Trump's Big Experiment: Throw 20K Fans Together, Eliminate Social Distancing, Make Masks Optional, Add One Pandemic. Track the Results...

I know who they are. They’ve all been turning $20 hand job tricks on liberal media outlets since 2016 when they were collectively rejected by the GOP

Regardless of how jacked these groups are to get Trump out of office it will all fade due to a totally ineffective candidate. We also expect some groups are using funds designated for other purposes a part of a PAC for the democratic party.
Regardless of how jacked these groups are to get Trump out of office it will all fade due to a totally ineffective candidate. We also expect some groups are using funds designated for other purposes a part of a PAC for the democratic party.
That is what you hope... but it's not happening now. You can always count on Trump to do something stupid to keep the negative energy going.
Again, shove that where the sun doesn't shine. You spit on this country when you bad mouth your President.
You only love yourself if at all. You want people to pat you on the back & tell you how great you are.
You're thinking of Trump loving himself. It's cool. I know you don't know any better. I still have your back

the bold is an ignorance you'll never be able to shake....bless your heart. you haven't got a f'ing clue
Regardless of how jacked these groups are to get Trump out of office it will all fade due to a totally ineffective candidate. We also expect some groups are using funds designated for other purposes a part of a PAC for the democratic party.
May the least underwhelming candidate win!
You're thinking of Trump loving himself. It's cool. I know you don't know any better. I still have your back

the bold is an ignorance you'll never be able to shake....bless your heart. you haven't got a f'ing clue

SMH. Dude shut're terrible at this. You're such a whiny baby. No one wants to talk to you.
Because obviously Democrat infiltrators attending can’t be trusted. 🤦‍♀️

Have you missed the ads requesting CV-19 positives attend the rally specifically to try and infect Trump supporters?

That would be redundant. There is already at least 100 Trump supporters there spreading it asymptomatically and besides they were checking temps of everyone entering so everyone was safe anyway.
You are a loser. Deal with it. King pollster. Where is UT in the preseason polls going into the year and how giddy did it make you during the Dooley years?
I think they are on the cusp of the top 25 going into the 2020 season. They never sniffed the top 25 under Dooley, pre-season or otherwise. I was never "giddy" during those years. However, we did reach #8 after the Georgia game in 2016... just 13 months before Jones was fired.

How did this get so off-topic? I digress.
Oh, I do, and you're one of them. Like I posted earlier, I love this country and its people. We may not agree on much of anything, but I'll always have your back
Most on this board do not need you to have our backs! I sure as hell can take care of myself and my family. I sure as hell do not need you!!
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