Trump vs DeSantis 2024

I think Trump doesn't realize that he is alienating more people by attacking DeSantis than he realizes. People were looking for an alternative to Trump with a similar America first agenda, without the gruff exterior. Trump was somewhat subdued the last couple of years, but it looks like he's right back to his old ways.
Yep, totally underestimates DeSantis's popularity among not just Republicans but among his own MAGA crowd. I think Trump views DeSantis as another Jeb, Cruz, or Rubio who he can just pound into submission. The problem is that Republican voters have much warmer feelings towards DeSantis than those other guys he owned in the 2016 primaries.

A large chunk of Trump's own base, even though they love him, have to hold their nose at certain things he says/does. Many of them see DeSantis as Trump, except they don't have to hold their nose at stuff. DeSantis knows exactly what he's doing, playing to that crowd, and he's done it very well so far.
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I think Trump doesn't realize that he is alienating more people by attacking DeSantis than he realizes. People were looking for an alternative to Trump with a similar America first agenda, without the gruff exterior. Trump was somewhat subdued the last couple of years, but it looks like he's right back to his old ways.

The man simply can’t read a room.
Oh he'll take those shots, but he'll fire at least 3 right back.

I don't think you know what taking a shot look like, dude.

Firing at least three back is a sign of being a thin-skinned little p****y who is rendered incapable of disregarding the opinions from inconsequential people.
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If Trump loses the primary he would go scorched earth on DeSantis. He would absolutely hand the election to the dems with no hesitation
Trump is toxic (I hate using that word) and everything he is touching post President turns to sh!t.

Look at the Georgia elections. Kemp curb stomps Stacey but Walker can't squeek by Warnock? Which one was endorsed by Trump....
Trump is toxic (I hate using that word) and everything he is touching post President turns to sh!t.

Look at the Georgia elections. Kemp curb stomps Stacey but Walker can't squeek by Warnock? Which one was endorsed by Trump....
He seems to want to go scorched earth on everyone here lately. That tactic was okay when he first started running as an outsider in 2015, but now he just needs to go away in my opinion. He just stirs up hate anymore, and I'm tired of it.
He seems to want to go scorched earth on everyone here lately. That tactic was okay when he first started running as an outsider in 2015, but now he just needs to go away in my opinion. He just stirs up hate anymore, and I'm tired of it.

Welp, this is what happens when a monster is created.

Looks like he's your problem now. Hope it was worth it.
The sad reality is his policy was pretty solid. If he wasn’t such a pecker he could have been loved but I think he prefers to be hated.

I personally think he spent WAY too much money to be considered "pretty good" by anyone with a penchant for small government, and that's not taking COVID into account.

I also disagree on that take. The man is just a thin skinned, narcissistic bully who has always had too much money and authority to be told "No."

He is a 70+ year-old child.
The sad reality is his policy was pretty solid. If he wasn’t such a pecker he could have been loved but I think he prefers to be hated.
And that is why he got put on the sidelines. I said it in 2020 and will say it again. If he wasn’t such a Richard, he would have beaten Biden. But his personality won’t allow that. Just an abysmal human being and an embarrassment and it has finally hit home for Republicans. If they put him up there in 2024, they’ll lose again. Write it down.
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The GOP had two impeachments and multiple investigations (even earlier this year) in which they could have said "no mas" to Trump. But they covered his back every step of the way. Enjoy your loyalty reward points (if he runs).
The impeachments and investigations were crap. He would have dug his own grave without making up stuff
As it stands now, I would give a hard look at DeSantis. Not sure I like everything about him but if he stands up to Trump then that’s a major plus in my book. Shows some backbone unlike the other toadies. I believe DeSantis would pull Republicans back into the fold whereas Trump won’t.

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