Trump vs DeSantis 2024

I personally think he spent WAY too much money to be considered "pretty good" by anyone with a penchant for small government, and that's not taking COVID into account.

I also disagree on that take. The man is just a thin skinned, narcissistic bully who has always had too much money and authority to be told "No."

He is a 70+ year-old child.

Don’t really disagree with anything you said. He’s a shithead for sure but if you go policy by policy he’s very close to Bill Clinton I’m a lot of ways.
I absolutely hate his spending and never voted for him.
Unlike most on here I’m capable of an honest assessment though
And that is why he got put on the sidelines. I said it in 2020 and will say it again. If he wasn’t such a Richard, he would have beaten Biden. But his personality won’t allow that. Just an abysmal human being and an embarrassment and it has finally hit home for Republicans. If they put him up there in 2024, they’ll lose again. Write it down.
I hear a lot of trump fans saying it’s time to move on….he’ll run as an independent if he doesn’t get the gop nomination and try to burn everything down.
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Totally normal stuff

They are two sides of the same coin. While I would expect DeSantis supporters to largely fall in line behind Trump if he wins (not all, but great majority), I'm not sure that the Trump acolytes would, at least not the same degree.
They are two sides of the same coin. While I would expect DeSantis supporters to largely fall in line behind Trump if he wins (not all, but great majority), I'm not sure that the Trump acolytes would, at least not the same degree.
I'm just here to see desantis and trump decide it through some good old fashioned mud wrestling in bikinis.
Pence or Desantis. That's it. Trump is deranged and I voted for him twice. Won't make that mistake a third time. I don't like losers!
I voted for Trump twice, and I am not saying I would not a third time, but he is going to have to show me some true leadership skills. Calling people names and crap like that doesn’t do it for me, even if what he is saying is true. I will be interested in seeing who else runs.
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I voted for Trump twice, and I am not saying I would not a third time, but he is going to have to show me some true leadership skills. Calling people names and crap like that doesn’t do it for me, even if what he is saying is true. I will be interested in seeing who else runs.
I will if he is the GOp candidate. I'll be dead before I vote Dem..... Now an independent could get my vote if I really liked them.
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If Trump loses the primary he would go scorched earth on DeSantis. He would absolutely hand the election to the dems with no hesitation

He might do that, but if he loses the primary he's hell-fire and brimstone preaching to a pretty small audience.

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