Trump to sign national security funding bill, then declare State of Emergency

Neither should using your Pen and Phone to create a dreamers act that you have zero power to create . But somehow it was done . What one is allowed to do but the other isn’t is just ridiculous . Neither should be done but since when has that mattered ?
I oppose both. Quit using the whatabouts to justify bad actions. Eventually it has to stop
We should just switch to a parliamentary system with the executive being subordinate to the legislative.
Neither should using your Pen and Phone to create a dreamers act that you have zero power to create . But somehow it was done . What one is allowed to do but the other isn’t is just ridiculous . Neither should be done but since when has that mattered ?

Let's not forget the courts stating Trump didn't have the authority to undo an Executive Policy put in place by another President.
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We should just switch to a parliamentary system with the executive being subordinate to the legislative.

Move to England and give it a try. We tried that, didn't work, got pissed, revolted and here we are because it didn't work for us.

But feel free to apply for emigration. Unless you would prefer to hop over the border and live there illegally. Let's see how understanding they are about your "muh feelz were hurt by Trump!" refugee status.
I oppose both. Quit using the whatabouts to justify bad actions. Eventually it has to stop

How about stop giving me examples to use and I’ll stop referencing them , this isn’t some far away land long long ago it was the last president . You want to stop the whataboutism.. STOP DOING IT .
I don't love doing it this way but none of you whined when barry went around Congress, so what goes around comes around. Second, when the other side is determined to have open borders someone has to lead and act on securing them
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How about stop giving me examples to use and I’ll stop referencing them , this isn’t some far away land long long ago it was the last president . You want to stop the whataboutism.. STOP DOING IT .
When do I use it? We're talking about this example with this president. You either support the ability of all past and future presidents to use this as they see for or you don't. Using part actions you disagree with to justify the current action is laughable
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I don't love doing it this way but none of you whined when barry went around Congress, so what goes around comes around. Second, when the other side is determined to have open borders someone has to lead and act on securing them

Yep, remember when Obama declared an emergency to build bridges, so Mexicans could cross the river.
This has gone from a supposed national emergency need to Trump trying to find a way to make it seem like he won to his base.

When it's your guy with the pen and phone, no problem. When it's the other side's guy: whine cry constitution (funny now the left cares about it) blah blah blah. Give me a damn break
When do I use it? We're talking about this example with this president. You either support the ability of all past and future presidents to use this as they see for or you don't. Using part actions you disagree with to justify the current action is laughable

I didn’t justify anything read the “ in case of fire “ part of my previous post . What I said was being ok for one to circumvent congress because he couldn’t get it done and creating a power that he didn’t have to get it done , to me is worse than Trump declaring just another SOE .
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I didn’t justify anything read the “ in case of fire “ part of my previous post . What I said was being ok for one to circumvent congress because he couldn’t get it done and creating a power that he didn’t have to get it done , to me is worse than Trump declaring just another SOE .
Actually it's not ok for either of them. It's ok to admit Trump is wrong
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Because it's a transparent subversion of Congressional power as outlined in Article 1. It's also hard to sell something as a national emergency a month after you had both houses of Congress but didn't do anything about it.
I don't like the idea but the dems were never going to sign off and the Senate was not filibuster proof.
Actually it's not ok for either of them. It's ok to admit Trump is wrong

Are you sure you read my posts or do you just assume I say yay Trump MAGA and tell me to stop bringing your boy Barry up as an example of what we should never allow to happen ?
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I don't like the idea but the dems were never going to sign off and the Senate was not filibuster proof.
No doubt about that. But the failure to Immigration reform or healthcare reform are still the two biggest failures of Trump's first two years.
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Are you sure you read my posts or do you just assume I say yay Trump MAGA and tell me to stop bringing your boy Barry up as an example of what we should never allow to happen ?
my boy Barry? Good grief

If you didn't support Obama doing it you can't support Trump with a clear conscience.

To user your example - The fire had been burning for two years on his watch but now he breaks the glass? That's stupid
Honestly they would attempt those things regardless of what Trump is doing today. However Trump isn’t circumventing the constitution. And declaring a national emergency to what is supposed to be a global problem doesn’t make much sense. Securing our borders to deter illegal immigration and fight against drugs and human trafficking makes sense. It’s long overdue.

Look folks, Ms. Cleo is in the house - predicting the future and having no clue why having a separation of power is key to preventing a dictatorship. I remember how you clowns used to refer to Obama as thinking he was a king. The irony is too much.
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