Trump vs. DeSantis

Wrong. The Republican Party is running the country into the ground. The Democratic Party has saved us from it numerous times. I am not champion of the Democratic Party, but the notion that both parties are the same and one is no better than the other is a ridiculously pathetic lie.

I have to disagree. The Republican Party I love stands for all Americans.

Dear lord, and you once claimed your Covid research was worth $10K.

You’re a bigger pultroon than Biden or any of his fluffers here on VN.

Your lame personal attacks betray the weakness of your position. You have not rebutted much less refuted a single thing in my above posts. If you can, why don't you try reading them for the purpose of understanding them?
Your lame personal attacks betray the weakness of your position. You have not rebutted much less refuted a single thing in my above posts. If you can, why don't you try reading them for the purpose of understanding them?
The nonsense you spew requires no rebuttal.
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If Mitch McConnell gets his way, most of that must is gone.
Yall fight over bad candidates. Yall should really fight over each other's lack of objective reality.
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If Mitch McConnell gets his way, most of that must is gone.
So, nothing is defunct, discontinued, or defunded...but it definitely WILL BE if personX isn't defeated/elected.
So, nothing is defunct, discontinued, or defunded...but it definitely WILL BE if personX isn't defeated/elected.

I'm going off of things he has actually said, readily findable using any search engine.
What's wrong with my reality?
The Turtle has been in office since the great flood. And yet, despite this, all those bullet points are still around if not expanded and increased.

This is where you've lost objectivity. Seriously, just take a look and study each of those and compare where we are today compared to the mid 50s. And then look at how many Rs and Ds have changed seats on the bus over the same time period.
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I'm going off of things he has actually said, readily findable using any search engine.
Well, there you go. We all admit politicians lie. But we're going off what they said this time because this time they are being honest.

McConnell has been and will continue to be a liar, corrupt, established do nothing obstructionist or supportist depending on the political winds of the day.
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In the end, if Trump runs again (and it seems likely he will), I would expect DeSantis to sit out 2024 and target 2028. DeSantis needs Trump's voters to win, he knows that, and the percentage that would defect is just too small. He'd be seen by Trump voters as pesky and drawing votes away from Trump.

No, if Trump runs again I would expect him to get very little challenge in the primary.
The Turtle has been in office since the great flood. And yet, despite this, all those bullet points are still around if not expanded and increased.

This is where you've lost objectivity. Seriously, just take a look and study each of those and compare where we are today compared to the mid 50s. And then look at how many Rs and Ds have changed seats on the bus over the same time period.

Yeah, you're right. He's just annoying and pokes the bear for reactions.
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All that having Trump or DeSantis at the top of the ticket does is guarantee another 4 years of a Democrat White House. I don't profess to know who it would be, but I feel it will be someone other than Biden or Harris.
Yeah, you're right. He's just annoying and pokes the bear for reactions.
Not only that but the other side uses the rhetoric to manipulate their supporters with fear.

If we took fear out of the politicians tool box, they would be without their most powerful tool to motivate people.
Trump says he'd beat DeSantis like he beats everyone and the only reason DeSantis has any clout is because of him. Trump says he ought to drop out.

Who you got?

And for how long are GOPers obligated to blindly vote for Trump?

Not what he said lol
I liked Romney, but he’s always seemed soft. He reminds me of Bill Frist, who let Harry Reid walk all over him.
That’s more like what I’ve heard a lot of, but think I just assumed most of those people were all about the “he fights” and “own the libs” stuff.

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