Trump vs. DeSantis

I heard Andrew Yang has left the democrat party and is considering starting a new party. If this does happen it might have the possibility of taking enough votes away from the democrat party.
He's better than anyone put in office since I could vote. Maybe Clinton but besides that it's been terrible
All they seemed to talk about when he was doing interviews was legalizing pot. And the man didn't even know what Aleppo was.
All they seemed to talk about when he was doing interviews was legalizing pot. And the man didn't even know what Aleppo was.
is that how fault it the interviewer?

Actually he did know about it if you watch past the sound bite. Hilary did something similar with a city in Afg but I'm not sure anyone would consider her ignorant on foreign policy.

If you believe GJ is an idiot then there is absolutely no way you could vote for a Trump or Biden
I heard Andrew Yang has left the democrat party and is considering starting a new party. If this does happen it might have the possibility of taking enough votes away from the democrat party.
The Democrats will just get his new party kicked off the ballots like they did the Green Party in 2020.
No, this is never the case. It's the absolute worst argument made about voting outside the 2 sacred parties

You can philosophize all you want to defend your self image in your own mind, but the reality is that voting independent denies votes needed to defeat Trump. There is no doubt that votes for Independents could have kept Trump out of the White House in 2016.
is that how fault it the interviewer?

Actually he did know about it if you watch past the sound bite. Hilary did something similar with a city in Afg but I'm not sure anyone would consider her ignorant on foreign policy.

If you believe GJ is an idiot then there is absolutely no way you could vote for a Trump or Biden
So your saying the media mislead people again. Where has that happened before?

So your saying people should do more research past what the media puts out? I agree they should. Unfortunately most people don't do that.

As for his issues. They did keep bringing up the legalization of pot. However he could of done a better job of bringing up the issues himself. Honestly, Weld probably would have been the better candidate.

And yes. Gary Johnson is still an idiot.
You can philosophize all you want to defend your self image in your own mind, but the reality is that voting independent denies votes needed to defeat Trump. There is no doubt that votes for Independents have put Republicans in the White House.
I'm not philosophizing about anything I'm simply voting for the candidate I most align myself. There is no possible way I'm voting for the warmed up vomit presented by the 2 major parties. That denies the American people of much more
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You can philosophize all you want to defend your self image in your own mind, but the reality is that voting independent denies votes needed to defeat Trump. There is no doubt that votes for Independents have put Republicans in the White House.
Votes for Perot put Clinton in the White House.

A vote for a third party candidate is a vote for a third party candidate. People have the right to do that. I don't understand democrats obsession with people wanting to vote third party or independent. Or trying to get Green Party candidates kicked off the ballot in certain states. It's rather strange.
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So your saying the media mislead people again. Where has that happened before?

So your saying people should do more research past what the media puts out? I agree they should. Unfortunately most people don't do that.

As for his issues. They did keep bringing up the legalization of pot. However he could of done a better job of bringing up the issues himself. Honestly, Weld probably would have been the better candidate.

And yes. Gary Johnson is still an idiot.
So you believe people should do more research yet when given the chance you repeat what you were given? Interesting

I heard plenty on his views and read about them as well.
So you believe people should do more research yet when given the chance you repeat what you were given? Interesting

I heard plenty on his views and read about them as well.
He still did not come across as intelligent in any way. At least during the 2016 campaign. I watched other interviews with him as well. That's the conclusion I came to. Bill Weld was much more intelligent and would have been a better candidate for the Libertarian Party.

And if a presidential candidate was asked a question about Aleppo during that time they should have known what Aleppo was without any hesitation.
He still did not come across as intelligent in any way. At least during the 2016 campaign. I watched other interviews with him as well. That's the conclusion I came to. Bill Weld was much more intelligent and would have been a better candidate for the Libertarian Party.

And if a presidential candidate was asked a question about Aleppo during that time they should have known what Aleppo was without any hesitation.
Did you vote for either Trump or Biden? Trump or Clinton? Just curious since you're so worried about people coming across as intelligent
Votes for Perot put Clinton in the White House.

A vote for a third party candidate is a vote for a third party candidate. People have the right to do that. I don't understand democrats obsession with people wanting to vote third party or independent. Or trying to get Green Party candidates kicked off the ballot in certain states. It's rather strange.

Lookit, in my book, both of the major national parties are crooked as a dog's hind legs. I do not like either, but the criminality of one of those parties openly threatens our democratic republic and way of life. If you care more about voting your pleasure than stopping the replacement of our Constitution by a fascist dictatorship, then you can take your principles straight to hell, because that is where they are taking our country.
You can philosophize all you want to defend your self image in your own mind, but the reality is that voting independent denies votes needed to defeat Trump. There is no doubt that votes for Independents could have kept Trump out of the White House in 2016.
Only votes FOR Trump put him in the office. You have to hit 270. Dont hit that majority you arent in office.
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Lookit, in my book, both of the major national parties are crooked as a dog's hind legs. I do not like either, but the criminality of one of those parties openly threatens our democratic republic and way of life. If you care more about voting your pleasure than stopping the replacement of our Constitution by a fascist dictatorship, then you can take your principles straight to hell, because that is where they are taking our country.
It's very telling when you say "replacement of our Constitution by a fascist dictatorship" and I don't know which party you're talking about.

But I'm the bad voter
No, it would be voting against the two-party duopoly that has run the nation into the ground.

Wrong. The Republican Party is running the country into the ground. The Democratic Party has saved us from it numerous times. I am not champion of the Democratic Party, but the notion that both parties are the same and one is no better than the other is a ridiculously pathetic lie.
Wrong. The Republican Party is running the country into the ground. The Democratic Party has saved us from it numerous times. I am not champion of the Democratic Party, but the notion that both parties are the same and one is no better than the other is a ridiculously pathetic lie.
LOL, Democrats are in charge and thank goodness Biden/Harris are here to save the USA!
Wrong. The Republican Party is running the country into the ground. The Democratic Party has saved us from it numerous times. I am not champion of the Democratic Party, but the notion that both parties are the same and one is no better than the other is a ridiculously pathetic lie.
Dear lord, and you once claimed your Covid research was worth $10K.

You’re a bigger pultroon than Biden or any of his fluffers here on VN.

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