Trump's Big Experiment: Throw 20K Fans Together, Eliminate Social Distancing, Make Masks Optional, Add One Pandemic. Track the Results...

The Trump campaign sure spent a lot of time hyping this rally, for the attendance to mean nothing. When you literally spend a week boasting about the size of an upcoming rally, and even tell people to expect an overflow crowd outside of a 19,000 seat venue, but then only draw 6,200 people? It does mean something. It means your candidate is not as popular as you thought he was.

It will make the rounds in the news and isn't the best optics for the campaign, but it will be forgotten soon enough. This is 2020, who knows what fresh hell awaits us this week.
It will be forgotten because there is always some bigger self-inflicted wound just around the corner. Politics 101: Under-promise and over-deliver and you will never disappoint anyone. The Trump campaign is incompetent. They have no positive message to sell the American people. They only want to talk about the challenger. That doesn't usually work when you are the incumbent candidate.
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It will be forgotten because there is always some bigger self-inflicted wound just around the corner. Politics 101: under-promised and over-deliver. The Trump campaign is incompetent. They have no positive message to sell the American people. They only want to talk about the challenger. That doesn't usually work when you are the incumbent candidate.
I want him to lose in a complete landslide as badly as you do, I just don't think this will matter in the grand scheme of things. It has already kind of shown how the electorate is going to work this time around. His supporters are calling it a great success, his detractors are calling it a colossal failure. As usual, the truth is somewhere in the middle, and they probably don't care at all. Sort of like the whataboutisms floating around about Biden's speech the other day; it is pretty clear they practiced some strict social distancing policy, as evident by the spacing and circles on the floor. But to Trump supporters it is "muh, Biden can't draw a crowd, dementia, basement" stuff. They seem to leave the part out that Biden was not trying to draw a huge crowd, but that is silly election year stuff.

Both of these examples show that the electorate is motivated by hate on both sides this cycle. Sucks, but that is where we are as a society currently.
The Trump campaign sure spent a lot of time hyping this rally, for the attendance to mean nothing. When you literally spend a week boasting about the size of an upcoming rally, and even tell people to expect an overflow crowd outside of a 19,000 seat venue, but then only draw 6,200 people? It does mean something. It means your candidate is not as popular as you thought he was.

What was his campaign, or ANY campaign for that matter, supposed to do when those ticket requests started pouring in? I don't think any campaign would have simply sat on the perceived enthusiasm. I wonder if there is a way to verify the folks taking a ticket; or if there will be in the future?
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What was his campaign, or ANY campaign for that matter, supposed to do when those ticket requests started pouring in? I don't think any campaign would have simply sat on the perceived enthusiasm. I wonder if there is a way to verify the folks taking a ticket; or if there will be in the future?
They will have to change something about their ticket process, otherwise this will definitely happen again. Kpop fans on Tik Tok are not to be screwed with, those dudes are f'ing crazy.
It will be forgotten because there is always some bigger self-inflicted wound just around the corner. Politics 101: Under-promise and over-deliver and you will never disappoint anyone. The Trump campaign is incompetent. They have no positive message to sell the American people. They only want to talk about the challenger. That doesn't usually work when you are the incumbent candidate.
Your boy, who often forgets his own name couldn’t draw a crowd of over 500. There is 0 excitement around O’Biden. There is plenty of positives to sell the people on, but if they prefer defunding ICE, the police, double digit unemployment, killing cops, weak national security, sky high taxes then O’Biden is what we get and what we deserve
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The Trump campaign sure spent a lot of time hyping this rally, for the attendance to mean nothing. When you literally spend a week boasting about the size of an upcoming rally, and even tell people to expect an overflow crowd outside of a 19,000 seat venue, but then only draw 6,200 people? It does mean something. It means your candidate is not as popular as you thought he was.
Eh, there’s a lot of factors that go into it. Some may have stayed away due to virus concerns, violence concerns, or something else entirely. Maybe he isn’t that popular in Tulsa. I have no idea. Zep is right. It means nothing come November so it’s hilarious that you are treating it as some victory lap. But hey, that’s you’re right. Like I said, I’m just glad you are happy. I’m curious, do all of the other rallies mean he is that super popular?
The funniest part is how giddy you are about it. It literally means nothing. Whether he has 100K and 6K, it means nothing. I’m happy to see you so happy though BB. Have a great week coming up!

He loves polls too. It feels good before the actual results. In the future they want the polls to replace the actual competition.
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I worked a few night shifts at a refinery in China about 10 years ago. There were about 20 men (no women) in the control room and they would all put their heads down and sleep half the night. It was kinda spooky being in there like that.
When I was in the military you would catch some Zzzs when you could, but never in garrison. I've never seen people sleeping at work until I moved up to the Atlanta area and they all have the same thing in common. I am usually dismissive about what other people are doing at work but I do these 3 month details as a manager here every so often and I get to help bring the hammer down. The 2 fired people and the third on thing ice, its been cocaine/weed/opiates and sleeping, and none of it "was their fault" lol.
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The Trump campaign sure spent a lot of time hyping this rally, for the attendance to mean nothing. When you literally spend a week boasting about the size of an upcoming rally, and even tell people to expect an overflow crowd outside of a 19,000 seat venue, but then only draw 6,200 people? It does mean something. It means your candidate is not as popular as you thought he was.
It means there is a Pandemic going on.

How popular is Biden?


Cant even fill a high school gym.

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