Trump to sign national security funding bill, then declare State of Emergency

I look forward to reading you bashing the next democrat/socialist president when he/she signs an EO or passes a piece of legislation that hijacks 1/6 of the economy with only democrat support
No need to wait. If you're really interested you can search for my posts on VN when Obama was in office.
Why do those bothered by Obama having done it not say something about Trump doing it now?

They have. I don’t think anybody prefers it play out this way but understand it’s something that needs to be done. We lose either way.
What part of ..”I don’t believe it should be used unless there is an actual emergency like it was intended “ arent you understanding ?
It's a polar question.

Do you support Trump doing this right now?
Ah yes, the national emergency of pregnant chicks, toddlers, grass mowers and Chinese food chefs pouring into the US by the billions. The terror.

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The funny part is Trump is doing this in a failed bid to make her happy.

Honestly they would attempt those things regardless of what Trump is doing today. However Trump isn’t circumventing the constitution. And declaring a national emergency to what is supposed to be a global problem doesn’t make much sense. Securing our borders to deter illegal immigration and fight against drugs and human trafficking makes sense. It’s long overdue.
3 words..... Opioid deaths epidemic. That'll figure in.
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Is anyone giving odds that Trump thinks declaring an emergency is the same as Michael Scott declaring bankruptcy?

Will he blurt it out on the golf course or send it out as a tweet?

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It's a polar question.

Do you support Trump doing this right now?

Here let me help you ..“Do you see an actual emergency “? would be the correct question to ask if you want to get away from the answer I have given you . Otherwise I’m going to keep referring you to my previous posts and start making fun of your reading comprehension skills . 😊
Disgusted. God awful bill riddled with safe nets for illegals and sanctuary cities. Trump may have lost 2020 today.

People like Paul Ryan and McCain ruined the party. This shouldve been taken care when we had the House and Senate.
That is a big difference between the socialists and the Republicans. When the socialists hold all three, they ram their **** down everybody's throats. Kind of a scorched earth plan because Botox Nancy even admitted she hadn't read the bill. But they got the big ticket items they wanted, so everything else was collateral damage.
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Here let me help you ..“Do you see an actual emergency “? would be the correct question to ask if you want to get away from the answer I have given you . Otherwise I’m going to keep referring you to my previous posts and start making fun of your reading comprehension skills . 😊
I see no emergency but this is a very subjective issue. I understand why you are unwilling to provide an answer to such a simple question though. It's telling
I'll make a wager with you if it ever comes to that. I'd predict 75% of violence stems from wanting what someone else has (money, power, influence, territory, sex, etc) and the other 25% is just plain batshit Looney idiots with a screw loose.
I'll bet it is more like 95%-05%
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It’ll be far less climatic than Hillary’s.

Hope in one hand and s**t in the other, see one which fills up first. Smart money is on Nothingburger Jr..

I hope it's an FBI SWAT style raid and Rachael Maddow is live reporting it from the scene with Don Lemmon.
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I've heard about these MS13 pill pushing opiod raperz too but that ain't it chief. This starts at home.

Ex-DEA agent: Opioid crisis fueled by drug industry and Congress
Whistleblower Joe Rannazzisi says drug distributors pumped opioids into U.S. communities -- knowing that people were dying -- and says industry lobbyists and Congress derailed the DEA's efforts to stop it
Lots of media coverage about seizures coming from down south...

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