Trump's Big Experiment: Throw 20K Fans Together, Eliminate Social Distancing, Make Masks Optional, Add One Pandemic. Track the Results...

Yep. I'm not watching but Twitter and Reddit are having a wild night commenting on Donnie's shenanigans. He also apparently talked about the slippery ramp at West Point the other day for about ten minutes. Lmao
That story was pretty funny. Said ramp was slippery, and if he fell, the press would be relentless. Talked about the press showing Bush vomit in japan in slow mo and President Ford falling down the stairs. Claimed he had saluted 600 times and that's why he couldn't lift the glass of water to his lips. (and didn't want to spill it on his tie)

If he'd lay off the evil Democrats, his speeches would be fairly entertaining.
Not sure if he worked tonight, but I'll try to find out from my buddy how pissed Trump was about the turnout. He'll probably know through the grapevine regardless.
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Ehh, you might not like it. But it is freedom of speech. Burning a flag doesn't hurt anybody, unless one uses it to light their Molotov cocktail.
The flag is a symbol of pride and love of this country. If someone feels the need to burn it besides in a ceremony then yeah its an issue. Because you know who burns the flag, our enemies people that want to see this country destroyed. You dont burn things that you love. If this country is so damn bad there are plenty of others that those who feel the need to burn the flag can go to.
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I would love to see the commie bast@$&$ go to jail for it. But it won’t happen and I’m not sure it should but it drew applause
Too bad you don't like freedom that much
There is freedom of speech but you can't yell "Fire" in a theater.

You can have freedom but if your a US citizen you shouldn't be allowed to desecrate the Flag of the United States of America.

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The flag is a symbol of pride and love of this country. If someone feels the need to burn it besides in a ceremony then yeah its an issue. Because you know who burns the flag, our enemies people that want to see this country destroyed. You dont burn things that you love. If this country is so damn bad there are plenty of others that those who feel the need to burn the flag can go to.
Free speech applies to stuff you don't like, too. Where do we draw the line on what type of speech to ban? Slippery, dangerous slope to wander down. Like that ramp at West Point.
There is freedom of speech but you can't yell "Fire" in a theater.

You can have freedom but if your a US citizen you shouldn't be allowed to desecrate the Flag of the United States of America.

Burning a flag causes no harm to anyone, except their emotions. I thought that was the problem these days, too much feelz?
There is freedom of speech but you can't yell "Fire" in a theater.

You can have freedom but if your a US citizen you shouldn't be allowed to desecrate the Flag of the United States of America.

Supreme Court says a citizen can. Damn activist judges

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