Trump's Big Experiment: Throw 20K Fans Together, Eliminate Social Distancing, Make Masks Optional, Add One Pandemic. Track the Results...

What's the over/under on COVID deaths resulting from Trump rally in Tulsa tomorrow? I'll go with 15.
It's possible to have a backbone, brain, and heart. Hell, I use to think it was the norm.

I have all 3. Most democrat voters only have the ladder. It's not until I started applying my brain that I made the comfortable transition to independent. I was like, "I think I will identify as an independent because I want to believe in the democratic party". That hope gets further in the rear view mirror and I'm driving a sports car with a big engine.
No, it just proves how insignificantly small minded and immature those people are. Donald Trump is the duly elected President of the United States no matter how much the left tries to deny it.
They're not denying that, they are rightfully and understandably saying they would rather not meet him.
Probably not, and I say probably because I don't live in absolutes when it comes to opinions. My ability to be open about my beliefs is what allowed me to hit the reset and see the democratic party was most things I wasn't. It's not easy but a real intellectuals are able to do this. It's un-conditioning yourself and even if you get back to where you were before it is a worthy endeavor. You can tell people whatever you want them to think but you can't run from yourself. You have to ask yourself a lot of why's. And it doesn't happen overnight.

Btw, I'm a traditional moderate. The democratic party is not moderate. It has left a lot of people behind but people are afraid to admit it to themselves. Btw, I think you are a true liberal. Possibly even left of that. I don't see myself voting with that voting block but the way things are going marxism will leave few options.
I've always maintained that the medium on the political scale (the utmost moderate of moderates) is continually moving left.
A moderate from 30 years ago, without change, would be a conservative today.
I've always maintained that the medium on the political scale (the utmost moderate of moderates) is continually moving left.
A moderate from 30 years ago, without change, would be a conservative today.

Bill Clinton would be a conservative? Interesting, he doesn't seem to be.
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There’s an uptick in cases this week in Tulsa anyway so there’s a good chance it will spread further in that little get together. Lots of mouth breathers with no masks is not a good mix. If you choose to ignore your and other people’s health, you reap what you sow. I’m more concerned with the news that 23 Clemson football players tested positive and they haven’t even started practice. Hope college football starts but I’m beginning to doubt it. Just don’t know how the schools are going to handle it.
Maybe the "mouth breathing" Democrat football players can learn to breathe through their noses.
I have all 3. Most democrat voters only have the ladder. It's not until I started applying my brain that I made the comfortable transition to independent. I was like, "I think I will identify as an independent because I want to believe in the democratic party". That hope gets further in the rear view mirror and I'm driving a sports car with a big engine.
Do you think there is anyone on the PF that does not believe that they have all 3.
Not just the ladder, but a stool, and a brush.
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Sounds simple enough....right.....

Everyone should go about their lives however they see fit, but, do not throw your opinions onto others who think and feel differently, go about your life, and also do not complain about your choices, whether you go out and get sick, or if you complain when you voice your opinion and someone else disagrees no matter your stance or political affiliation or where you fall on the political spectrum.
That's exactly how to live.
Which has nothing to do with the point being made.

I understand what you were saying. I want you to understand I don't what what I was because I was young. Yes, I can agree that the thought is moderate Democrats of the late 80's are now Republican but I'm not sure it's entirely the case. Unless you think Biden, Clinton's, etc are just kowtowing to the leftist agenda. It's possible they were always more liberal leaning.

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