Trump's Big Experiment: Throw 20K Fans Together, Eliminate Social Distancing, Make Masks Optional, Add One Pandemic. Track the Results...

Hey @NorthDallas40, am I doing this right?


Yeah girl ya are! Be sure and post the pics back later on after it fills up! 😂

Looks like you girls aren’t gonna be able to rally shame Trump he is going to get out and speak so you are gonna be forced to change creepy joes depends, wipe the drool off his chin, and hope he sticks to a teleprompter!! 🤣🤣🤣
Aged well.

Yeah girl ya are! Be sure and post the pics back later on after it fills up! 😂

Looks like you girls aren’t gonna be able to rally shame Trump he is going to get out and speak so you are gonna be forced to change creepy joes depends, wipe the drool off his chin, and hope he sticks to a teleprompter!! 🤣🤣🤣

Poor Pence

Hey @NorthDallas40, am I doing this right?


Hey lookie here girl from the Chicago Tribune too! Gee it’s almost like you girls are lying here. 🤷‍♂️

We’ve seen local reports on the crowd size there for days here in North TX I don’t think this is gonna turn out like you’re hoping.

Better get creepy joe dry and wiped off! Time to campaign!

Trump Tulsa rally: Big crowds start filling streets around arena as campaign announces 6 staff test positive for COVID-19
Sigh..ok, let me simplify this for you.

Diversity: variety, a range of different things
Demographics: data related to population and particular groups within the population

Looking at those photos you selected, there are a variety of folks from different ethnic backgrounds present, thus making it a diverse crowd. It’s not all comprised of the blonde haired, blue eyed, aryans you Dems try to make it out to be.

The ethnic and political demographics of the area where a rally is held will in large part determine the volume of ethnic diversity of the crowd in attendance. Some folks travel for rallies.

A rally in Miami will have a larger demographic of Latino ethnicity attendees than one in Bozeman. A rally in Detroit will have a larger demographic of black ethnicity attendees than one in Tulsa. A rally in San Diego will have a larger demographic of Asian ethnicity attendees than one in Louisville. All of which is dependent upon the dominate political affiliations of each area.

Now I understand what you're saying...

tenor (14).gif

Lemme repost one of those pics again. Now go ahead and tell more lies about that "diversity" thing again. Better yet, help me find ONE person in the crowd that's of color and not a security guard.


Lead in tag line on WFAA Ch 8

“Next on the 6 O Clock News Trump rally draws huge crowd of fans while corona virus fears continue”

You really struggle with how argumentation works, don't you? Joe never claimed to have the biggest crowds or rabid dog-type supporters. That was Trump. So when Trump falls flat on his face, it hardly helps Trump to say, "well, look at Joe."
No you just struggle at your BS message here. The outlets your posting aren’t showing the true crowd size ive seen them all week. Scroll up and look at that huge crowd outside. They’re just gonna leave them outside right?

The lousy crowd draw of creepy joe is just putting an exclamation point on how screwed you girls are for campaign rallies once you are forced to answer 😈
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No you just struggle at your BS message here. The outlets your posting aren’t showing the true crowd size ive seen them all week. Scroll up and look at that huge crowd outside. They’re just gonna leave them outside right?

The lousy crowd draw of creepy joe is just putting an exclamation point on how screwed you girls are for campaign rallies once you are forced to answer 😈

To quote the Wendy's lady:


As part of my stable genius herd immunity program, I've brought my virus-infected staff here to assist you.

If you would all kindly line up in a single file line, and prepare to be sneezed on.




Maybe if they tear down some statues and burn some police cars you feel happier with this situation.

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