Trump's Big Experiment: Throw 20K Fans Together, Eliminate Social Distancing, Make Masks Optional, Add One Pandemic. Track the Results...

Now I understand what you're saying...

View attachment 287925

Lemme repost one of those pics again. Now go ahead and tell more lies about that "diversity" thing again. Better yet, help me find ONE person in the crowd that's of color and not a security guard.


View attachment 287927
“Better yet, help me find ONE person in the crowd that's of color and not a security guard.”

Ok. I downloaded it to this Mini iPad for the markup pen and circled in green. I didn’t feel like firing up the laptop and taking it into a program to get a high quality zoom as the full size image was easy enough to use. 🤷‍♀️

This is for all the leg-humpers out there who looked at Tulsa as the launch of Trump's 2020 campaign

This is for all the leg-humpers out there who looked at Tulsa as the launch of Trump's 2020 campaign

Hope you’re stopping to take a drink from all that water you’re carrying tonight girl. Did you put a bottle of Chardonnay in the fridge before starting the forum war shift? 😂
The office was closed, Einstein.

Now telecommuting from the beach in NC... going offshore fishing for tuna tomorrow, chump.

Life is good!

By yourself ? With a mask ? Do tell us about how that social distancing on on a charter boat works off the Outer Banks . 👀
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Hope you’re stopping to take a drink from all that water you’re carrying tonight girl. Did you put a bottle of Chardonnay in the fridge before starting the forum war shift? 😂

Oh, I'm getting fully tanked up on chardonnay and wine coolers tonight
Honestly with half the crap he posts. I think he's just a massive troll. Even Biden voters wouldn't die on some of the hills he dies on

Nah, I'm just dunking on the Trump campaign right now. How humiliating is this for them? How hyped was this thing? They're all about appearances, and this is devastating for them. They look like a bunch of losers.
I am waiting for some pics of boat and catch!

There’s no social distancing on a tuna charter off the Outer banks , that don’t happen . I’m just curious if they will be wearing masks ....While they are swapping sweat . 😂
Nah, I'm just dunking on the Trump campaign right now. How humiliating is this for them? How hyped was this thing? They're all about appearances, and this is devastating for them. They look like a bunch of losers.
If you actually think you are "dunking" then I have some oceanside property in South Dakota to sell you
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Nah, I'm just dunking on the Trump campaign right now. How humiliating is this for them? How hyped was this thing? They're all about appearances, and this is devastating for them. They look like a bunch of losers.
Actually for the shrieking you girls are doing you’re the ones looking like losers here.

Trump is having a rally. Even if the arena isn’t full he’s campaigning again. And it’s still a bigger draw than anything creepy joe has pulled. And if you girls just make petty screeches like this while you keep creepy joe locked up in his basement it’s going to backfire on you 😂

This has been awesome watching the amount of water you’ve carried on this broke back message this evening 😂
Actually for the shrieking you girls are doing you’re the ones looking like losers here.

Trump is having a rally. Even if the arena isn’t full he’s campaigning again. And it’s still a bigger draw than anything creepy joe has pulled. And if you girls just make petty screeches like this while you keep creepy joe locked up in his basement it’s going to backfire on you 😂

This has been awesome watching the amount of water you’ve carried on this broke back message this evening 😂
I really would like to know why they don't want.
1) a strong economy
2) a president hard on China and their imports/tariffs
3) a president who doesn't bow down or funnel money to our foreign enemies
4) a president who believes in a strong military
5) a president who won't take away our 2a rights.
I really don't understand why an overreaching over authoritative communist government is better.
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