Trump's Big Experiment: Throw 20K Fans Together, Eliminate Social Distancing, Make Masks Optional, Add One Pandemic. Track the Results...

This rally is going to be a goldmine for Sarah Cooper (the Trump lip sync comedian). She'll have material for two or three months after tonight
“Better yet, help me find ONE person in the crowd that's of color and not a security guard.”

Ok. I downloaded it to this Mini iPad for the markup pen and circled in green. I didn’t feel like firing up the laptop and taking it into a program to get a high quality zoom as the full size image was easy enough to use. 🤷‍♀️

View attachment 287939

Man, I give you an A+ for effort. Impressive. Some of those are questionable I think, but either way, you found 9 non-white in a crowd of a hundred bazillion (+/- a bazillion).

Possibly some are blow-up dolls a la HOV lanes btw.
I’d only heard about it today. But yeah it isn’t likely to be a large percentage of these tickets. It’s laughable that even the media is carrying water for this stupid ass story. Oh wait what the hell am I saying nevermind.

Campaign. Souvenir. Admit it, most likely reason. 😬
If that were the case why haven’t we seen this in previous rallies? This wouldn’t be that hard to pull off. And it’s right up their ally to approach it like this
Party over at Reddit tonight. The memes have been freaking hilarious. The rally was totally worth just for my evening social media amusement. Thanks One Hand Water Drinker Donnie.
If that were the case why haven’t we seen this in previous rallies? This wouldn’t be that hard to pull off. And it’s right up their ally to approach it like this
Honestly I was kinda shocked at the venue. Would you take a road trip to Tulsa damn Oklahoma. I did still think he would fill it it’s only 19k.

But again, larger picture. He’s in his element talking to his base and they are eating it up and the campaign is on again. The Dems desperately want to throw shade on that and down play it. Case in point, all of lady evils empty water pails tonight. And I’ve had too much fun agitating that too but it’s a guilty pleasure 😂
I'm intrigued about this story of teens linking the Trump campaign. Guessing Barr opens a massive wire fraud investigation on Monday.

Awesome. AOC is a difficult person, but this is funny. Seriously. The President just got punked on national TV.
Honestly I was kinda shocked at the venue. Would you take a road trip to Tulsa damn Oklahoma. I did still think he would fill it it’s only 19k.

But again, larger picture. He’s in his element talking to his base and they are eating it up and the campaign is on again. The Dems desperately want to throw shade on that and down play it. Case in point, all of lady evils empty water pails tonight. And I’ve had too much fun agitating that too but it’s a guilty pleasure 😂
Trump is very good at these rallies. He knows it and so does his campaign. If something nefarious happened they will figure out a way from it happening again. I have zero doubt, even during a pandemic, he could pack the **** out of a place. He’s proven it time and time again. And the people who attend these are his most loyal supporters. They haven’t dropped him over the pandemic or the protests.
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Do they actually have any meat on this TikTok narrative over there or are they just piling on the story too?
From my understanding, tickets were released to those who requested them online first come first serve when they arrived at the door. So aside from being a funny prank, the TikTok thing didn't affect attendance.
Trump is very good at these rallies. He knows it and so does his campaign. If something nefarious happened they will figure out a way from it happening again. I have zero doubt, even during a pandemic, he could pack the **** out of a place. He’s proven it time and time again. And the people who attend these are his most loyal supporters. They haven’t dropped him over the pandemic or the protests.
There is no damn way in hell I would go into that crowd if I were in his base and right across the town I live in and I think they are idiots for doing so. But it’s a free country and an election year 🤷‍♂️
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From my understanding, tickets were released to those who requested them online first come first serve when they arrived at the door. So aside from being a funny prank, the TikTok thing didn't affect attendance.
Yeah i was just wondering if anybody had any real numbers in supposed punked ticket counts. Thanks for the summary tho 👍
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Honestly I was kinda shocked at the venue. Would you take a road trip to Tulsa damn Oklahoma. I did still think he would fill it it’s only 19k.

I think it's somewhat concerning that the most conservative state in the country, and one of the most lax in terms of COVID-19 precautions, didn't yield 19,000 people to fill up the arena. Optics wise, it isn't great that there are hundreds of thousands of people congregating across the country to honor a fentanyl-addicted criminal but the return rally for Trump gets an audience of maybe 10-12k.

Luckily, we know that a startling percentage of "protesters" aren't going to be able to find their way to a polling station on November 3rd.
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I think it's somewhat concerning that the most conservative state in the country, and one of the most lax in terms of COVID-19 precautions, didn't yield 19,000 people to fill up the arena. Optics wise, it isn't great that there are hundreds of thousands of people congregating across the country to honor a fentanyl-addicted criminal but the return rally for Trump gets an audience of maybe 10-12k.

Luckily, we know that a startling percentage of "protesters" aren't going to be able to find their way to a polling station on November 3rd.
Eh like I’ve said the larger issue is he is on the road again. And he’ll lift up the senate races too in doing so.

As far as the protesters vs rally I’ve enjoyed the hell out of the cognitive dissonance displayed in real time by the MSM on these two topics 😂

I'm not sure how the half-packed arena changes the algebra here on the "COVID Spreader Event" narrative. I think I'm actually happy, since I really do think people were at risk.

In any case... the fake news will keep tabs on it.

But. Man, Trump got punked. It's just funny. Even if it were a President I liked, it's funny.
Looks like i was wrong. All it inflated was the number of requests. Not the actual attendance
Eh no big deal. I’m still calling campaign souvenir. I thought about trying to get one to wave in front of my socialist wife just to try the red flag in front of a bull workout. Pretty sure she would have gutted me with a spoon though and I really didn’t want to give them my damn contact info.
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