Trump's Big Experiment: Throw 20K Fans Together, Eliminate Social Distancing, Make Masks Optional, Add One Pandemic. Track the Results...

I looked it up, you are correct.
"The majority of the Court, according to Justice William Brennan, agreed with Johnson and held that flag burning constitutes a form of "symbolic speech" that is protected by the First Amendment. The majority noted that freedom of speech protects actions that society may find very offensive, but society's outrage alone is not justification for suppressing free speech."

Texas v. Johnson
Facts and Case Summary - Texas v. Johnson
Which in turn wether I like it or not. Per the way our government works it can happen without consequence
So any count of how many people they actually prevented from attending the rally yet girl?

I've already said, based on how I understand the ticketing to work (i.e., all who request get one, and ticket is necessary but not sufficient for entry), the kids reserving the tickets would not have prevented any ticketed person who wanted to enter from entering (because there was certainly a blue wave of empty seats staring Trump down), but it definitely affected the hype machine over this rally. It was a double win in that respect. It made Trump think he could pack in 20,000 MAGA covidiots for his night of ego-stroking (but even the MAGAnistas aren't that dumb) and it caused the campaign to get egg all over it's face. Whatever they're paying Parscale, they need to triple it. He's a godsend ;)
I've already said, based on how I understand the ticketing to work (i.e., all who request get one, and ticket is necessary but not sufficient for entry), the kids reserving the tickets would not have prevented any ticketed person who wanted to enter from entering (because there was certainly a blue wave of empty seats staring Trump down), but it definitely affected the hype machine over this rally. It was a double win in that respect. It made Trump think he could pack in 20,000 MAGA covidiots for his night of ego-stroking (but even the MAGAnistas aren't that dumb) and it caused the campaign to get egg all over it's face. Whatever they're paying Parscale, they need to triple it. He's a godsend ;)
I’m sure the campaign really appreciates your unintended promotion too. Just like your shade on who was watching the streaming calling it a train wreck. The fact is they were WATCHING and that’s all that’s needed. Mission accomplished.
I’m sure the campaign really appreciates your unintended promotion too. Just like your shade on who was watching the streaming calling it a train wreck. The fact is they were WATCHING and that’s all that’s needed. Mission accomplished.

Yep, no matter how bad of a trainwreck, it's always better to have everybody see it. Just ask Howard Dean.

I don’t know how anyone could watch what Trump did tonight and not come away understanding why he’s a dangerous opponent. He wad perfect with regard to his approach for his base. Bash him all you want. I hate him. But he was very good tonight
He’s a horrible ass person but he can give one helluva campaign speech. If the Dems try to ignore that they guarantee his re-election... which I’m hoping for as I can’t stand Biden even more. He’s been in DC for 40 years get his ass out of there.
Trump thought he was going to be addressing an overflow crowd outside for a 2nd speech... and there was barely even an overflow in the lower deck. Classic.
I don’t know how anyone could watch what Trump did tonight and not come away understanding why he’s a dangerous opponent. He wad perfect with regard to his approach for his base. Bash him all you want. I hate him. But he was very good tonight

Obviously I'm biased against Trump, but who outside the Trump echo chamber of bootlickers and grifters gave the speech high marks?
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Trump thought he was going to be addressing an overflow crowd outside for a 2nd speech... and there was barely even an overflow in the lower deck. Classic.

So it takes a pandemic and liberal idiots to hinder him from filling a stadium and it’s still by far more than any dim can garner. It is “classic”.
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