Trump's Big Experiment: Throw 20K Fans Together, Eliminate Social Distancing, Make Masks Optional, Add One Pandemic. Track the Results...

LMFAO again. I’m pointing to Biden’s lackluster performance because it applies plain and simple. You’re the one trying to deflect away from that pointless plain and simple. Trump will outdraw Biden at every event and the Dems will be in hard sell mode on “we are just practicing social distancing blah blah blah” trying hard to down play his lackluster image. And you’re doing that right here too cupcake!

if you truly belief the appropriate retort to 6,200 people showing up for a Trump rally after the week long brag fest of a million and more is to speak about Biden explains why you drag out Obama and Hilary at every other of Trump’s failures. You have cured me of my erroneous belief that you were an intelligent guy
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[No politics]

Father's day was awesome. Fished offshore with my regular group of fishing buddies. No, no masks.

Left dock at 4:45. Beautiful weather. Light winds. Seas calm. 75 degrees.

Set lines at 7:15. Didn't get touched until 11:30. First hit was a very large mako. Jumped once about 50 yards behind boat. Estimated 250 lbs+. Then took off, bit through mono leader after 5-10 minute fight.

Noon hooked up with 3 yellowfin. Landed 2. 40-45# class. My numb forearm afterwards a reminder that my desk job ain't no workout.

1 o'clockish another mako. Smaller, maybe 5 footer. Hit flatline, threw hook, hit shotgun, missed it, I let line freespool, it came back, hooked up, then bit through mono again.

2 o'clock hooked up decent white marlin, and our 21 year old resident pro landed and released it.

Back to dock, happy crew, rum punch, dressed tunas, dinner for crew tonight.

View attachment 288196 least you weren't wearing a CNNPolitics t-shirt......or I'm with her t-shirt.
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Look you acknowledged except for customer requirements you neither social distance nor wear masks. You also have to acknowledge that “Trump’s take (Pence’s, too, since he’s up Trump’s a$$) is contrary to Pence’s Corona virus committee’s guidelines I.e., social distance and wearing masks in public

Trump, Pence and you are recognizing that you have a disregard for the safety of others by selfishly, irresponsibly and immaturely ignoring the guidelines. I believe your justification is that the guidelines infringe on your rights while not acknowledging that not adhering to the guidelines you are infringing on the rights of everyone you have contact with. Your core beliefs also seem forgivable when it come to the almighty buck. BTW the herd immunity precept has thus far failed.

I get it you don’t like to be told what to do. Adults set that notion aside when the good of all is at state.
I trust that you have followed all the guidelines to a tee, being an adult and all?
if you truly belief the appropriate retort to 6,200 people showing up for a Trump rally after the week long brag fest of a million and more is to speak about Biden explains why you drag out Obama and Hilary at every other of Trump’s failures. You have cured me of my erroneous belief that you were an intelligent guy
Yes I truly believe that while Trump only drew 6200 it’s still considerably more than Biden did just the prior week even. In fact it was 310x more to be exact. And let’s not forget the 4.2M people watching on the video streams. I can’t even find numbers on Biden they were apparently so bad. That’s what happens in a campaign pointless. You compare the two candidates. And Biden falls flat on his basement dwelling face in this comparison.
Yes I truly believe that while Trump only drew 6200 it’s still considerably more than Biden did just the prior week even. In fact it was 310x more to be exact. And let’s not forget the 4.2M people watching on the video streams. I can’t even find numbers on Biden they were apparently so bad. That’s what happens in a campaign pointless. You compare the two candidates. And Biden falls flat on his basement dwelling face in this comparison.

I've seen where there was up to 8.3 million viewers who watched online or streamed the rally.
A lot of people in the stream were typing BLM over and over, but not the majority.
Not too shocking. I watch the Dem speeches too. Not because I’m going to vote for them but I do want to hear what they are proposing.

I’m sure the BLM spammers were most likely not looking away from their keyboard and just spamming that. That’s intelligent... 🙄
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Lackluster will triumph over the perpetual monkey circus of Trump.
Doubt it if he doesn’t get his lackluster ass out and campaign.

This current social distancing campaign tactic to distract away from his lackluster appeal will quickly peter out and he will answer or he will get hammered.
Doubt it if he doesn’t get his lackluster ass out and campaign.
This current social distancing campaign tactic to distract away from his lackluster appeal will quickly peter out and he will answer or he will get hammered.

As someone said earlier, every time Trump opens his DA mouth Biden gets a vote. The smart play is to let Trump continue to self-destruct.
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P.S.A: We interrupt this thread to point out what seems to be a little known fact around here....

Boomers, along with most folks with mobility issues, are known to absolutely and unequivocally despise non railed ramps with an incline. 🤷‍♀️

We now return you to your regularly scheduled thread of democrats braying, crowing and denigrating portions of the voting public.

P.S.... Biden is a boomer, you might want to keep him away from non railed ramps so he doesn’t fall and break a hip.🍌
Look you acknowledged except for customer requirements you neither social distance nor wear masks. You also have to acknowledge that “Trump’s take (Pence’s, too, since he’s up Trump’s a$$) is contrary to Pence’s Corona virus committee’s guidelines I.e., social distance and wearing masks in public

Trump, Pence and you are recognizing that you have a disregard for the safety of others by selfishly, irresponsibly and immaturely ignoring the guidelines. I believe your justification is that the guidelines infringe on your rights while not acknowledging that not adhering to the guidelines you are infringing on the rights of everyone you have contact with. Your core beliefs also seem forgivable when it come to the almighty buck. BTW the herd immunity precept has thus far failed.

I get it you don’t like to be told what to do. Adults set that notion aside when the good of all is at state.

You must have missed my post where I said we are on a road trip through multiple stares and the only people we’ve encountered so far wearing mask are being made to by their employers. The public at large is NOT wearing them where we’ve been so far .
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Not too shocking. I watch the Dem speeches too. Not because I’m going to vote for them but I do want to hear what they are proposing.

I’m sure the BLM spammers were most likely not looking away from their keyboard and just spamming that. That’s intelligent... 🙄
I got on on for about 5 minutes and reported every BLM spammer for racism. My small part in trolling them.
Except Biden is campaigning in the swing states;

Probably from the swing state's basement doubt. You'd have to tune in to CNN to find out where he is.
Nobody cares except you and the other haters. No enthusiasm for Joe .... those 10 people told me so. Everyone knows Joe will be bought & owned to be told what to do if he wins the election.
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