Trump's Big Experiment: Throw 20K Fans Together, Eliminate Social Distancing, Make Masks Optional, Add One Pandemic. Track the Results...

Guidelines for gatherings during Covid-19

The rally violates virtually every one of the guiding principles for gatherings issued by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, putting it in the "highest risk" category. It's large and it's indoors. Social distancing almost certainly will not be possible if the arena is filled to anything close to capacity. Attendees will likely be yelling and chanting (and expelling droplets farther and faster than if they were speaking quietly). There might be social pressure to not wear masks, as many Trump supporters have mocked the use of masks during the pandemic, and Trump told the Wall Street Journal that he thinks some people wear them to signal disapproval of him.

"We know what makes transmission of the virus occur more frequently, and that includes close contact, particularly without masking, crowds, [being] indoors versus outdoors, the duration of the contact, and then shouting also increases the possibility of transmission," said Catherine Troisi, an infectious disease epidemiologist at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. "There are going to be tens of thousands of people in attendance. So, it is a great place to spread virus. And from what I understand, these are not just people who live in Tulsa. There are people coming in from far away to go to the rally, so they'll be returning to their home cities, and so that we may see spread outside of the Tulsa area."
Sure if you're actually scared and worried about a virus with a death rate equal to the flu
Waiting in line for days for anything is bizarre.
Hey, I once stood in line overnight to get tickets to a UT-Alabama game when I was a student. This was maybe in Johnny Majors first season, we still sucked.
I agree. I was trying to think of anything that I would be willing to wait that long for.........came up with nothing.
Maybe a UFO landing and the first public interaction with alien life.
That's already happened recently..... You seen some of those Antifa mugshots?
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I just find the fact that people would wait in line for days to attend a Trump pep rally bizarrely fascinating.
He is the President of the United States and the chance to see the POTUS in person is a big deal to a lot of people. I'm jealous because my brother has been able to see him twice once in Nashville and other in New Orleans.

Which is one the other things that pisses me off these stupid liberal sports stars who win Championships and get invited to the WH and refuse to go because of Trump. I'd give anything to be invited to the WH even if the President was Obama or Hillary Clinton!
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The day before his scheduled rally in Tulsa, Okla., President Trump warned “any protesters” that they can expect rough treatment at the hands of law enforcement, in a tweet that lumped demonstrators in with criminals.

“Any protesters, anarchists, agitators, looters or lowlifes who are going to Oklahoma please understand, you will not be treated like you have been in New York, Seattle, or Minneapolis,” wrote Trump on Twitter Friday morning. “It will be a much different scene!”

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Protestors are bad, eh? What a dick.
The day before his scheduled rally in Tulsa, Okla., President Trump warned “any protesters” that they can expect rough treatment at the hands of law enforcement, in a tweet that lumped demonstrators in with criminals.

“Any protesters, anarchists, agitators, looters or lowlifes who are going to Oklahoma please understand, you will not be treated like you have been in New York, Seattle, or Minneapolis,” wrote Trump on Twitter Friday morning. “It will be a much different scene!”

# # #

Protestors are bad, eh? What a dick.
Good. Going to be different than these other cities where 50 antifa/BLM thugs beat 1 Trump supporter, these tables will be turned because there will be tens of thousands Trump supporters.
Nationwide Luciferian march rollout on June 21 during solar eclipse ‘ring of fire’ | News Break
Because, I don’t want to see millions die, and Trump is trying to keep America first. A NWO with the devil, would destroy you.
And let me say this, everyone better WAKE THE HECK UP! This stuff right here will get you killed, if you’re not careful. Satan is playing these folks for a fool, and has them right where he wants them, and is laughing in their faces. I bet everyone will over look this, and again I may be wrong.
The day before his scheduled rally in Tulsa, Okla., President Trump warned “any protesters” that they can expect rough treatment at the hands of law enforcement, in a tweet that lumped demonstrators in with criminals.

“Any protesters, anarchists, agitators, looters or lowlifes who are going to Oklahoma please understand, you will not be treated like you have been in New York, Seattle, or Minneapolis,” wrote Trump on Twitter Friday morning. “It will be a much different scene!”

# # #

Protestors are bad, eh? What a dick.

Yep, when they vandalize, burn other people's ****, and generally being a POS! YES
After all that "Kirby can't beat Pruitt...." nonsense a few years ago, you just had to go and do something like this and......

Totally redeem yourself!!!!

(LMAO, great link)
Thanks! Well, I’m going to say that, that part isn’t over yet. Hopefully, I’ll get redemption for that as well!😂😂
Because we are the most litigious country on the planet and any event being held right now would be wise to have people sign a waiver .

Why COVID - 19 isn’t real it’s the lefties made up cospiracy trying to impede Trump’s reelection
So Trump will hold a political rally in Oklahoma this Saturday. It's expected to sell out the venue, and roughly 20K fans will attend.

The plan is to disregard all social distancing, scan people for fevers before allowing entry, provide hand sanitizer, provide optional masks.

What could possibly go wrong? Well, this is the chance for all those here who think CV19 is a scam to prove everyone else wrong.

Trump, obviously, won't wear a mask. I'm curious as to what % of attendees will, and how the organizers will arrange folks. Specifically, the folks behind Trump who appear on TV are, of course, hand-picked from attendees prior to the start of the rally. Will organizers target folks who won't wear a mask? This would drive home an intended statement that the virus is "done" and there's "nothing to worry about". Conversely, they could select mask wearers to convey "hey, still be safe". I suspect the former.

Will Trump's rally result in subsequent viral infections? If yes, on what scale?

The outcome could have bearing on stuff that's important to nearly everyone here: TN football.

MSM will no doubt track what happens with the virus post-rally, so please post updates here.

Place your bets.
There’s an uptick in cases this week in Tulsa anyway so there’s a good chance it will spread further in that little get together. Lots of mouth breathers with no masks is not a good mix. If you choose to ignore your and other people’s health, you reap what you sow. I’m more concerned with the news that 23 Clemson football players tested positive and they haven’t even started practice. Hope college football starts but I’m beginning to doubt it. Just don’t know how the schools are going to handle it.
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Definitely. It’s a courtesy to others. I have no symptoms but you can spread it while asymptomatic. I don’t hear that the mask helps the wearer but I’m old with a medley of health issues put me in the high risk pool so why not hope it helps me as well as simply extending a courtesy to others

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