Trump's Big Experiment: Throw 20K Fans Together, Eliminate Social Distancing, Make Masks Optional, Add One Pandemic. Track the Results...

I go to Costco once a week. Ive been grabbing a thing of toilet paper when I go. I've got 180 rolls. I'm ready for the apocalypse now!
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What kind of boat? Post some pics!

[No politics]

Father's day was awesome. Fished offshore with my regular group of fishing buddies. No, no masks.

Left dock at 4:45. Beautiful weather. Light winds. Seas calm. 75 degrees.

Set lines at 7:15. Didn't get touched until 11:30. First hit was a very large mako. Jumped once about 50 yards behind boat. Estimated 250 lbs+. Then took off, bit through mono leader after 5-10 minute fight.

Noon hooked up with 3 yellowfin. Landed 2. 40-45# class. My numb forearm afterwards a reminder that my desk job ain't no workout.

1 o'clockish another mako. Smaller, maybe 5 footer. Hit flatline, threw hook, hit shotgun, missed it, I let line freespool, it came back, hooked up, then bit through mono again.

2 o'clock hooked up decent white marlin, and our 21 year old resident pro landed and released it.

Back to dock, happy crew, rum punch, dressed tunas, dinner for crew tonight.

[No politics]

Father's day was awesome. Fished offshore with my regular group of fishing buddies. No, no masks.

Left dock at 4:45. Beautiful weather. Light winds. Seas calm. 75 degrees.

Set lines at 7:15. Didn't get touched until 11:30. First hit was a very large mako. Jumped once about 50 yards behind boat. Estimated 250 lbs+. Then took off, bit through mono leader after 5-10 minute fight.

Noon hooked up with 3 yellowfin. Landed 2. 40-45# class. My numb forearm afterwards a reminder that my desk job ain't no workout.

1 o'clockish another mako. Smaller, maybe 5 footer. Hit flatline, threw hook, hit shotgun, missed it, I let line freespool, it came back, hooked up, then bit through mono again.

2 o'clock hooked up decent white marlin, and our 21 year old resident pro landed and released it.

Back to dock, happy crew, rum punch, dressed tunas, dinner for crew tonight.

View attachment 288196
Nice, thanks for sharing. Glad you had a wonderful Father's Day!!
That's still 6,190 more than what Creepy Joe Biden can get to attend his sleep fest boring rally.
Biden is trying to adhere to social distancing regulations and has not scheduled any mass rallies. Trump, who doesn't GAF about anyone, tried to create corona stew for his supporters in Tulsa.
At the moment they do. Yep. 5 months of actual campaigning to go though and I’d put money in Vegas that proof of life basement videos won’t cut it.

This is rich. Typical right wing deflection alternate facts and other BS. Trump can’t walk down. 3 degree ramp normally because he’s afraid he will fall off his high heel shoes and you all think flipping this to some sort of ineptness of Biden will work. You swallow Faux Naws hook line and sinker. Do you ever have an original thought?

You’re not trying to say that Trump’s performance at his rallies are an example of mental acuity and normalcy are you. Of course not. That’s why you deflect to Biden

Trump now makes Biden look like a Rhodes scholar
This is rich. Typical right wing deflection alternate facts and other BS. Trump can’t walk down. 3 degree ramp normally because he’s afraid he will fall off his high heel shoes and you all think flipping this to some sort of ineptness of Biden will work. You swallow Faux Naws hook line and sinker. Do you ever have an original thought?

You’re not trying to say that Trump’s performance at his rallies are an example of mental acuity and normalcy are you. Of course not. That’s why you deflect to Biden

Trump now makes Biden look like a Rhodes scholar

The Lady Vol Forum is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>that way.
Biden is trying to adhere to social distancing regulations and has not scheduled any mass rallies. Trump, who doesn't GAF about anyone, tried to create corona stew for his supporters in Tulsa.
Biden is a real man of the people then huh? Come on man, everyone knows that Biden’s best move is to remain a hermit until November and limit his public speaking. I don’t think anyone is buying that first sentence.
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This is rich. Typical right wing deflection alternate facts and other BS. Trump can’t walk down. 3 degree ramp normally because he’s afraid he will fall off his high heel shoes and you all think flipping this to some sort of ineptness of Biden will work. You swallow Faux Naws hook line and sinker. Do you ever have an original thought?

You’re not trying to say that Trump’s performance at his rallies are an example of mental acuity and normalcy are you. Of course not. That’s why you deflect to Biden

Trump now makes Biden look like a Rhodes scholar
LMFAO again. I’m pointing to Biden’s lackluster performance because it applies plain and simple. You’re the one trying to deflect away from that pointless plain and simple. Trump will outdraw Biden at every event and the Dems will be in hard sell mode on “we are just practicing social distancing blah blah blah” trying hard to down play his lackluster image. And you’re doing that right here too cupcake!
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[No politics]

Father's day was awesome. Fished offshore with my regular group of fishing buddies. No, no masks.

Left dock at 4:45. Beautiful weather. Light winds. Seas calm. 75 degrees.

Set lines at 7:15. Didn't get touched until 11:30. First hit was a very large mako. Jumped once about 50 yards behind boat. Estimated 250 lbs+. Then took off, bit through mono leader after 5-10 minute fight.

Noon hooked up with 3 yellowfin. Landed 2. 40-45# class. My numb forearm afterwards a reminder that my desk job ain't no workout.

1 o'clockish another mako. Smaller, maybe 5 footer. Hit flatline, threw hook, hit shotgun, missed it, I let line freespool, it came back, hooked up, then bit through mono again.

2 o'clock hooked up decent white marlin, and our 21 year old resident pro landed and released it.

Back to dock, happy crew, rum punch, dressed tunas, dinner for crew tonight.

View attachment 288196
You should hit the OT thread with this one. You and MercyPercy would probably become lovers or something.
LMFAO Symone Sanders was getting quizzed by Chris Wallace on Biden’s lackluster draw this weekend and she completely ducked it. Here you’ve got a compliant sympathetic media outlet helping carry the water. When pressed the Biden campaign has no answer for the viability of the basement proof of life videos. He will answer and campaign or he will lose!
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LMFAO Symone Sanders was getting quizzed by Chris Wallace on Biden’s lackluster draw this weekend and she completely ducked it. Here you’ve got a compliant sympathetic media outlet helping carry the water. When pressed the Biden campaign has no answer for the viability of the basement proof of life videos. He will answer and campaign or he will lose!

Seems like Trump is doing all of Joe's campaigning for him. Frankly, it's no surprise Donny can't walk down a ramp properly given how many times he's shot himself in the foot.
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Seems like Trump is doing all of Joe's campaigning for him. Frankly, it's no surprise Donny can't walk down a ramp properly given how many times he's shot himself in the foot.
Should I waste time going to fetch the videos of Biden wandering off away from the black Tahoe and have to be herded back or can we just agree you still carrying water from the weekend and trying to draw attention away from your Alzheimer’s candidate?
Should I waste time going to fetch the videos of Biden wandering off away from the black Tahoe and have to be herded back or can we just agree you still carrying water from the weekend and trying to draw attention away from your Alzheimer’s candidate?

Fire away. Our canons are loaded with worse material.

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I’ve seen more people actually living out their lives much closer to Trumps take rather than Biden’s . We are just going to ignore that ?

Look you acknowledged except for customer requirements you neither social distance nor wear masks. You also have to acknowledge that “Trump’s take (Pence’s, too, since he’s up Trump’s a$$) is contrary to Pence’s Corona virus committee’s guidelines I.e., social distance and wearing masks in public

Trump, Pence and you are recognizing that you have a disregard for the safety of others by selfishly, irresponsibly and immaturely ignoring the guidelines. I believe your justification is that the guidelines infringe on your rights while not acknowledging that not adhering to the guidelines you are infringing on the rights of everyone you have contact with. Your core beliefs also seem forgivable when it come to the almighty buck. BTW the herd immunity precept has thus far failed.

I get it you don’t like to be told what to do. Adults set that notion aside when the good of all is at state.
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