I dgaf how good you think you are. That is my son. All I wanted was his assurances that everything was going to be ok. Nope. Total ass.
Oxycodone does the same to me; had that after shoulder surgery. After weeks of an immobilized shoulder, PT was pure torture, and I took the doc up on his offer of pain pills ... hydrocodone. I took a half, and it eased things enough that I didn't tighten up every time the therapist really cranked the shoulder around. After weeks of using the stuff a couple of times a week, there was still absolutely no interest in taking them for the fun of it. It's hard for me to understand addiction, too.

I've had hydrocodone prescribed for me a couple of times for dental work. It seemed to not do a thing for me & I ended up w/half a bottle left that I eventually threw away. I told my wife I couldn't figure out what all the fuss was about hydrocodone selling so high out on the street.
Oxycodone does the same to me; had that after shoulder surgery. After weeks of an immobilized shoulder, PT was pure torture, and I took the doc up on his offer of pain pills ... hydrocodone. I took a half, and it eased things enough that I didn't tighten up every time the therapist really cranked the shoulder around. After weeks of using the stuff a couple of times a week, there was still absolutely no interest in taking them for the fun of it. It's hard for me to understand addiction, too.

Same only I cheated with my home exercises ( didn’t do them ) and scar tissue set up restricting my shoulder / arm movement to about 65-70% . Remember how bad the original surgery and therapy hurt ? It’s nothing compared to the one where they go in and break all that scar tissue loose . Seriously the pain is way worse . Always do your exercises yup yup lesson learned .
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I've had hydrocodone prescribed for me a couple of times for dental work. It seemed to not do a thing for me & I ended up w/half a bottle left that I eventually threw away. I told my wife I couldn't figure out what all the fuss was about hydrocodone selling so high out on the street.


Had oxycodone prescribed once for some dental work. Took one or two pills and got rid of the rest. Honestly feel like ibuprofen would have been just as effective.

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