Trump's Big Experiment: Throw 20K Fans Together, Eliminate Social Distancing, Make Masks Optional, Add One Pandemic. Track the Results...

Definitely. It’s a courtesy to others. I have no symptoms but you can spread it while asymptomatic. I don’t hear that the mask helps the wearer but I’m old with a medley of health issues put me in the high risk pool so why not hope it helps me as well as simply extending a courtesy to others
I understand. I totally practice socially distancing and did that way before the Coronavirus.
One more. Why not? What’s your objection?

Mainly because I believe in herd immunity , I believe the experts went way over the top with the fear peddling and padding the death toll, I object to the fact that a government can force you to shelter in place or wear one in public while closing businesses down . We didn’t start out wearing them and three months in the governor decides we should be forced to wear them on a date he declares following a holiday weekend where he was caught out on the beach not wearing one and not social distancing and lastly , around here I’d be in the minority of people wearing them .
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He is the President of the United States and the chance to see the POTUS in person is a big deal to a lot of people. I'm jealous because my brother has been able to see him twice once in Nashville and other in New Orleans.

Which is one the other things that pisses me off these stupid liberal sports stars who win Championships and get invited to the WH and refuse to go because of Trump. I'd give anything to be invited to the WH even if the President was Obama or Hillary Clinton!
I think Trump is unique in so many people choosing to skip the trip. Never before and never again.
I’m wondering why the 20,000 people supposedly attending don’t see that Trump doesn’t GAF about them or anyone but himself. The chutzpah to ask that attendees sign a hold-harmless agreement and the fools do it? Anyone who doesn’t think this country has dumbed down need only look at that. Well and another fool saying 6 teenage girls should be napalmed. Or another who wants to stick a needle on the nut of a Mayor
You'll be back if you live long enough.

Probably not, and I say probably because I don't live in absolutes when it comes to opinions. My ability to be open about my beliefs is what allowed me to hit the reset and see the democratic party was most things I wasn't. It's not easy but a real intellectuals are able to do this. It's un-conditioning yourself and even if you get back to where you were before it is a worthy endeavor. You can tell people whatever you want them to think but you can't run from yourself. You have to ask yourself a lot of why's. And it doesn't happen overnight.

Btw, I'm a traditional moderate. The democratic party is not moderate. It has left a lot of people behind but people are afraid to admit it to themselves. Btw, I think you are a true liberal. Possibly even left of that. I don't see myself voting with that voting block but the way things are going marxism will leave few options.
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