Trump's Big Experiment: Throw 20K Fans Together, Eliminate Social Distancing, Make Masks Optional, Add One Pandemic. Track the Results...


As part of my stable genius herd immunity program, I've brought my virus-infected staff here to assist you.

If you would all kindly line up in a single file line, and prepare to be sneezed on.




Maybe if they tear down some statues and burn some police cars you feel happier with this situation.
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I really would like to know why they don't want.
1) a strong economy
2) a president hard on China and their imports/tariffs
3) a president who doesn't bow down or funnel money to our foreign enemies
4) a president who believes in a strong military
5) a president who won't take away our 2a rights.
I really don't understand why an overreaching over authoritative communist government is better.
They just want to be the power broker. That’s all. And they’re willing to torch the country to do it. See the last three weeks of inner city America for proof of that.
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1,000,000 wanted to come. There was going to be an overflow of 40,000 to 50,000 sitting outside. They just tore down that seating. They didn’t show up. Another 940, 000 didn’t show either. A lot of empty seats tonight. Can’t tell the attendance but for sure it is not SRO of 19,100. More winning
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1,000,000 wanted to come. There was going to be an overflow of 40,000 to 50,000 sitting outside. They just tore down that seating. They didn’t show up. Another 940, 000 didn’t show either. A lot of empty seats tonight. Can’t tell the attendance but for sure it is not SRO of 19,100. More winning

So much winning.
1,000,000 wanted to come. There was going to be an overflow of 40,000 to 50,000 sitting outside. They just tore down that seating. They didn’t show up. Another 940, 000 didn’t show either. A lot of empty seats tonight. Can’t tell the attendance but for sure it is not SRO of 19,100. More winning
Who is creepy joe speaking with tonight.

It doesn’t matter that the arena isn’t full. I heard it was over 2/3 at start. That’s still bigger than what creepy joe has pulled this far and now that he’s campaigning again creepy joe’s proof of life videos from his basement won’t cut it.
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I'm intrigued about this story of teens linking the Trump campaign. Guessing Barr opens a massive wire fraud investigation on Monday.


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