Trump's Big Experiment: Throw 20K Fans Together, Eliminate Social Distancing, Make Masks Optional, Add One Pandemic. Track the Results...

Turn your words in to action is a phrase I’ve heard so does that mean words aren’t action? By turn freedom of speech wouldn’t include action like burning a flag
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Free speech applies to stuff you don't like, too. Where do we draw the line on what type of speech to ban? Slippery, dangerous slope to wander down. Like that ramp at West Point.
Its a national symbol. I have respect for the men and women who defend it and give me the rights and freedoms that I have. This flag that you hate so much that you burn it, gets draped over the coffins of the men and women who defend our rights. I couldn't imagine being so selfish. Next time you want to burn a flag just because think about the freedoms you enjoy, going to work every day, not being told what to wear, not worrying about where your next meal will come from or if you are going to have enough to eat. The ability to go on the internet and visit a site like this, watch football on Saturdays and Sundays in the fall. Said flag that you want to burn represents all of those freedoms and more.
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Its a national symbol. I have respect for the men and women who defend it and give me the rights and freedoms that I have. This flag that you hate so much that you burn it, gets draped over the coffins of the men and women who defend our rights. I couldn't imagine being so selfish. Next time you want to burn a flag just because think about the freedoms you enjoy, going to work every day, not being told what to wear, not worrying about where your next meal will come from or if you are going to have enough to eat. The ability to go on the internet and visit a site like this, watch football on Saturdays and Sundays in the fall. Said flag that you want to burn represents all of those freedoms and more.
Uh, I've never burnt a flag. I just don't care if someone else does it. Pretty simple.
Um so they wasted money by giving it to Trump? Wow they showed him!

From what I can tell, tickets are free and admission is first come first serve for ticket holders. So technically, they couldn't have prevented the arena from filling up (assuming there were enough ticket holders there and willing to attend), but they sure as hell could screw up (and did) Brad Parscale's flight home.
From what I can tell, tickets are free and admission is first come first serve for ticket holders. So technically, they couldn't have prevented the arena from filling up (assuming there were enough ticket holders there and willing to attend), but they sure as hell could screw up (and did) Brad Parscale's flight home.
What heroes. 😂 imagine wasting time on this nonsense
Man, I give you an A+ for effort. Impressive. Some of those are questionable I think, but either way, you found 9 non-white in a crowd of a hundred bazillion (+/- a bazillion).

Possibly some are blow-up dolls a la HOV lanes btw.

Hey, you picked the photo and said there were none, as in zero, zilch, nada. I just easily proved you wrong without expending any effort. Btw, those are all real live non-white people of color that I circled.

Go ahead and justify being proven wrong however you want to dance around it. We’re all expecting it anyhow. 🤣

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